Sunday, 5 July 2009

Thomas Stephens, SJ (1549-1619)

Note on names: Thomas Stephens has several variations to his name, among which:
Thomas Estevano. (Graesse 505)
Thomas Estienne Buston (Graesse 505)
Thomas Estienne de Buten (Graesse 505)
Thomaz Estevao.

I. Primary Sources

1.1 Manuscripts

Stephens, Thomas. The Christian Purana. (Devanagari script.) Marsden Collection Manuscripts. London: School of Oriental and African Studies. N.d.

Stephens, Thomas. Two unpublished letters of Stephens, his obituary notice and the Catalogues of the Goan Province in the Roman Archives of the Society of Jesus; the Codes Novitiorum 1565-1586 in the Archives of the Novitiate of the Roman Province.

1.2 Microfilms

Estevao, Thomas. Arte da Lingua Canarim. Goa, 1640. Marathi Samshodana Mandala, Mumbai 400 005.

Stephens, Thomas. The Christian Purana. (Devanagari script.) Marsden Collection Manuscripts. London: School of Oriental and African Studies. N.d.

1.3 Books

Estevao, Thomas. Discurso sobre a vinda de Jesus Christo nosso Salvador ao Mundo dividido em dous Tratados. Feito pello Padre Thomas Estevao, Inglez da Companhia da Jesus, Impresso em Rachol com Licenca da S. Inquizicao e Ordinario. No Colegio do Todos os Santos da Companhia de Jesus. Anno 1616. Second ed. Goa, 1649. Third ed. Goa, 1654.

Estevao, Thomas. Doutrina Christam em Lingoa Bramana Canarim, Ordenada a maneira de Dialogo para ensinar os mininos, Pelo Padre Thomas Estevao, Colegio de Rachol, 1622. Published Rachol: Press of St Ignatius College, 1640.

Estevao, Thomas. Arte da Lingua Canarim. Goa, 1640.

Estevao, Thomas. Doutrina Crista em Lingua Concani. Ed. Mariano Saldanha. Lisboa, 1945. (1954? See Sardesaya 40.)

Stephens, Thomas. The Christian Purana of Father Thomas Stephens: A Work of the 17th Century. Reproduced from Manuscript copies and edited with a Biographical Note, an Introduction, an English Synopsis of Contents and Vocabulary. (Roman script.) 4th ed. Ed. Joseph L. Saldanha. Mangalore: St Aloysius' College, 1907. Pp. xci + 597. XB.

Stephens, Thomas. Phadara Stiphansakrta Kristapurana: Paile va Dusare. (Devanagari script.) 5th ed. Ed. Shantaram Bandelu. Pune: Prasad Prakashan, 1956. Pp. iv (non-numbered) + (15)+(96) + 1076. NO, UTC.

Stephens, Thomas. Kristapurana. (Devanagari script.) 6th ed. Ed. Caridade Drago, SJ. Mumbai: Popular Prakashan, 1996. (Pp. i-li + 907.)

"Estevano, Thomas." [Also known as Thomas Estienne Buston, or de Busten.] Graesse, J. G. Theodore. Tresor de livres rares et precieux ou Nouveau Dictionnaire Bibliographique. Dresde: Rudolf Kuntze, Libraire-Editeur, 1961. 2: 505.

1.4 Partial translations

Stephens, Thomas. Khrista-Janma, Tha. Stivansa Khristi Purana, Bhaga 2, Avesvaru 7 va 8. Ed. Bishop of Pune. Pune, 1933.

Stephens, Thomas. Kristace Duhkha va Marana, Tha. Stivansa Khristi Purana, Bhaga 2, Avesvaru 45-50. Ed. Bishop of Pune. Pune, 1934.

Stephens, Thomas. Kristace Punarutthana va Svargarohana, Tha. Stivansa Khristi Purana, Bhaga 2, Avesvaru 52, 58, 59. Ed. Bishop of Pune. Pune, 1934.

Ensaio historico da lingua concani. Ed. Cunha Rivara. Nova Goa, 1958. 83-126.

Records of the English Province of the Society of Jesus (1878). Ed. Henry Foley. 580-587, 614-621.

Joh Dindiger. P. Thomas Stephens und sein Purana. Die Katholischen Missionen 57 (1929), 100-103, 133-136, 162-167.

Joseph L. Saldanha. The Mangalore Magazine 3 (1905-1906) 168, 193-194, 233-234, 353-354.

M.J. Saldanha. O Oriente Portuguez 5 (1908) 396-405.

1.5 Extracts

Stephens, Thomas. Extracts from the Christian Purana. Ed. Cannon Joshi. Bombay, 1912.

Stephens, Thomas. Kristava Puranatali Vincona: Mula Sloka ani Konkani Tarjumo Atapata. Ed. Zuava Zuze Rega and Felis Pavala Norena. Experimental print. Mangalore: St Aloysius College, 1952. Pp. i-iv + 1-42. The following texts are represented: I.1.1-16; I.7.1-131; I.10.1-56; I.36.1-74; II.1.1-21; II.7.58.61-74; II.46.141-163.

II. Secondary Sources

Borges, Charles. "Stephens, Thomas (1549-1619)." Oxford National Dictionary of Biography. Oxford, 2000. ??: 482-483.

Malshe, S.G. Stiphansacya Kristapuranaca Bhasika ani Vangamayina Abhyasa. Doctoral thesis. Mumbai: Mumbai University, 1961. Unpublished.

Quadra, Benedetta. Il P. Tommaso Stephens, S.I. e il suo Purana Cristiano. Rome: Universita' degli Studi di Roma, 1943.

Deshapande, A.N. Pracina Marathi Vangmayaca Itihasa, vol. 4. Pune: Venus Prakashan, 1977.

Morje, N. Gangadhar. Kristi Marathi Vangamaya. Pune: Snehasadan, 1984.

Pinge, M. Yuropiyananca Marathica Abhyasa va Seva. Mumbai: Marathi Samshodana Mandala, 1960.

Dinginger, John. "P. Thomas Stephens und seine Purana." Die Katholischen Missionnen 57 (1929) 100-103, 133-136, 162-167.

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