Monday, 6 July 2009

Etienne de la Croix, SJ (1579-1643)

  • Discursos sobre a vida do Apostolo Sam Pedro em que se refuta os principaes erros do gentilismo deste oriente: e se declarao varios misterios da nossa santa Fe: com varia Doutrina Vtil e necessaria a esta noua Christandade. Compostos em versos em lingoa Bramana Marasta pelo Padre Estevao da Cruz da Com., Frances. Empressos em Goa na Casa Professa de Jesus com licenca da Sancta Inquisicao e ordinario e dos superiores. Anno de nascimento de Christo Senhor Nosso de 1634. Goa, 1629-1634. 
      • 2 vols. in folio. Vol 1: 10 preliminary leaves - 358 numbered leaves of text. Vol. 2: 283 leaves. 
      • Biblioteca Nacional, Lisbon: complete. Central Library, Panjim, Goa: defective and incomplete. Microfilm available with Marathi Samshodhan Mandala, Mumbai 400 005. 
      • Literature: Boletim do Instituto Vasco da Gama (BIVG) 30 (1936) 72-74. BIVG 32 (1936) 57-60. BIVG 37 (1938) 121. Boxer (1956) 10-11. Boxer notes: although the Lisbon copy has 1629 on the title page, the licences are dated 1632-1634, so the work cannot have been published until 1634. 
  • Priolkar, A.K. "French Author of a Marathi Purana, Fr Etienne de la Croix." Journal of the University of Bombay n.s. 29/2 (1959) 122-149. [Cited in Ludo Rocher, The Puranas. A History of Indian Literature, vol. 2, fasc. 3. (Wiesbaden: Harassowitz, 1986) 75.]
  • Priolkar, A.K. Goa Re-discovered. Bhakta Books International, 1967.
  • Priolkar, A.K. The printing press in India: its beginnings and early development, being a quatercentenary commemoration study of the advent of printing in India in 1556. Bombay: Marathi Samshodhana Mandala, 1958.
  • Meyer, Christian and Felix Girke. The Rhetorical Emergence of Culture. Berghahn Books, 2011.
  • Saradesaya, Manohara. A History of Konkani Literature: From 1500 to 1992. New Delhi: Sahitya Akademi, 2000. See esp. pp. 49ff.
  • Pereira, Antonio. The makers of Konkani literature. A. Pereira, 1982.
  • Thekkedath, Joseph. History of Christianity in India: From the middle of the sixteenth to the end of the seventeenth century, 1542-1700. Volume 2 of History of Christianity in India. Bangalore: Theological Publications in India, for the Church History Association of India, 1982.


  1. Do you know if it is possible to order a copy of this microfilm for a foreign library? Where is this microfilm located?

  2. I found the following address at as of 18 Feb 2011:
    Marathi Sanshodhan Mandal, Mumbai Marathi
    Granthasangrahalaya, Naigaum Cross Road,
    Dadar, Mumbai – 400 014.

  3. There are also copies at the Central Library, Panjim, Goa, and the Biblioteca Nacional, Lisbon, according to M. Saradesaya, A History of Konkani Literature: From 1500 to 1992 (New Delhi: Sahitya Akademi, 2000) 49.
