Monday, 6 July 2009

Henry Roth, SJ (1620-1668)


  • Grammaticca linguae Sanscretanae Brachmanum Indiae Orientalis (manuscript preserved at the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale in Rome).
  • Arnulf Camps, Jean-Claude Muller, eds. The Sanskrit grammar and manuscripts of Father Heinrich Roth, S.J. (1620–1668). Facsimile edition of Biblioteca Nazionale, Rome, Mss. Or. 171 and 172, Leiden, 1988. (includes a complete list of Roth’s surviving works and references to where parts of them have previously been printed).
  • 35 letters, written from India and during his travel back to Europe. Royal Library of Belgium, Brussels.

[From Stephen Neill,A History of Christianity in India, Appendix to Chapter 14, 418.]


  • A. Camps, OFM. "Fr. Heinrich Roth, SJ (1620-1668) and the History of his Sanskrit Manuscripts." ZMR 55 (1969) 185-195.
  • R. Hauschild. "Zur Inhalt der drei Handscriften Roths." ZMR 55 (1969) 195-202.
  • B. Zimmel. "Verzeichnis der Schriften, Briefe und Berichte Roths." ZMR 55 (1969) 203-205.
  • Arnulf Camps, The Sanskrit Grammar and Manuscripts of Father Heinrich Roth S. J. (1620–1668). Introduction. The History of his Sanskrit Manuscripts. In: Arnulf Camps, Studies in Asian mission history 1956-1998, Leiden/Boston/Köln, 2000, pp. 84–104.
  • Claus Vogel, Heinrich Roth, in: Neue Deutsche Biographie 22, 2005, pp. 106 sq. (German) online
  • Claus Vogel, The Jesuit missionary Heinrich Roth (1620–1668) and his burial place at Agra. In: Lars Göhler (Ed.): Indische Kultur im Kontext. Rituale, Texte und Ideen aus Indien und der Welt. Festschrift für Klaus Mylius.Wiesbaden, 2005, pp. 407–412.
  • Claus Vogel, An old letter from Surat written by German Jesuit Heinrich Roth. In: Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute 58, 1987, pp. 609–619.
  • Claus Vogel, Die Vorarbeiten des Jesuitenmissionars Heinrich Roth (1620–1668) zu einem Sanskrit-lateinischen Wörterbuch. In: Helmut Eimer (Ed.): Vicitrakusumañjali. Festschrift für Richard Othon Meisezahl anläßlich seines achtzigsten Geburtstages. Bonn, 1986, pp. 131–146. Shortened English version: Claus Vogel, The preliminary work done by Heinrich Roth (1620–1668) on a Sanskrit-Latin dictionary. In: Aligarh Journal of Oriental Studies 4, No. 1, 1987, pp. 69–74.
  • Bruno Zimmel, P. Heinrich Roths SJ Expedition nach Nepal. In: Jahrbuch des Historischen Vereins Dillingen an der Donau 70, 1968, pp. 64-78 (German).

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