Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Raimundo Panikkar (1918-2010)


F.H. Jacobi y la filosofia del sentimiento.
“Does Indian Philosophy Need Reorientation? The Recovery of its Theological Background for the Reorientation of Indian Philosophy.” Philosophical Quarterly 30 (1957-58) 188-199. Also in Phil. EW (April 1957) 23-28.
“The Integration of Indian Philosophical and Religious Thought.” The Clergy Monthly Supplement (Kurseong) (May 1958) 64-68. Also in Religion and Society 5 (June 1958) 22-29.
“Ishwara and Christ as a Philosophical Problem.” Religion and Society 6 (1959) 8-16.
Lettre sur l’Inde. Tournai 1963. Not in English.
“La demitologizzazione nell’incontro tra cristianesimo e induismo.” Il problema della demitizzaione. Archivio di Filosofia 19 (1961) 243-266.
“Nota al Padre Dhanis.” Archivio di Filosofia 19 (1961) 333-334.
“Indian Philosophy, an Introduction.” Philosophy Today 8 (Summer 1964) 110-117.
“Hacker, P., Magie, Gott, Persona und Gnade im Hinduismus (Comment).” Kairos 3 (1961) 112-114.
“Le fondement du pluralisme herméneutique dans l’hindouisme.” Archivio di Filosofia 30 (1962) 243-259.
Die vielen Götter und der eine Herr. Weilheim 1963.
“Sur l’hermeneutique de la tradition dans l’hindouisme.” Archivio di Filosofia 31 (1963) 342-364.
“The Hermeneutics of Hermeneutics. Reflections on the Hermeneutics of Tradition in Hinduism in view of a dialogue with Christian thought.” Philosophy Today 2 (Fall 1967) 166-183.
Kultmysterium in Hinduismus und Christentum. Freiburg 1964.
Religione e Religioni. Brescia 1964. Extract in English, given at Patiala, seminar on Guru Nanak [with possibly De Smet also participating], and available with Monchanin Information (December 1969) 2-10.
The Unknown Christ of Hinduism. London 1964.
Maya e Apocalisse. Roma 1966. Not in English.
The Trinity and World Religions. Madras 1970.
El Silencio del Buddha. Madrid 1970. = The Silence of God: The Answer of the Buddha. New York: Orbis, 1989.
The Trinity and the Religious Experience of Man. New York 1973, 1975. Rev. of the 1970 book.
Worship and Secular Man. London 1973, 1975.
The Vedic Experience: Mantramanjari. Los Angeles, Berkeley, London 1977.
The Intra-Religious Dialogue. New York 1978. Reprint Bangalore 1984.
Myth, Faith and Hermeneutics. New York 1979. Reprint Bangalore 1983.
The Unknown Christ of Hinduism: Towards an Ecumenical Christophany. London 1981.
The Vedic Experience. rev. ed. Pondicherry 1983.
Der Weisheit eine Wohnung bereiten. Munchen 1991. = A Dwelling Place for Wisdom. Louisville: John Knox 1993.
The Cosmotheandric Experience: Emerging Religious Consciousness. Ed. with intro by Scott Eastham. Maryknoll: Orbis, 1993. Delhi: MLBD, 1998.
La experiencia de Dios. Madrid 1994. = The Experience of God. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2006.
La pienezza dell’uomo: una cristofania. Milano: Jaca Book, 1999. The Fullness of Man: A Christophany. Delhi: ISPCK, 2006.
The Rhythm of Being. The Gifford Lectures. New York: Orbis, 2010.
The Water of the Drop: Fragments from Panikkar's Diaries. Delhi: ISPCK, 2018.

  • Amaladoss, Michael. "The Cosmic Christ: From J. Dupuis to R. Panikkar through T. de Chardin." Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 83 (2019) 192-206.
  • The Mystic Heart. http://www.kashi.org/wp-content/themes/kashi/docs/The%20Mystic%20Heart.pdf. p. 36. [Says that Panikkar was friends with Heidegger, and was instrumental in awakening Heidegger's interest in mysticism!]
  • Coelho, Ivo. “Panikkar’s Approach to Reality: Epistemological Foundations.” Raimon Panikkar: Being Beyond Borders. Ed. Johnson J. Puthenpurackal. Bangalore: ATC Publications, 2012. 108-130.
  • Puthenpurackal, Johnson J., ed. Raimon Panikkar: Being Beyond Borders. Bangalore: ATC Publications, 2012.

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