Prof. Felix Wilfred is currently Head of the Dept. of Christian Studies, School of Philosophy and Religious Thought, University of Madras, Chennai.
A) Books
1. Books Published
1. Margins: Site of Asian Theologies, New Delhi: ISPCK, 2008, pp. 368.
2. Dalit Empowerment, Bangalore: NBCLC Publication, 2007.
3. Felix Wilfred, Theologie vom Rand der Gesellschaft. Eine indische Vision, Herder, Freiburg 2006.
4. Sling of Utopia – Struggles for a Different Society, ISPCK, 2005.
5. Advertencia para los que viven, co-authored with Jon Sobrino, José I. G. Faus, Ignacio Ramonet e Leonardo Boff, UCA, San Salvador, 2005.
6. Asian Dreams and Christian Hope - At the Dawn of the Millennium, ISPCK, Delhi, 2003 (Revised Edition), xxvi+309 pages.
7. On the Banks of Ganges, ISPCK, Delhi, 2002, xiv+278 pages.
8. An den Ufern des Ganges, IKO Verlag, Franfurt a.m., 2001 (A Book in German. The book was released at the Frankfurt Book Fair in October 2001).
9. From the Dusty Soil - Contextual Reinterpretation of Christianity, University of Madras, Madras 1995, ix+356 pages.
10. Beyond Settled Foundations - The Journey of Indian Theology, Department of Christian Studies, University of Madras, Madras 1993, xvi + 288 pages.
11. Theologiegeschichte der Dritten Welt: Indien, (Felix Wilfred along with Dr. M.M. Thomas, former Governor of Nagaland) Chr. Kaiser, Muenchen 1992, 353 pages (a book in German).
12. Sunset in the East? - Asian Challenges and Christian Involvement, Chair in Christianity, University of Madras 1991, x+358 pages.
13. The Emergent Church in a New India, Tiruchirapalli 1988, viii+306 pages.
14. Credo Apostolicam Ecclesiam - A Theological Description of Apostolicity with Special Reference to Young Particular Churches, Tiruchirapalli 1986.
15. In Service and Fellowship. The Diocese of Kottar in Contemporary Times, Nagercoil 1983, 108 pages.
16. Thalirkum Pizhampugal (a book in Tamil), Tiruchirapalli 1982, viii+124 pages.
2. Volumes Edited
1. Identity and Community Consciousness, University of Madras, 2004
2. The Struggle for the Past - Historiography Today, Dept. of Christian Studies, University of Madras, 2002.
3. Being Church in Asia, edited along with ith J. Gnanapiragasam, Claretian Publications, Manila, 1994.
4. Verlass den Tempel - Antyodaya - indischer Weg zur Befreiung, Herder, Freiburg, 1988, 208 pages (A book in German).
5. Leave the Temple - Indian Paths to Human Liberation, Orbis Books, New York, 1992, viii+200 pages.
6. Theological Education in India Today, Asian Trading Corporation, Bangalore, 1985, xvi+152 pages.
7. Puthuyugathin Vidivelli (A book in Tamil), Tiruchirapalli 1981, viii+162 pages.
8. Ithai En Ninaivaga Cheiyunkal (A book in Tamil), Tiruchirapalli 1979, 222 pages.
3. A Selection of Journals Edited
1. Evil Today and Struggles to be Human, Concilium 2009/1 co-edited with Regina Ammicht-Quinn, Diego Irarrazaval and Marie-Theres Wacker.
2. Knowledge-Ethics for our Times, Jeevadhara January, 2009.
3. China and Christianity,Concilium, co-edited with George Evers and Edmond Tang, 2008/2.
4. Negotiations of Power – A Gender Perspective: Religious Power and Women’s Negotiations, Jeevadhara, Kottayam, vol.XXXVIII, No. 223, January 2008, pp.72 – 95.
5. Subalterns and Ethical Auditing, Jeevadhara, Kottayam, vol. XXXVII, No. 217, January, 2007, pp.05 – 23.
6. Christianity and Democracy, Concilium, co-edited with Susin, 2007/4.
7. Theology in a World of Specialization, Concilium, co-edited with Erik Borgman, 2006/2.
8. Christianity in Crisis, Concilium 2005/3, co-edited with Jon Sobrino.
9. Religion in the Digital Age: Religion and Theology in Information Society, Jeevadhara, Kottayam, vol.XXXVI No. 211, January, 2006, pp. 24 – 48.
10. Bio-Technology: Promises and Perils: Honour to the Dead and a Warning to the Living Coming to Terms with Tsunami, Jeevadhara, Kottayam, vol.XXXV No. 205, January 2005, pp.05 – 19.
11. Minorities in the Age of Globalization: Minority Rights and Minority Obligations: Some Theological Reglections, Jeevadhara, Kottayam, vol.XXXIV No. 199, January 2004, pp.65 – 77.
12. A Different World is Possible, Concilium 2004/5, co-edited with Luiz-Carlos Susin and Jon Sobrino.
13. Rethinking Martyrdom, Concilium 2003/1 (edited along with Jon Sobrino – Teresa Okure).
14. Higher Education and Christian Identity: Rethinking Christian Identity in Global Process: Implications for Asian Christian Higher Education, Jeevadhara, Kottayam, vol. XXXIII No.193, January 2003, pp.27 – 52.
15. The Struggle for the past: Historiography Today: Whose Nation? Whose History?, Jeevadhara, Kottayam, vol.XXXII No. 187, January 2002, pp.60 – 80.
16. Globalization and its Victims, Concilium 2001/5 (along with Jon Sobrino).
17. Communities and Identity-Consciousness: Christians Amidst Other Communities, Jeevadhara, Kottayam, vol.XXXI No. 181, January 2001, pp.69 – 85.
18. The Agenda of the Victims: The Poor Explore the Hopes for a New Century, Jeevadhara, Kottayam, vol.XXX No. 175, January, 2000, pp.07 – 28.
19. Frontier-Violations, Concilium (along with Oscar Beozzo), 1999/2.
20. People’s Space: Civil Society Today: Christianity – Interlocutor in Civil Society, Jeevadhara, Kottayam, vol. XXIX No. 169, January 1999, pp.54 – 74.
21. Judicial Activisim: Countering the New Avatars of Injustice, Jeevadhara, Kottayam, vol.XXVIII No.163, January 1998, pp.46 – 66.
22. Nationalism Vs Regionalism: Christianity and Regionalism, Jeevadhara, Kottayam, vol.XXVII No.157, January 1997, pp.54 – 70.
23. Hermeneutics of Religious Traditions, Theology Centre, Kottayam 1996.
24. Globalization or Peripheralization, Theology Centre, Kottayam, 1995.
25. Being Church in Asia Today, (Documents of the Theological Advisory Commission of the Federation of Asian Bishops Conferences), Felix Wilfred along with Dr John Gnanapragasam of Malaysia), Claretian Publication, Quezon City 1994, 140 pages.
26. Folklore and Quest for Justice, Theology Centre, Kottayam 1994.
27. The Politics of Culture, Theology Centre, Kottayam 1992, 88 pages.
28. Human Rights on the Cross, Theology Centre, Kottayam 1991, 88 pages.
29. On the Threshold of 1990’s, Jeevadhara, January, 1990.
30. Power and Its Ambiguities, Jeevadhara, January, 1989.
31. Nature and Human Survival, January, 1988.
32. The Unsung Heroines, Jeevadhara, January, 1987.
B) A Selection of Papers and Articles Published
Prof. Felix Wilfred has contributed articles to prestigious journals at the national and international levels. They include such journals as Development and Change (Madras Institute of Development Studies),Jeevadhara (Kottayam) , Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection (Delhi), Zeitschrift fur Missionswissenschaft und Religionswissenschaft, Jahrbuch Mission (Germany), Pacifica (Australia), Spiritus, Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions (France), Pro Mundi Vita (Belgium), Pro Dialogo, Archivio Teologico Torinese (Italy), CTC Bulletin - Bulletin of the Commission on Theological Concerns, Christian Conference of Asia, (Hong Kong), Ching Feng (Hong Kong), Asia Journal of Theology (Singapore), Seleccciones de Teologia (Spain), Communio - Revista Internacional Catolica (Portugal), Concilium (Holand, and now in Chennai). Given below is a list of his papers and articles:
1. “LOS ROSTROS DEL MAL EN EL CONTINENTE ASIÁTICO”, Concilium, 2009/1, Spanish version, pp.15-18.
2. “Knowledge Ethics for Our Times”, in Jeevadhara, January 2009.
3. “Mission, Christian Witness and Theological Education Today”, Bangalore Theological Forum, Vol.XL, No.2, December 2008, pp.143-158.
4. “Good Governance- The Struggle of Asian Societies What Can Christians Contribute?”,INFO for Human Development, July – December 2008.
5. “Glaubensaneignung im pluralistischen religiösen context Asiens. Zwei Fallstudien”, Theologie Interkulturell – Glaubenskommunikation in einer gewandelten Welt, 2009, German version, pp.143-156.
6. “Glaubensaneignung im pluralistischen religiösen Kontext Asiens. Zwei Fallstudien”, in Thomas Schreijaeck (ed.), Theologie Interkulturell – Glaubenskommunikation in einer gewandelten Welt, Schoeningh Verlag, Paderborn, 2008 pp.143-156.
7. “Asian Approaches to Catholicity. Some Theological Reflections in the Context of Post-Christianity”, in Theological Explorations. Centennial Festschrift in Honour of Josef Neuner S.J., ISPCK, Delhi 2008, pp. 173 – 188.
8. “Christological Pluralism: Some Reflections”, in Concilium, 2008/3, pp. 84-94.
9. “Pluralismo cristologico – Alcune riflessioni”, Concilium, 2008/3, Italian version, pp.108-121.
10. “Religious Power and Women’s Negotiations,” Jeevadhara, vol. XXXVIII, No. 223, Jan 2008, pp. 73-95.
11. “Asia And The Social Teachings Of The Church: Some Basic Reflections”, INFO for Human Development, January – March 2007.
12. “Ecclesia in Asia and the Challenges of Evangelization”, Dhyana, Journal of Religion and Spirituality, vol.7, No.2, Oct 2007, pp. 50-64.
13. “Significance of Jesus Christ for Asia”, East Asian Pastoral Review.
14. “Appropriation of Faith in the Religiously Pluralistic Context: Two Case Studies,” in Kuncheria Pathil and Mathew Paikada (eds) Indian Theology Seeking New Horizons, Bombay: St. Paul’s, 2007 (Festschrift for Manalel).
15. “Christianity and Global Democratic Process,” Concilium, 2007/4, pp.104-120.
16. “Religious Cosmopolitanism – Towards Reverse Universality”, Concilium, 2007/1, pp.112-122.
17. “Cristianesimo e cosmopolitismo religioso verso una universalita di segno opposto”, Concilium, 2007/1.
18. “Asia and the Social Teachings of the Church”, Vidyajyothi journal of Theological Reflections, vol. 71, No. 7, 2007, 485-510.
19. “Asia and Social Teachings”, Manila, OHD, Bulletin, 2007.
20. “Subalterns and Ethical Auditing,” Jeevadhara, vol. XXXVII, No. 217, January 2007, pp. 5-23.
21. “Jesus-Interpretation in Asia: Fragmentary Reflections on Fragments”, in East Asian Pastoral Review, vol. 43 (2006) No. 4, pp. 334 – 358.
22. “Asian Christianity And Modernity: Forty Years After Gaudium et Spes”, INFO for Human Development, January – March 2006.
23. “Religion and Culture for Social Amity,” 13th M. A. Thomas Memorial Lecture, 2006, Ecumenical Christian Centre: Bangalore.
24. “Theology in the Modern University: Whither Specilization?” Concilium, 2006/2, pp.24-32.
25. “Civil Society – A Site of Ambiguities: Implications for Christian Engagement today,” Vaiharai, Vol. 11, No. 2, July-Dec 2006, pp. 16-33.
26. “Jesus Interpretation in Asia: Some Fragmentary Reflections on Fragments,” Quest, vol. 5, No. 1, June 2006, pp. 1-24.
27. “A Different World is Possible” Concilium, 2004/5
28. “Do the Dalits Have a Culture? On a Precondition to Inculturality, in Elisabeth Steffens – Annette Meuthrath (eds), Utopia hat einen Ort. Beitraege fuer eine Interkulturelle Welt aus vier Kontinenten. Festschrift fuer Raul Fornet-Betancout, IKO Verlag, Frankfurt, 2006, pp. 163-172.
29. “Theology in the Modern University: Whither Specialization?”, in Concilium 2006/, pp. 24-32.
30. “India and China for a Subaltern Theology” in Ludwig Bertsch – Martin Evers – Marco Moerschbacher (eds), Viele Wege – ein Ziel Herasuforderungen im Dialog der Religionen und Kulturen ( Festschrift Georg Evers), Herder, Freiburg, 2006, pp. 43 – 58.
31. “The Galileans of the South: ‘The Untouchables’ at the Margins”, in Werner G. Jeanrond – Andrew D. H. Mayes, Recognising the Margins. Developments in Biblical and Theological Studies (Essays in Honour of Sean Freyne), The Columba Press, Dublin, 2006, pp. 229 – 250.
32. “Religion and Theology in Information Society” in Jeevadhara, January, 2006, pp. 24 – 48.
33. “Neo-colonialism – Asian Experience”, in Raul Fornet-Bettancourt (ed.), Nue Kolonalismen in den Nor-Sued Beziehungen, IKO Verlag, Frankfurt, 2005, pp. 231-248.
34. “Theological Engagement in Northeast Asia: Comments and Reflections of a South Asian”, in Quest vol. 4, no. 1 (2005), pp. 107 – 116.
35. “Towards Liberative Social Sciences: Dialogues with Liberation Theology”, in Creative Social Research. Rethinking Theories and Methods”, Lexington Books, Aanham – New York – Toronto – Oxford, 2004, pp. 57 – 81.
36. “Searching for David’s Sling: Tapping the Local Resources of Hope”, in Concilium 2004/5, pp. 85-95.
37. “Indian Theologies: Retrospect and Prospects”, in Robert Crusz – Marshal Fernando – Asanga Tilakaratne (eds), Encounters with the Word (Essays to Honour Aloysius Pieris)Ecumenical Institute for Study and Dialogue, Colombo, 2004, pp. 145 – 176.
38. “Minorities in the Age of Globalization – Search for New Trajectories”, Jeevadhara, vol. XXXIV, no. 199, 2004, pp. 5-31.
39. “Minority Rights and Minority Obligations – Some Theological Reflections”, Ibid., pp. 65-77.
40. “Interpretare Gesu Cristo nell’India contemporanea”, in Archivio Teologico Torinese, 2003/1, pp. 83 – 120.
41. “Martyrdom in Religious Traditions”, Concilium 2003/1, pp.75-83.
42. “Rethinking Christian Identity in Global Process: Implications for Asian Christian Higher Education”, Jeevadhara, January 2003, pp.27 – 52.
43. “Religions Face to Face with Globalisation: Some Reflections Against the Asian Background”, INFO for Human Development, November – December 2002.
44. “Higher Education and Christian Identity”, Jeevadhara, 2003.
45. “Jesus-Interpretation in Asia”, in Vaiharai (A Theological Quarterly), 7 (2002), pp. 3 – 19.
46. “Whose Nation? Whose History”, in The Struggle for the Past - Historiography Today, Dept. Christian Studies, University of Madras, 2002, pp. 71 – 96.
47. “Christians Amidst Other Communities”, INFO for Human Development, May – June 2001.
48. “Nationalism in a New Avatar and Challenges to Christianity: Rethinking Nationalism with the Poor”, Vaiharai, A Theological Quarterly, Vol.6, No. 3&4, 2001. pp.120-145.
49. “A Vision for the New Century”, in A Vision of Mission in the New Millennium (Proceedings of the Research Seminar), Bombay 2001, 83 – 114.
50. “Christians Amidst Other Communities”, Jeevadhara, January 2001, pp.69 – 85.
51. “Globalisation and its Victims”, Concilium, 2001/5.
52. “Religions as Agents of Hope: Challenge of the New Millennium - Some Reflections from the Asian Context”, in Convergence, April 2001, pp. 30 – 43.
53. “Nationalism and Religion: Ambiguities and Conflicts”, in Jeevadhara, July September, 2001, pp. 255 – 278.
54. “Guest Editorial” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection vol. 64, no. 1, January 2000, pp.3-9.
55. “The Agenda of the Victims - The Poor Explore the Hopes for a New Century”, in Jeevadhara 30 (2000), pp. 7 – 28.
56. “Asia and Human Rights in the Age of Globalisation”, in Vaiharai (A Theological Quarterly), 5(2000), No. 1, pp. 34 – 50.
57. “On Theology in Third Millennium”, in Raul Fornet-Betancourt (ed.), Theologie im III. Millennium – Quo Vadis? Antworten der Theologen. Dokumentation einer Weltumfrage, IKO Verlag, Frankfurt, 2000, pp.298-301
58. “Our Neighbours and Our Christian Mission: Deconstructing Mission without Destroying the Gospel”, in The People of God Among All God’s Peoples: Frontiers in Christian Mission (Report from a Theological Roundtable sponsored by the Christian Conference of Asia and the Council of World Mission), Hong Kong, 2000, pp. 78 – 100.
59. “What is Wrong with “Rice-Christians”? Well Being as Salvation – A Subaltern Perspective”, in Third Millennium - Indian Journal of Evangelization, 2000, pp. 6 – 18.
60. “Identity: Suppressed, Alienated and Lost”, in Concilium 2000/2 pp. 31-38.
61. “Postmodernism and Critical Theory - Implications for the Third World Societies”, in Indian Philosophical Annual vol. 22 , (1999 – 2000), pp. 62 – 81.
62. “Zum besseren Verstaendnis der asiastischen Theologie. Einige grundlegende Probleme”, in Neue Zeitschrift fuer Missionswissenschat, 1999/2, pp. 83 – 106.
63. “The Shifting Asian Socio-political Scene and its Implications for Christian Engagement”, in Michael T. Seigel, A Church on the Threshold (Proceedings of the SEDOS Symposium to Accompany the Asian Synod), Rome, 1998, pp. 109 - 126.
64. “Liberation Theology and Social Sciences”, in Development and Change, vol. 4, No. 1(1999), pp.121-148.
65. “Asiastische Theologie an der Wende zum neuen Jahrhundert”, EMW Informationen, Evangelishes Missionswerk in Deutschland, Februarr, 1999, pp.5 – 22.
66. “Facing the Challenge of Secularism”, in Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection, 63 (1999), pp. 170- 177.
67. “The Margins – the Site of God’s Visitation”, in Third Millennium (Indian Journal of Evangelization), 1999 October – December, 110 – 117.
68. “Christianity – Interlocutor in Civil Society”, in Jeevadhara, 1999, pp. 54 – 74.
69. “Universale Ethische Normativitaet, Tradition und Toleranz. Eine indische Perspektive” (a paper presented at the University of Bonn, GerMany) in Gerhard Hoever (ed), Verbindlichkeit unter den Bedingugnen der Pluralitaet, Verlag Dr. Kovac, Hamburg, 1999, pp. 179-197.
70. “The Shifting Asian Socio-political Scene and Its Implications for Christian Engagement”, in Michael T. Seigel, A Church on the Threshold (Proceedings of the SEDOS Symposium to Accompany the Asian Synod), Rome, 1998, pp. 109 - 126.
71. “Countering the New Avatars of Injustice”, Jeevadhara, January 1998, pp.46 – 66.
72. “Subaltern Religious Experience” in Dharma Vol. XXIII (1998) 57-75.
73. “Human Rights or the Rights of the Poor? Redeeming Human Rights from its Contemporary Inversions” article accepted for publication in the October 1998 issue of Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflections, 1998.
74. “Christianity in Hindu Polytheistic Structural Mould - Converts in Southern Tamilnadu Respond to an Alien Religion during the ‘Vasco da Gama Epoch’”, in Archives de Sciences Sociales des Reloigions, 43 (1998), pp. 67- 84.
75. “Drawing a Deep Breath: Roman Catholic Mission Perspectives and the Asian Experience Since Vatican II”, in Philip L. Wickeri, The People of God Among All God’s Peoples: Frontiers in Christian Mission (Report from a Theological Roundtable Sponsored by the Christian Conference of Asia and the Council of World Mission, November 11 – 17, 1999, pp. 242 – 288.
76. “Towards a Better Understanding of Asian Theology - Some Basic Issues”, Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 62 (1998), pp. 890 – 915.
77. “Christianity and Regionalism”, in Jeevadhara, vol. 27 (1997), pp. 54-75.
78. “No Salvation outside Globalisation?”, in INFO (Manila), vol.23 (1997), Nos. 2&3, pp. 2-7.
79. “Asien und die Befreiungstheologie”, in Raul Fornet-Betancourt(ed.), Befreiungstheologie: Kritischer Rueckblick und Perspektiven fuer die Zukunft, vol. I, Matthias-Gruenewald Verlag, Mainz, 1997, pp. 158 - 175.
80. “Church’s Commitment to the Poor in the Age of Globalization”, in Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection.
81. “Towards a Subaltern Hermeneutics”, Voices from the Third World (EATWOT), 1996/2, pp. 128 – 148.
82. “Why a Theology of Harmony”, in Ein Glaube in vielen Kulturen, IKO Verlag, Frankfurt, 1996, pp. 159 - 185.
83. “Die Konturen kontextueller Theologien aus der Dritten Welt”, in Jahrbuch fuer Kontextuelle Theologien 96, IKO Verlag, Frankfurt, 1996, pp. 157 - 173.
84. “Towards a Subaltern Hermeneutics. Beyond Contemporary Polarities in the Interpretation of Religious Traditions”, in Jeevadhara, January 1996, pp. 45 - 62.
85. “Zu einem planetarishen oekologischen Ethos”, in: Hans Kessler (ed.), Oekologisches Weltethos im Dialog der Kulturen und Religionen, Wissenschaftliche Buchgessellshaft, Darmstadt, 1996, pp. 67-78.
86. “Inter-religious Dialogue as a Political Question”, in: Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection, vol. 60, No. 6 (1996), pp. 361-374.
87. “Asia and Liberation Theologies”, in: Yearbook of Contextual Theologies, Aachen, 1995, pp. 141 - 164.
88. Vision and Orientation of the Department of Christian Studies (Address delivered at the official inauguration of the Department of Christian Studies, University of Madras, in the presence of Mother Teresa), Madras, 1995.
89. “Interkulturelle Begegnung statt Inkulturation”, in Jahrbuch Mission, Hamburg 1995, pp. 114-133.
90. “Kulturelle Identitaet und Entwicklung - Kritische Reflexion ueber Kultur und menschliche Entwicklung mit besonderer Beruecksichtigung der Kirche”, in Die Venunft in den Kulturen - Das Menschenrecht auf Kultureigene Entwicklung, IKO Verlag fuer Interkulturelle Kommunikation, Frankfurt 1995, pp. 197 –222.
91. “Soziale Institutionen und Protestbewegungen in Indien - zu einer alternativen, im Lande selbst begruendeten sozio-politischen Konzeption und Praxis”, in Die Venunft in den Kulturen - Das Menschenrecht auf Kultureigne Entwicklung, IKO Verlag fuer Interkulturelle Kommunikation, Frankfurt 1995, pp. 223 - 245.
92. “New Stirrings in Post-Colonial Indian Christianity and their possible Implications for Indian Thought and Praxis”, in Christian Contribution to Indian Philosophy, ed. by Anand Amaladass, Christian Literature Society, Madras 1995.
93. “Tentative Reflections on the Language of Christian Uniqueness: An Indian Perspective”, (1994) in Pro Dialogo, Vatican, Nos 85-86, 1994/1, pp. 40-57; the same article published in India, in Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection, Delhi.
94. “Liberating Dialogue: An Indian Perspective”, in Dharma, vol. 19, no. 3, July – Sept. 1994, pp. 235 – 247.
95. “The Dalits of India and their Struggle for Liberation” (1994) in L’Eglise d’ Asie (a French journal published from Paris), No. 6, 1994, pp. 1-14.
96. “The Language of Human Rights - An Ethical Esperanto?”, in Frontiers in Asian Christian Theology - Emerging Trends, ed. by R.S. Sugirtharajah, Orbis Books, New York 1994, pp. 206-220.
97. “The Post-modern with Teeth: Opportunity for a Creative Western Theology”, in Inkulturation und Kontextualitaet (a multi-language volume in honour of Prof. Ludwig Bertsch), Frankfurt, 1994, pp. 321-332.
98. “Die Sprache der Menschenrechte- Ein ethisches Esperanto?”, (an article in German), in Universale Menschenrechte im Wiederspruch der Kulturen, ed. by Johannes Hoffmann, Frankfurt 1994, pp. 149-178.
99. “Die Option fuer die Armen und die Optionen der Armen”, (an article in German), in Universale Menschenrechte im Wiederspruch der Kulturen, ed. by Johannes Hoffmann, Frankfurt 1994, pp. 149-178, pp. 179-199.
100. “Ecumenism as a Movement of Justice: Focus on Asia”, Vidyajyoti, Vol.58, No.9, 1994. pp.573-583.
101. “Asien: Theologie”, in Lexikon fur Theologie und Kirche, 3rd ed. (an internationally acclaimed standard theological lexicon in German with 26000 articles contributed by 4150 renowned authors), vol. 1, Herder Verlag, Freiburg, 1993, cols 1071 - 1073.
102. “Amalorpavadass” (1993) in the above lexicon, vol. 1.
103. “Towards a Theology of Harmony - Some Fundamental Reflections”, Yearbook of the Missiological Institute of Missio, Aachen, Frankfurt 1993, pp. 146-158.
104. “Indian Social Institutions and Movements of Protest” in Indian Theological Studies vol. 30 no. 3, September 1993, pp. 220-245.
105. “New Spiritual Foundations for a World in Conflict: Some Macro Perspectives”, in Jeevadhara, January, 1993, pp. 87 – 92.
106. “Some Tentative Reflections on the Language of Christian Uniqueness - An Indian Perspective” in Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection vol. 57(1993) pp. 652-672.
107. “Ecology as a human and ethical issue - Reflections from a third World perspective”, in Caritas India, New Delhi 1993 .
108. “The Politics of Culture - Critical Reflections on Culture and Human Development from a Third World Perspective”, Jeevadhara, 22 (1992) pp.59-80.
109. “Human Rights and the Mandal Movement - Towards a New Direction in Human Rights”, Jeevadhara, 21 (1991) 63-78.
110. “Paying Debts with Blood? Theological Reflections on the Third World Debt Crisis”, Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection, vol.55 (1991) 187-207.
111. “Die Option fur die Armen und die Option der Armen - Uberlegungen aus einer asiatischen Perspektive”, Zeitschrift fur Missionswissenschaft und Religionswissenschaft, 75 (1991) 257-273.
112. “Liberating Leadership - Towards Christian Leadership of Tomorrow”, Jeevadhara, 21 (1991) 282-299.
113. “Christian Leadership in India Today, with Special Reference to the Leadership of Religious Brothers”, Souvenir - The Fifth National Convention of Religious Brothers, Bombay 1991, pp. 13-28.
114. “Anthropologische und kulturelle Grundlagen fur Kirchlichkeit - Reflexionen aus asiatischer Sicht”, in Ludwig Bertsch (ed.), Was der Geist den Gemeinden Sagt - Bausteine einer Ekklesiologie der Ortskirchen, Herder, Freiburg 1991, pp.30-41.
115. “Die Vereinigung asiatischer Bischofskonferenzen (FABC) - Zielvorstellungen, Herausforderungen und Erfolge”, in Ludwig Bertsch (ed.), Was der Geist den Gemeinden Sagt, Bausteine einer Ekklesiologie der Ortskirchen, Herder, Freiburg 1991, pp. 148-167.
116. “Popular Religion and Asian Contextual Theologising”, in Jacques van Niewenhove and Berma Klein Goldewijik (ed.), Popular Religion, Liberation and Contextual Theology, Kempen 1991, pp. 146-157.
117. “Third World Tourism: A Pressing Theological Concern”, in T.K. John (ed.), Bread and Breath, Gujarat Sahitya Prakash, Anand 1991, pp. 237-254.
118. “Schulden Betalen Met Bloed? Theolgische Overwegingen Bij de Schuldencrisis van de Derde Wereld”, Wereld Brief, (September 1991) 7-20.
119. “On the Threshold of the 1990’s - Emerging Trends and Socio-Cultural Processes at the Turn of the Century”, Jeevadhara, 20 (1990) 57-71.
120. “Asia on the Threshold of the 1990’s. Emerging Trends and Socio-Cultural Processes at the Turn of the Century”, FABC Papers No. 55, Hong Kong 1990.
121. “Towards an Anthropologically and Culturally Founded Ecclesiology - Reflections from an Asian Perspective”, Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection, 54, (1990) 501-511.
122. “Pluralismo religioso e inculturacion cristiana”, Selecciones de Teologia 29 (1990), 119-123.
123. “Local Church: Practices and Theologies in India”, SEDOS Bulletin, 22 (1990), 87- 103.
124. “Fifth Plenary Assembly of FABC - An Interpretation of its Theological Orientation”, Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection, 54 (1990) 583-592.
125. “A Power that Pulls - Reflections on the Church and the Exercise of Power”, Jeevadhara, 19 (1989) 57-71.
126. “The Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences (FABC): Orientations, Challenges and Impact”, Pro Mundi Vita, No. 7 (January 1989) 11-17.
127. “Episcopal Conferences - Their Theological Status”, in Peter Fernando (ed.), Episcopal Conferences and Collegiality, CBCI Commission for Clergy and Religious, Madras 1989, pp. 3-26.
128. “Dialogue and Mission in Context”, CTC Bulletin, 3,3 (1989) 5-18.
129. “Asia and Western Christianity”, Pacifica - Australian Theological Studies, 2 (1989), 268-281.
130. “Dogma and Inculturation”, Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection, 53, (1989) 345-353.
131. “Dialogue Gasping for Breath? Towards New Frontiers in Inter-religious Dialogue”, in Living and Working with Brothers and Sisters of other Faiths, Hong Kong, 1989, pp. 68-86.
132. “Action Groups and Struggle for Justice: Ecclesiological Implications”, in Asia Journal of theology, vol. 3 Number 1, April 1989, pp. 237 – 259
133. “Zum Verstaendnis Jesu Christi in heutigen Indien” in Relativierung der Wahrheit? Kotextuelle Christologie auf dem Prueffstand (Quaestio Disputata 170), Herder, Freiburg, 1988, p. 77 - 105.
134. “Nature and Human Survival”, Jeevadhara, 18 (1988) 55-78.
135. “Der Befreiungsprozess in Indien und die Teilnahme der Kirche”, in Felix Wilfred (ed.), Verlass den Tempel - Antyodaya - indischer Weg zur Befreiung, Herder, Freiburg 1988, pp. 179-208.
136. “World Religions and Christian Inculturation”, Indian Theological Studies, 25, (1988) 5-26.
137. “Der Dialog ringt nach Luft: Auf dem Weg zu neuen Ufern des interrelgioesen Dialogs”, Zeitschrift fuer Missionswissenschaft und Religionswissenschaft, 72, (1988) 97-117.
138. “Inculturation as a Hermeneutical Question - Reflection in the Asian Context”, Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 52 (1988) 422-436.
139. “Episcopal Conferences - Their Theological Status - A Contribution to the Current Debate”, Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection, 52 (1988) 471-494.
140. “The Liberation Process in India and Church’s Participation”, Indian Theological Studies, 25 (1988) 301-333.
141. “A Asia e o Cristianismo Ocidental”, Communio. Revista Internacional Catolica, 5 (1988) 344-360.
142. “Weltreligionen und Christliche Inkulturation”, Zeitschrift fur Missionswissenschaft und Religionswissenschaft, 72 (1988) 205-220.
143. “Action Groups and the Struggle for Justice in India - Ecclesiological Implications”, The Ecumenical Review, 39 (1987) 291-309.
144. “Dialogue Gasping for Breath? Towards New Frontiers in Inter-Religious Dialogue”, Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection, 51 (1987) 449-466.
145. “Prophets en Terre Mystique - Laicat en Inde - Situation et Defis”, Spiritus, 28, (1987) 136-146.
146. “Some Heuristic Propositions on the Relationship of Christianity to Non-Christian Religions and Cultures”, Indian Theological Studies, 24 (1987) 220-229.
147. “Dialogue Gasping for Breath? Towards New Frontiers in Inter-religious Dialogue”, Ching Feng 30 (1987) 189-213.
148. “Three Nodal Points in the Theology of the Laity”, Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection, 50 (1986) 502-518 and 558-572.
149. “Faith without ‘Faith’? Popular Religion - A Challenge to Elitist Theology and Liturgy”, in Paul Puthanangady (ed.), Popular Devotions in India, Bangalore, 1986, pp. 594-613.
150. “Signe d’esperance: Les ‘groups d’action’ en Inde aujourd’hui”, Eglise et Mission, No.242 (June 1986) 17-34.
151. “Striking at the Root: A Holistic Vision for Today’s Tourism”, in Koson Srisang (ed.), Liberating Discovery - An Asian Enquiry into Theological Reflection on Tourism, Bangkok 1986, pp. 103-113.
152. “Ecclesial Communion and its Structural Expressions - Some Reflections on the post Conciliar Situation”, Word and Worship, 18 (1985) 227-234 and 238.
153. “In Search of India’s Soul: Theological and Pastoral Reflections on the Occasion of the visit of Pope John Paul II”, Indian Missiological Review, 7 (1985) 312-323.
154. “Harbingers of Hope - Action Groups in India Today”, Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection, 49 (1985) 539-563.
155. “Development works without Teeth?”, Indian Missiological Review, 6 (1984) 243- 248.
156. “A Matter of Theological Education - Some Critical Reflections on the Suitability of ‘Salvation History’ as a Theological Model for India”, Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection, 48 (1984) 538-556.
157. “Church, a Pillar of Truth”, in Jeevadhara, May 1984, pp.171 – 193.
158. “The Social Formation in the Seminaries in the Light of the Social Thinking of the Church”, in Peter Fernando (ed.), Socio-Pastoral Dimensions of Priestly Formation, Satprakashan Sanchar Kendra, Indore 1984, pp. 121-135.
159. “A Theological Study of the Historical Evolution of Structures in the Church”, in Gerwin van Leeuwen (ed.), Searching for an Indian Ecclesiology, Asian Trading Corporation, Bangalore 1984, pp. 103-148.
160. “Understanding Conversion in India Today”, Indian Missiological Review, 5 (1983), pp. 61-73.
161. “The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India - A Critical Review and a Look into the Future”, Word and Worship, 16 (1983) 199-207.
162. “Some aspects of the problem of Rites”, Jeevadhara, 13 (1983).
163. “Temptations of the Church in India Today”, Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection, 47 (1983) 320-333.
164. “The meaning of an article in the creed: ‘He descended into hell’”, Word and Worship, 15 (1982) 100-106.
165. “Church Founded by an Apostle or on the Apostles”, Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection, 46 (1982) 314-326.
166. “Evangelization in Perspective”, Christianity in India: Its True Face, The CBCI Commission for Evangelization, New Delhi 1981, pp. 33-45.
167. “The Social Orientation of the CBCI (1944-1980)”, in D.S. Amalorpavadass (ed.), The Indian Church in the Struggle for a New Society, Bangalore 1981, pp. 827-862.
168. “Theologie in Asien”, in Lexikon fur Theologie und Kirche (an internationally acclaimed standard theological lexicon in German) vol. I, cols 1071 - 1073.
169. “Towards a more personal dimension of family life in the Indian Context”, in Humanae Vitae 10 Years (1968-1978),
170. “Bishop: The Servant of Christ in the Church of God”, Double Silver Jubilee Souvenir, Thanjavur 1978. .
Besides articles to journals, Prof. Felix Wilfred has also contributed to:
1. The New Catholic Encyclopaedia, USA
2. Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche, Germany
3. Quaestiones Disputatae, Germany
4. Modern Theologians (Cambridge, U.K.).
5. Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity, Cambridge University, UK
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