Monday, 28 February 2011

Early Syrian Christian Literature digitised

180 rare Syrian Christian documents in the possession of Mar Aprem Mooken of the Church of the East have been digitized. The project was undertaken by the St Ephrem Ecumenical Research Institute, Kerala, headed by Mar Aprem, in collaboration with Kerala state's communist government adn the Central European University in Budapest.

Among these documents is a facsimile edition of the canon law practised by St Thomas Christians. (Mar Aprem said the original had disappeared 7 centuries ago.) The law was compiled by Metropolitan Abdisho Bar Brikha of Nisibis and Armenia, a province of the Church of the East, in 1291. Istva Prczel of the Budapest University edited the revived text.

("Ancient Texts get Digital Touch," The Examiner [Mumbai] 162/9 [26 February 2011] 20-21.)

A. Kroot

History of the Telugu Christians. Trichinopoly: St Joseph's Press, 1910. [Amaladass and Young 374.]

David Kopf

  • British Orientalism and the Bengal Renaissance: The Dynamics of Indian Modernization, 1773-1835. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1969. [Amaladass and Young 374.]

D.H. Killingley

  • The Only True God: Works on Religion by Rammohun Roy, Selected and Translated from Bengali and Sanskrit. Newcastle upon Tyne: Greevatt & Grevatt, 1982. [Check date. Amaladass and Young 374.]

Vans Kennedy

  • "Oriental Translations of the Scriptures." Asiatic Journal (n.s.) 4 (1831) 169-180. [Amaladass and Young 374.]
  • "Remarks on Dr. Mill's Sanscrit Renderings of Scripture Terms." Oriental Christian Spectator 2 (1831) 200-207. [Amaladass and Young 374.]

Edward James

  • Brief Memoirs of the late... John Thomas James, ... Lord Bishop of Calcutta. London: J. Hatchrd and Son, 1830. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 374.]

J.S.M. Hooper

  • Greek New Testament Terms in Indian Languages (A Comparative Word List). Bangalore: The Bible Society of India and Ceylon in association with The British and Foreign Bible Society, 1957. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 373.]

Nehemiah Goreh (1825-95)



  • Gopal, Samuel. "Some Reminiscences of the Late Father Goreh, S.S.J.E." Indian Church Quarterly Review 9 (1896) 52-60.

George Gispert-Sauch, SJ (1930- 2020)

From “Bibliography: Publications of George Gispert-Sauch, SJ.” Co-Worker for Your Joy: Festschrift in Honour of George Gispert-Sauch, SJ. Ed. S. Painadath, SJ and Leonard Fernando, SJ. Delhi: Vidyajyoti College / ISPCK, 2006. 314-325.


1. Books
  • Editor. God’s Word among Men: Papers in Honour of Joseph Putz, SJ, J. Bayart, SJ, J. Volckaert, SJ, and P. De Letter, SJ. Delhi: Vidyajyoti, Institute of Religious Studies, 1973.
  • Bliss in the Upanishads: An Analytical Study of the Origin and Growth of the Vedic Concept of Ānanda. New Delhi: Oriental, 1977.
  • Editor, with Michael A. Amaladoss and T. K. John. Theology in India: Selection of Papers Presented at the Seminar held in Poona on October 26-30, 1978. Bangalore: Theological Publications in India, 1981.
  • Editor, with Soosai Arokiasamy. Liberation in Asia: Theological Perspectives. Delhi: Vidyajyoti; Anand: Gujarat Sahitya Prakash, 1987.
  • Editor, with Julius Lipner. The Writings of Brahmabandhab Upadhyay. Bangalore: United Theological College, Vol 1: 1991; Vol. II: 2002.
  • With Leonard Fernando. Christianity in India: Two Thousand Years of Faith. New Delhi: Penguin/Viking, 2004.

 2. Articles

  • “The ‘Dogma’ of the Inerrancy of the Vedas.” Indian Ecclesiastical Studies 4 (1965) 79-92.
  • “Réflexion chrétienne sur le saccidānanda.” Bulletin Saint Jean Baptiste 7/2 (1966) 68-80.
  • “Theology of Revelation.” The Clergy Monthly 31 (1967) 301-305.
  • “The Bhṛgu-Valli of the Taittirīya Upaniṣad. An Early XVII Century European Translation.” Indica 5/2 (1968) 139-144.
  • “Muslims and Christians.” The Clergy Monthly 32 (1968) 533­-543; 33 (1969) 10-17.
  • “Knowing Christ in India Today.” The Clergy Monthly 33 (1969) 127­-130.
  • “The Prophet of Non-Violence.” The Clergy Monthly 33 (1969) 433­-448.
  • “Towards an Indian Christian Theology.” The Clergy Monthly 33 (1969) 547-551.
  • “Crisis in the Missions.” The Clergy Monthly 32 (1968) 533-543; 33 (1969) 10-17.
  • “Forum on non-Christian Scriptures in the Liturgy.” Word and Worship 2/6 (1969) 217-219.
  • “Gospel and the Newspaper.” The Clergy Monthly 34 (1970) 377­-387.
  • “Espiritualidad Budista.” Historia de la Espiritualidad: La Perfeccion Cristiana Vida y Doctrina. Barcelona: Juan Flors, ??. 587-659.   
  • “The Study of Religion.” The Clergy Monthly 35 (1971) 117-119.
  • “Towards an Indian Christian Theology.” The Clergy Monthly 35 (1971) 262-264.
  • “Catholic Pentecostalism.” The Clergy Monthly 35 (1971) 243-250.
  • “Indological Library Bulletin.” Indian Ecclesiastical Studies 10 (1971) 217-224; 11 (1972) 132-144; 268-283.
  • “The Trinity and Hinduism.” The Triune God, ed. J. Dupuis. Kurseong: St Mary’s College, 1971. 143-160 (cyclostyled).
  • “Sacrifice in Hinduism.” The Eucharistic Mystery, ed. J. Dupuis. Kurseong: St. Mary’s College, n.d. 131-147 (cyclostyled).
  • “The Sanskrit Hymns of Brahmabandhav Upadhyay.” Religion and Society 19/4 (1972) 60-79.
  • “Aurobindo, Teilhard and Theology.” The Clergy Monthly 36 (1972) 471-466.
  • “Grace and the Christian Call.” God’s Word Among Men, ed. George Gispert-Sauch, SJ. Delhi: Vidyajyoti, 1973. 167-182.
  • “Reflections for a Theology of Evangelization and Dialogue.” The Clergy Monthly 37 (1973) 170-183.
  • “The Church and World Religions.” Chapter X of The Christian Faith in the Doctrinal Documents of the Catholic Church, ed. Joseph Neuner, SJ and Jacques Dupuis, SJ. Bangalore: TPI, 1973 and subsequent editions.
  • “Biblical Inspiration as ‘Parama-Vyanjana’?’’ Research Seminar on Non-Biblical Scriptures, ed. D.S. Amalorpavadass. Bangalore: National Biblical Catechetical and Liturgical Centre, 1974. 136-152.
  • “Inspiration? Some Comments on a Recent Book.” The Monthly 38 (1974) 182-189.
  • “Bishops Today.” The Clergy Monthly 38 (1974) 451-455.
  • “Renewal Reaches the Confessional.” Vidyajyoti Journal Theological Reflection 39 (1975), 318-329.
  • “Sacred Scriptures in Indian Religions.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 39 (1975) 217-222.
  • “Sacred Scriptures in Indian Religions.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 40 (1976) 218-222.
  • “The New Divine Office.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 40 (1976) 349-355.
  • “Ignis inculturated: The first hymn of the first Veda.” Ignis 5/6 (1976) 16-17.
  • “Decree on Public Masses for Deceased Other Christians.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 40 (1976) 469-472.
  • “Exploring the Further Shore.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 40 (1976) 502-506.
  • “The Jesuit Foundational Experience: Spiritual Discernment in the Jesuit Constitutions.” Ignis 6/6 (1977) 2-11.
  • “The Catholic School.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 41 (1977) 459-468.
  • “A Theology for India.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 42 (1978) 46-47.
  • “Shankaracharya and our Theological Task.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 42 (1978) 348-355.
  • “Martin Buber, Theology and India.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 42 (1978) 423-428.
  • “St. Peter Walking on the Ganges.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 42 (1978) 468-472.
  • “The Churches in Dialogue with Religions.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 42 (1978) 92-98.
  • “Triennial Meeting of the ICTA.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 42 (1978) 234-235.
  • ‘‘The Dynamics of Cultural Pluralism and Worship-Patterns.” Journal of Dharma 3 (1978) 350-363.
  • “Why Religion?” Development of Personality, Vol. III, ed. R.H. Lesser. Delhi: The All India Association for Christian Higher Education, 1978. 14-20.
  • “What is Religion?” Development of Personality, Vol. III, ed. RH. Lesser. Delhi: The All India Association for Christian Higher Education, 1978. 21-28.
  • “Religion and Religions.” Development of Personality, Vol. III, ed. RH. Lesser. Delhi: The All India Association for Christian Higher Education, 1978. 29-37.
  • “Religion and Reason.” Development of Personality, Vol. III, ed. R.H. Lesser. Delhi: The All India Association for Christian Higher Education, 1978. 38-44.
  • “Hinduism.” Development of Personality, Vol. III, ed. R.H. Lesser. Delhi: The All India Association for Christian Higher Education, 1978. 45-53.
  • “Buddhism.” Development of Personality, Vol. III, ed. R.H. Lesser. Delhi: The All India Association for Christian Higher Education, 1978. 54-63.
  • “Christianity.” Development of Personality, Vol. III, ed. R.H. Lesser. Delhi: The All India Association for Christian Higher Education, 1978. 64-72.
  • “Islam.” Development of Personality, Vol. III, ed. R.H. Lesser. Delhi: The All India Association for Christian Higher Education, 1978. 73-82.
  • “Ambiguous Statistics.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 43 (1979) 189-191.
  • “A Theology of Education.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 43 (1979) 345-359.
  • “Christian Wisdom.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 43 (1979) 520-526.

  • “Bernadette and her Vision.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 43 (1979) 319-324.
  • “Ananda, Hedone and the Holy Spirit.” Indica 16 (1979) 83-102.
  • “In Praise of Litanies.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 44(1980) 481-486.
  • “Friends that Inspire: 20th Century Jesuit Lives in Recent Print. Ignis 9/5 (1980) 22-26.
  • “Indian Spirituality and Contemplatio and Amorem.” Ignis 9/6 (1980) 35-36.
  • “The 1980 Catholic Directory of India.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 45 (1981) 31-37.
  • “Infant Baptism.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 45 (1981) 132-137.
  • “Man and Woman in Christ.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 45 (1981) 396-399.
  • “The Vedic Experience.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological 45 (1981) 187-191.
  • “A Controversial Syllable.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 45 (1981) 232-238.
  • “The Book of Numbers.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 45 (1981) 498-503.
  • “Grace in the Visistadvaita Tradition: The Sankalpa-Suryodayam.” Divine Grace and Human Response, ed. C.M. Vadakkekara. Bangalore: Asirvanam Benedicine Monastery, 1981. 17-50.
  • “Reflections on my Experience.” Theologizing in India, ed. Michael Amaladoss, SJ, T.K. John, SJ and George Gispert-Sauch, SJ. Bangalore: TPI, 1981. 226-238.
  • “Wanted: New Priests for North India.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 46 (1982) 287-193.
  • “For a Theology of Literacy.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Reflection 46 (1982) 455-459.
  • “An Upanishadic Prayer for Advent.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 46 (1982) 499-508.
  • “Liturgical Instruction Questioned.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 46 (1982) 546-552.
  • “St Ignatius and the Buddha.” Ignis 9/2 (1982) 30-31.
  • “Contemplation for Obtaining Love: An Indian Text.” Ignis 9/4 (1982) 34-36.
  • “Inspiration and Extra-Biblical Scriptures: Some Tentative Propositions.” Indian Theological Studies 20 (1983) 16-36.
  • “The Lord’s Prayer in Sanskrit.” Indica 20/1 (1983) 1-12.
  • “Scholars and Globe Trotters: Lest we (Jesuits) Should Forget our own Indologists.” Ignis Studies 12/1 (1983) 32-34.
  • “The Pope and the Jesuits: Some Theological Reflections.” Ignis Studies 1/3 (1983) 20-33.
  • “The Laity Through the Centuries: An Apple-eye View.” Ignis Studies 1/4(1983) 38-43.
  • “Sharing Communion.” Word and Worship 17 (1984) 176-178.
  • “Erasmus and Ignatius: The Historical Sources of Discernment.” 13/1 (1984) 31-33.
  • “Krishna and Theology.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 49 (1985) 240-245.
  • “The Joy of God.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 49 (1985) 406-412.
  • “Theology of Religions.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 49 (1985) 465-474.
  • “Christians in the Census of India 1981.” The Examiner 136 (1985) 557-558; Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 49 (1985) 237-­240.
  • “Tibetan Christian Literature: Remembering a Centenary....” Ignis Studies 3/9 (1985) ??
  • “The Spirituality of Swami Abhishiktananda.” Ignis Studies 3/2 (1985) 41-47.
  • “Faith as Dialogue: A Saiva Perspective” In Spirit and in Truth, ed. Ignatius Viyagappa. Madras: Aikiya Alayam, 1985. 97-111.
  • “Notes for a History of the Bhagavad Gita.” Indica 22 (1985) 17-27.
  • “Tibetan Christian Literature.” Ignis Studies 3/9 (1985) 26-34. Reprinted with the Title “Desideri and Tibet,” The Tibet Journal 15/2 (1990) 29-39.
  • “The Synod’s Final Report.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological, Reflection 50 (1986) 103-108.
  • “The Press and the Papal Visit.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 50 (1986) 204-206.
  • “Vedic Sacrifice: Recent Studies and Theological Questions.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 50 (1986) 478-489,
  • “Commitment and Tolerance in Teaching of Religion.” Religious Pluralism and Co-Existence, ed. Wazir Singh. Patiala: Publication Bureau, Punjabi University, 1986. 61-73.
  • “The Concept of Person and Indian Thought.” Philosophy and Human Development, ed. Anand Amaladass et al. Madras; Satya Nilayam Publications, 1986. 27-44.
  • “To Give or to Refuse the Sacraments?” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 51 (1987) 374-377.
  • “St. John’s Nectar in Indian Flavour.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 51 (1987) 421-424.
  • “Document: Another Letter of the Pope to Akbar the Great.” Indian Missiological Review 9 (1987) 187-192.
  • “A Journal’s Journey through Fifty Years.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 51 (1987) 565-574.  
  • “Meditation on the Bank of the Yamuna.” Jeevadhara 17 (1981) 74-79.
  • “Dialogue in the Context of Indian Life.” Christian Concern for Dialogue in India, ed. C.D. Jathanna. Bangalore: The Mission Press, 1987. 20-47.
  • “Another Note for the History of the Bhagavad Gita.” Indica 24 (1987) 29-31.
  • “Viveka: Discernment in the Indian Tradition.” Ignis 16/3 (1987) 115-118.
  • “Viveka: Discernment According to Śaṅkara.” Ignis 16/4 (1981) 171-175.
  • “Stray Reflections on the Rosary.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 52 (1988) 549-552. Summarised in Reality: A Redemptorist Publication (Oct. 1989) 27-29.
  • “Liturgical Discipline with Growth.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 52 (1988) 586-587.
  • “BEM: The Catholic Response.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 52 (1988) 404-412.
  • “An Inquiry into the Upanishadic Prayer” Dialogue in Action, ed. Lars Thunberg et al. New Delhi: Prajna Publications, 1988. 179-213.
  • “The Great Teacher Ye-su.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 53 (1989) 569-572.
  • “Passport to the Temple of God.” Ignis 18/2 (1989) 67-71.
  • “Swami Abhishiktananda.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 54 (1990) 300-304.
  • “Meet Our Founder: Introducing Ignatius.” Ignis 19/4 (1990) 165-­170.
  • “A Pertinent Question.” Ignis 19/4 (1990) 181.
  • “Samuel Rayan: A Bibliography.” Bread and Breath: Essays in Honour of Samuel Rayan, SJ, ed. T.K. John. Anand: Gujarat Sahitya Prakash, 1991. 305-329.
  • “Soundings into the Hindu Tradition for a Theology of Religion.” Religious Pluralism, ed. Kuncheria Pathil. Delhi: ISPCK, 1991. 111-131.
  • “On Inter-religious Dialogue.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 55 (1991) 433-437.
  • “Pastores Dabo Vobis: Reflections on the Pope’s Exhortation on Priestly Formation.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 56 (1992) 356-363.
  • “Manifold Dialogue.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 57(1993) 173-180
  • “The Oldest Order of Nuns.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 57 (1993) 430-435.
  • “Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 57 (1993) 366-371.
  • “Teología de la liberación en Oriente.” Cambio social y pensamiento cristiano en América Latina, ed. José Comblin, José I. Gonzalez Faus, Jon Sobrino. Madrid: Editorial Trotta, 1993. 251-262
  • “Bless me Father….” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 58 (1994) 52-53.
  • “Gender Sensitivity.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 58 (1994) 394-395.
  • “The Christian Conference of Asia.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 58 (1994) 395-397.
  • Translator. “Vetruse, Lucia: Violence and Love.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 59 (1995) 616-618.
  • “Avatar and Incarnation.” Shabda Shakti Sangam, ed. Vandana Mataji. Rishikesh: the author, 1995. 41-42.
  • “The Main Doctrines of Christianity.” Shabda Shakti Sangam, ed. Vandana Mataji. Rishikesh: the author, 1995. 27-32.
  • “Mediators of the Divine.” Shabda Shakti Sangam, ed. Vandana Mataji. Rishikesh: the author, 1995. 48-49. 
  • “The Church in India.” Shabda Shakti Sangam, ed. Vandana Mataji. Rishikesh: the author, 1995. 66-72.
  • “The Concept of Morality, Sin, Law, Authority.” Shabda Shakti Sangam, ed. Vandana Mataji. Rishikesh: the author, 1995. 107-109.
  • “Mysticism of Action.” Shabda Shakti Sangam, ed. VandanaMataji. Rishikesh: the author, 1995. 124-126.
  • “El Cristo Asiático.” Sal Terrae 83/3 (1995) 173-185.
  • “A Basic Vazian Bibliography.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 59 (1995) 9-10; Indian Church History Review 29 (1995) 25-27.
  • “A Note on GS 22.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 59 (1995) 126-131.
  • “Iesus Sanskritizatus.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 60 (1996) 132-134.
  • “Vita Consecrata.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 60 (1996) 472-476.
  • “Purusartha and Kratvartha: Freedom and Structure in Ancient India.” The Dharma of Jesus: Interdisciplinary Essays in Memory of Fr. George Soares-Prabhu SJ, ed. Francis X. D’Sa. Anand: Gujarat Sahitya Prakash, 1997. 392-407.
  • “Notes for an Indian Christology.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 61 (1997) 757-764.
  • “Reflections around the Case of Fr Tissa Balasuriya.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 61 (1997) 122-125.
  • “The Lineamenta for the Asian Synod: Presentation and Comment.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 61 (1997) 8-17.
  • “Asian Theology.” The Modern Theologians, ed. David F. Ford. 2nd ed. Cambridge, Massachusetts / Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishers, 1997. 455-476.
  • “Fr J. Neuner the Writer: An Attempt at a Bibliography.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 62 (1998) 548-561.
  • “Christ and the Indian Mystical Tradition - Swami Abhishiktananda.” Jeevadhara 28 (1998) 193-206.
  • “Brahmabandhab Upadhyay: Theologian of Inculturation.” Third Millennium ?? (1998) 102-109.
  • “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam : Soundings into the Indian Contribution to Ecology.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 62 (1998) 920-929. Also in Spiritual Tradition, ed. David Emmanuel Singh. Delhi: ISPCK, 1998. 273-283.
  • “A Date to Remember.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 62 (1998) 938-939.
  • “The Apostolic Mission of Christian Schools.” Divyadaan 9 (1998) 257-274.
  • “Gems from India.” Series running in Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection from 63 (1999) to 67 (2003).
  • “An Important Publication.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 63 (1999) 447-449.
  • “My Father and Your Father.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 63 (1999) 538-541.
  • “The Pope’s Letter to Artists.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 63 (1999) 603-605.
  • “Stray Reflections on ‘Faith and Reason’.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 63 (1999) 144-151.
  • “Theological Method in Hinduism.” Vidyajyoti Journal Theological Reflection 63 (1999) 667-679.
  • “Logos or Christos? A Dialogue with Amaladoss.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 63 (1999) 429-434.
  • “Forgiveness, Solidarity, Indulgence: Some Personal Reflections.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 64 (2000) 592-597.
  • “The Declaration Dominus Iesus.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 64 (2000) 782-784.
  • “The Memory of Jesus and Eucharistic Remembering.” Body, Bread, Blood, ed. Francis Gonsalves, SJ. Delhi: Vidyajyoti / ISPCK, 2000. 32-47.
  • “La espiritualidad ignaciana ante las religiones (Reflexiones desde la India).” Manresa 72 (2000) 143-156.
  • “The Pope on the Third Millennium.” Vidyajyoti Journal Theological Reflection 65 (2001) 128-131.
  • “La teologia indiana dopo il Vaticano II.” Rassegna di Teologia 42/1(2001) 5-36.
  • “Two-Eyed Dialogue: Reflections after Fifty Years.” The Way Supplement 104 (2002) 31-41.
  • “S. Arokiasamy, Editor of the Vidyajyoti Journal.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 66 (2002) 563-566.
  • “Eschatological or Pāramārthika? Challenges and Prospects in the Mission of the Church.” Seeking New Horizons, ed. Leonard Fernando, SJ. Delhi: ISPCK / Vidyajyoti Education & Welfare Society, 2002. 288-302.
  • “Something Understood.” Faith in the Age of Uncertainty, ed. Sima Sharma. New Delhi: Indialog Publications, 2002. 15-20.
  • “Why only One Incarnation?” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 67 (2003) 382-384.
  • “Towards an Inner Reform of the WCC?” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 67 (2003) 65-69.
  • “Devotion to the Lord in the Light of the Bhakti Sutras.” Jeevadhara 33 (2003) 208-215.
  • “The Pope’s New Encyclical Letter on the Eucharist” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 67 (2003) 459-464.
  • “The New Protestant ‘Pope’.’’ Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 67 (2003) 853-854.
  • “Espiritualidad misionera desde el Asia.” Misiones Extranjeras 195 (2003) 317-322.
  • “Jacques Dupuis and Swami Abhishiktananda.” In Many and Diverse Ways, ed. Daniel Kendall, SJ and Gerald O’Collins. Maryknoll: Orbis Books, 2003. 146-157.
  • “Is the doxology the exclusive rite (right?) of the priests?” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 68 (2004) 779-781.
  • “The Fourth Parliament of Religions.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 68 (2004) 687-694.
  • “John Paul II: Christology, Dialogue, Mission.” Jeevadhara 35 (2005) 371-380.
  • “Brahmabandhab Upadhyay: A Forgotten Christian Freedom-Fighter.” Mission Today 7 (2005) 259-267; also Indian Journal of Spirituality 18 (2005) 44-54.
  • “A Sign of Hope: The Birth of EWA.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 69 (2005) 219-221.
  • “A new platform for dialogue?” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 70 (2006) 148-152.
  • “T.K. John, SJ.” Forum Weltkirche 125 (2006) 29-31.
  • “Forgiveness, Justice and Politics.” Wounded History, ed. John Chathanatt and Manindra N. Thakur. Delhi: Media House, 2006. 201-215.
  • “Thy Kingdom Come.” The Divine Shepherd’s Voice 4/1 (2006) 33-38.
  • “A Publishing Event.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 70 (2006) 391-393.


  • Fernando, Leonard. “A New Eye Opens New Vistas: The Person and Theology of Fr George Gispert-Sauch SJ.” Co-Worker for Your Joy: Festschrift in Honour of George Gispert-Sauch, SJ. Ed. S. Painadath, SJ and Leonard Fernando, SJ. Delhi: Vidyajyoti College / ISPCK, 2006. 16-24.
  • Painadath, S. and Leonard Fernando. “Bibliography: Publications of George Gispert-Sauch, SJ.” Co-Worker for Your Joy: Festschrift in Honour of George Gispert-Sauch, SJ. Ed. S. Painadath, SJ and Leonard Fernando, SJ. Delhi: Vidyajyoti College / ISPCK, 2006. 314-325.
  • Concessao, Vincent. “Foreword: Co-Worker for Your Joy: Festschrift in Honour of George Gispert-Sauch, SJ.” Co-Worker for Your Joy: Festschrift in Honour of George Gispert-Sauch, SJ. Ed. S. Painadath, SJ and Leonard Fernando, SJ. Delhi: Vidyajyoti College / ISPCK, 2006. ix-xi.
  • Painadath, S. “Preface.” Co-Worker for Your Joy: Festschrift in Honour of George Gispert-Sauch, SJ. Ed. S. Painadath, SJ and Leonard Fernando, SJ. Delhi: Vidyajyoti College / ISPCK, 2006. xiii-xv.
  • Rayan, Samuel. “A Dealer in Gems.” Co-Worker for Your Joy: Festschrift in Honour of George Gispert-Sauch, SJ. Ed. S. Painadath, SJ and Leonard Fernando, SJ. Delhi: Vidyajyoti College / ISPCK, 2006. 16-24.

Jean Filliozat

  • Bibliotheque Nationale Department des Manuscrits, fasc. 1: Catalogue du Fonds Sanscrit. Paris: Bibliotheque Nationale, 1941. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 373.]

Francis Ellis

  • "Account of a Discovery of a Modern Imitation of the Vedas, with Remarks on the Genuine Works." Asiatic Researches 14 (1822) 1-59. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 373.]

Mariasusai Dhavamony, SJ

  • "The Lord's Prayer in the Sanskrit Bible." Gregorianum 68 (1987) 639-670. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 372.]

Joseph Dahlmann

  • Missionary Pioneers and Indian Languages. Trichinopoly: Catholic Truth Society of India, 1940.

J. Castets

  • "Pioneers in European Sanskrit Scholarship." Indian Review 32 (1931) 345-351. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 372.]

Robin H.S. Boyd


  • India and the Latin Captivity of the Church: The Cultural Context of the Gospel. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1974. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 371.] 


Saturday, 26 February 2011

K.P. Urumese

  • Girigita. Trivandrum, 1974. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 370.]

Harshadeva Sharma

  • [with S. Hemraj.] Karunakariyam Upadesamrtam. Ranchi: Satya Bharati, 1987. [A translation into Sanskrit of the first epistle of St John, with a commentary in English. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 370.]

Ambrose Sureshchandra Roy

  • Khristayajnavidhi: The Ordo Missae in Sanskrit. Calcutta: Catholic Press, 1926. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 370.]

Thekkumcore Soma Varma Rajah

  • Sri Yesu Saurabham. [A Sanskrit kavya in 4 cantos containing 344 stanzas on the life of Christ.] 1974. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 370.].

Narayana K.P. Pisharote

  • Mahatyagi. [A Sanskrit translation of a Malayalam poem by M.O. Avara, an account of the passion of Christ comprising 163 stanzas.] 1976. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 370.]

F. Kittel

  • A Tract on Sacrifice: Yajnasudhanidhi. Mangalore: Basel Mission Press, 1872. [Sanskrit verses composed by the author are interspersed throughout the English text.] [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 368.]

Paul Hacker

  • "An Appendix to Materials on Indian Christology." Religion and Society 12/4 (1965) 1-15. [Includes the author's translation of the Athanasian Creed into Sanskrit. Appended to Richard De Smet, "Materials for an Indian Christology, ibid. 6-15.] [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 368.]
  • "The Christian Attitude toward Non-Christian Religions." Zeitschrift fur Missionswissenschaft und Religionswissenschaft 55 (1971) 91-97. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 373.]

Plakil Chacko Devassia

  • Kristubhagavatam: A Mahakavya in Sanskrit Based on the Life of Jesus Christ. Trivandrum: Jayabharatam, 1977. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 368.]

L.V. Deshpande

  • Sailopanisad. Nasik, 1962. [Sanskrit.] [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 368.]

I.C. Chacko (1876-1966)

  • Kristu Sahasranama. [Sanskrit.] Local magazines, Kerala,1914. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 368.]
  • Kristu Sahasranama. [In Malayalam characters.] Kottayam, 1980. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 368.]
  • Kristu Sahasranama. [In Devanagari characters, with a simple Hindi explanation by Ignatius Vellaringat, SJ.] Muzzafarpur: Bishop's House, 1986.[Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 368.]

NBCLC Bangalore

  • Bhajans: A Collection of Songs of Praise in Various languages Used at the National Biblical, Catechetical and Liturgical Centre, Bangalore. Bangalore: NBCLC, 1977. [For Sanskrit, see pp. 8, 13, 36-39, 42-43, 58-64.] [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 367.]

James R. Ballantyne

  • The Bible for Pandits: The First Three Chapters of Genesis, Diffusively and Unreservedly Commented in Sanskrit and English. London: James Madden, 1860. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 367.]
  • Christianity Contrasted with Hindu Philosophy: An Essay in Five Books, Sanskrit and English / Khrstadharmakaumudi. London: James Madden, 1860. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 367.]
  • Mukhopadhyaya, Brajalal. Khristadharmakaumudi samalocana. A Critical Review of Dr. J. Ballantyne's Khristadharmakaumudi. Calcutta: People's Press, 1894. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 370.]

Anonymous [19th century]

  • Paramesvaraprakasa. Unpublished MS in Sanskrit. N.d. 19th C. 83 folios. Bishop's College Archives, Calcutta. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 367.]
  • Sanskrit translations of sermons by Rev. Glenies of the Church Missionary Society. Grantham script. 19th C. 31 folios. Archives of the Asiatic Society of Great Britain. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 367.]
  • Sanskrit slokas on Christian Subjects. Jnanodaya [Marathi periodical, Bombay (now Ahmednagar)]. (1854) 214-215, 244-245, 297-298, 324-325, 344-345. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 367.]
  • Subodhasamskrtaslokah satikah. Easy to Understand Sanskrit Verses with Commentary. Calcutta: Calcutta Christian Tract and Book Society, 1868. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 367.]
  • Bhavisyottarapurana: Pratisarga 1.4.18-60 relates the story of Adam and Eve. Pratisarga 1.5.1-41 speaks of Noah's sons and the Patriarchs. Bhasvisyapurana III. 3.2.21-32 mentions a vision that the King Salivahana had of Jesus on the Himalayas. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 371.]
  • Catalogus coducum manuscriptorum Bibliothecae regiae, 1. Paris, 1739. Unpublished. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 372.]

William Hodge Mill

  • Decalogus. 1823. Archives of the United Society for the Proclamation of the Gospel, London. Accession no: C.Ind.I(6)33. [Amaladass and Young 368.]
  • Pratitivakyatrayam. Fidei Christianae, Symbola Tria. [Translations into Sanskrit of the Apostles' Creed, Niceo-Constantinopolitan Creed, Athanasian Creed.] Archives of the United Society for the Proclamation of the Gospel, London. Accession no: C.Ind.I(6)33a. [Amaladass and Young 368.]
  • [with H.H. Wilson.] Proposed Version of Theological Terms, with a View to Uniformity in Translations of the Holy Scriputres, etc., into the Various Languages of India. Part the First, Sanskrit. Calcutta: Bishop's College Press, 1828. [Amaladass and Young 374.]
  • Christa-Sangita [Srikhrstasangita], Or The Sacred History of Our Lord Jesus Christ in Sanskrit Verse. In four books. With Introduction by author. [14 cantos.] Calcutta: Bishop's College Press, 1831-1837. [Amaladass and Young 368.]
  • Srikhrstasangita. With Introduction by author. 2nd ed., 1834-1842. 383 pp. London: India Office Library. [16 cantos. Books I, III and IV are dated 1838; book II is dated 1834.]
  • Srikhrstasangita. The Indian Christiad: A Concise Anthology of Didactic and Devotional Literature in Early Church Sanskrit, ed. A. Amaladass and R. Young (Anand: Gujarat Sahitya Prakash, 1995). 196-327. [Sanskrit, on the Life of Christ. 10 passages selected and translated here.] 
  • [Anonymous.] "Tribute of the Pandits to the Rev. W.H. Mill, D.D." Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 6 (1837) 710-711. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 371.]
  • [Anonymous.] "Dr Mill's Reply to the Asiatic Society." Calcutta Monthly Journal (n.s.) 3 (1837) 721. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 371.]

M. Monier-Williams (1819-1899)

Studied under H. Wilson. Taught Sanskrit at Haileybury College before becoming Boden Professor of Sanskrit. [Doyle (2006) 85-86.]

  • The Study of Sanskrit in Relation to Missionary Work in India. London: Oxford University Press, 1860.
  • A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1899. 
  • "Boden Professorship of Sanskrit at Oxford." Asiatic Journal (N.S.) 7 (1832) 246-248. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 370.]

John Muir (1810-1882)

Muir served in the Indian Civil Service with his brother William for many years before returning to Edinburgh to set up a chair of Sanskrit at the University of Edinburgh. William took up Arabic and Islamic studies and became principal of Edinburgh University. [Doyle (2006) 85.]

  • Manasadharmadipika. N.d. Not published. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 375.]
  • "The Claims of Sungskrit [sic] etc., on the Attention of the Friends of Education." Friend of India (weekly series) 3 (1837) 188. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 375.]
  • "Dr. Mill's Christa Sangita - Book IV." Christian Intelligencer 8 (1838) 180-182. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 375.]
  • "On the Use to Which the Pseudo Vedas Written by the Roman Catholic Missionaries Might Be Turned for the Refutation of Hindu Errors." Calcutta Christian Observer 7 (1838) 506-508. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 375.]
  • "The Importance of Missionaries Studying the Higher Branches of Hindu Literature and the Sanskrit Language." Christian Intelligencer 8 (1838) 376-377. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 375.]
  • "The Importance of the Study of Sanskrit." Calcutta Christian Observer 7 (1838) 372-373. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 375.]
  • Nutnodantodotsa: The Fountain of Water of Fresh Intelligence: A Description of England. Calcutta: Bishop's College Press, 1839. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 375.]
  • Matapariksa: A Sketch of the Argument for Christianity Against Hinduism. Calcutta: Bishop's College Press, 1839. [Critique of Hindu philosophy from a Christian perspective.] [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 369.]
  • Matapariksa: A Sketch of the Argument for Christianity Against Hinduism. Thoroughly revised, 1840. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 369.]
  • Itihasadipika: A Sketch of the History of India. Calcutta: Bishop's College Press, 1840. [Based on H.H. Wilson's Manual of History and Chronology. Muir added to it his own account of Christianity in India and a critique of Hinduism.] [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 369.]
  • Papamocaniyayatharthopayapradarsanam: The Inefficiency of the Ganges to Wash Away Sin, with a Statement of the True Atonement, etc. Calcutta: Baptist Mission Press, 1840. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 369.]
  • Sarmapaddhatih: The Way of True Happiness: A Sketch of the True Theory of Human Life. London: Richard Watts, 1841. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 369.]
  • Considerations on Religion, Its Nature, Effects, the Steps of its Progress, and the Obstacles to its Practice; Addressed to the Cultivated Classes of Society. Edinburgh: R. Grant, 1842. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 375.]
  • "Conciliation in Matters of Religion." Church of England Quarterly Review 24 (1843) 86-112. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 375.]
  • Vyavaharalokah: Brief Lectures on Mental Philosophy and Other Subjects. Allahabad: Presbyterian Mission Press, 1845. [Christianity in relation to European philosophy and Hinduism, all in Sanskrit.] [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 369.]
  • IsvaroktasastradharaThe Course of Divine Revelation: A Brief Outline of the Communication of God's Will to Man, and of the Evidences and Doctrines of Christianity with Allusions to Hindu Tenets. Calcutta: Baptist Mission Press, 1846. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 369.]
  • Sripaulacaritram: A Short Life of the Apostle Paul, with a Summary of Christian Doctrine, as Unfolded in His Epistles. Calcutta: Encyclopedia Press, 1848. [In later editions, this was known as Sriyesukhrstapreritapaulacaritram.] [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 369.]
  • Sriyesukhrstamahatmyam: The Glory of Jesus Christ: A Brief Account of Our Lord's Life and Doctrines. Calcutta: Ostell and Lepage, 1848. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 369.]
  • "On Learned Missionaries." The Missionary [Calcutta] 2 (1852) 155-156. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 375.]
  • Matapariksa: A Sketch of the Argument for Christianity Against Hinduism. Thoroughly revised, 1852-54. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 369.]
  • Paramatmastavah: A Christian Hymn in Sanskrit Verse and Hindee Prose. Allahabad: Allahabad Mission Press, 1853. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 369.]
  • Reasons for the Establishment of a Sanskrit Chair in the University of Edinburgh. Edinburgh: Thomas Constable, 1860.
  • A Brief Examination of Prevalent Opinions on the Inspiration of the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. London: Longman, Green, Longman and Roberts, 1861. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 376.]
  • Original Sanskrit Texts on the Origin and History of the People of India. 5 vols. London: Trubner, 1868-73.
  • "Introduction." Abraham Keunen, Prophets and Prophecy in Israel, with an Introduction by John Muir. London: Longmans, Greene, and Co., 1877. [Amaladass and Young 374.]
  • Metrical Translations from Sanskrit Writers with an Introduction, Many Prose Versions, Parallel Passages from Classical Authors. London: Trubner, 1879. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 376.]
  • IsvaroktasastradharaThe Course of Divine Revelation. The Indian Christiad: A Concise Anthology of Didactic and Devotional Literature in Early Church Sanskrit. Ed. A. Amaladass and R. Young. Anand: Gujarat Sahitya Prakash, 1995. 328-337.
  • Matapariska. Book II, pp. 1-2, 7. The Indian Christiad: A Concise Anthology of Didactic and Devotional Literature in Early Church Sanskrit. Ed. A. Amaladass and R. Young. Anand: Gujarat Sahitya Prakash, 1995. 338-341.
  • Paramatmastavah. Matapariksa, Book II, pp. 225-235. The Indian Christiad: A Concise Anthology of Didactic and Devotional Literature in Early Church Sanskrit. Ed. A. Amaladass and R. Young. Anand: Gujarat Sahitya Prakash, 1995. 342-361.
  • Nistaramargadipika: A Light for the Way of Salvation. Unpublished MS, n.d. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 368.]
  • Srividyacamatkarika. Unpublished MS, n.d. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 368.]

William Ward (1769-1832)

Co-founder of Serampore College. [Doyle (2006) 84-85.]

  • A View of the History, Literature and Mythology of the Hindoos. London: Kingsbury, Parbury, Allen and Co., 1822.

  • Potts, E. Daniel. British Baptist Missionaries in India, 1793-1837: The History of Serampore and its Missions. London: Cambridge University Press, 1967. 

Joshua Marshman (1768-1837)

Co-founder of Serampore College. [Doyle (2006) 84-85.]

  • Works of Confucius to Which is Prefixed a Dissertation of Chinese Language and Character. Serampore: Mission Press, 1809.
  • [Translation of Bible into Chinese.] 

  • Marshman, John Clark. The Life and Times of Carey, Marshman and Ward. 1859.
  • Chatterjee, Sunil Kumar. John Clark Marshman: A Trustworthy Friend of India. 2001.
  • The Council of Serampore College. The Story of Serampore and its College. 2006.

Bartholomaus Ziegenbalg (1682-1719)

Most prominent Lutheran missionary in Tranquebar.

  • Genealogie der malabarischen Gotter. Ed. W. German. Madras, 1867. 
  • Ausfuhrliche Beschreibung des malabarischen Heidentums. Ed. W. Caland. Amsterdam, 1926. 
  • Lehmann, E. It Began at Tranquebar. Madras: Christian Literature Society, 1956.
  • Gensichen, G. "Bartholomaus Ziegenbalg." Biographical Dictionary of Christian Missions. Ed. G. Anderson. New York: Macmillan, 1998. 

Abraham Roger (d. 1649)

Roger was the first scholar ever to publish a Sanskrit text. He prepared an edition of the poems of Bhartrhari. His translation was published posthumously in Leiden in 1651 as an appendix to his work De Open Deure tot hen verborgen Heydendom, which was a reflection upon his time in South India. [Raymond Schwab, The Oriental Renaissance: Europe's Rediscovery of India and the East, 1680-1880 (New York: Columbia U. P., 1984) 138-140, cited in Doyle (2006) 84.]

De Open Deure tot hen verborgen Heydendom. [Appendix: translation of the Poems of Bhartrhari.]

Thursday, 24 February 2011

P. Bartholomaeo (1749-1806)

P. Bartholomaeo wrote a Sanskrit grammar, as well as treatments of vyakarana and Brahmanical religion.

  • Dissertation on the Sanskrit Language. Tr. by Ludo Rocher of the introduction of Bartholomaeo's grammar, along with a short assessment of his accomplishments. Amsterdam: Studies in the History of Language Sciences, 1977. [See Doyle (2006) 83, and note 5.]

Joseph Tieffentaller, SJ (1710-1785)

Jesuit missionary to the Hindustan who produced scholarly studies of Hindustani religion, geography, and history.


  • J. Wicki. "Joseph Tieffentaller." New Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1967. 14:152. 

J.F. Pons, SJ

Pons wrote knowledgeably about the classical systems of Indian philosophy, concentrating upon Nyaya, Vedanta and Samkhya. He and his associates collected Sanskrit manuscripts and had them catalogued back in Europe. He sent his survey of classical Indian philosophy to France in 1740; he displayed a wide knowledge of Hindu literature. [Doyle (2006) 83.]



  • Raymond Schwab. The Oriental Renaissance: Europe's Rediscovery of India and the East, 1680-1880. New York: Columbia University Press, 1984. 147-148. 
  • P.S. Filliozat. "The French Institute of Indology in Pondicherry." Wiener Zeitschrift fur die Kunde Sud- und Ostasiens 28 (1984) 133. 

Antonio Criminali, SJ (1520-1549)

Criminali was the first martyr of the Society of Jesus and worked on the Fishery Coast of India, acquiring fluency in Tamil. [Doyle (2006) 82, note 1.]



  • Jesus Lopez-Gay. "Antonio Criminali." Biographical Dictionary of Christian Missions. Ed. G. Anderson. New York: Macmillan, 1998. 158. 

Jean Calmette, SJ (1693-1740)

Jean Calmette was a Jesuit priest working in the Carnatic mission from 1723 till his death. [For this reference, see Sean Doyle, Synthesizing the Vedanta: The Theology of Pierre Johanns, S.J. (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2006) 66, note 54.]

  • Satyavedasarasamgraha. [A theological treatise using advaitic terminology.]
  • Satyavedasarasamgraha: A Short Exposition of the Essentials of the True Religion. Ed. J. Aelen. Nellore: St John's Press, 1931. [Amaladass and Young 367.]
  • Satyavedasarasamgraha. [Following the edition of Aelen. 144 verses out of a total of 195. Some sections have been left out: vv. 53-62 (false gods); 78-85 (organic and inorganic matter); 105-111 (Hell and Heaven); 158-174 (false religion); some verses about the true religion (187-195) have been left out because they are regarded as polemical by the editors.] The Indian Christiad: A Concise Anthology of Didactic and Devotional Literature in Early Church Sanskrit, ed. A. Amaladass and R. Young (Anand: Gujarat Sahitya Prakash, 1995). 105-146.
  • Tattvagrantha slokamulu. [Original, in Sanskrit.]
  • Tattvagrantha slokamulu. 2nd ed. Reprinting, in Canarese characters, only part of the prayers, since several of them 'are obscure and have a defective meaning.' Bangalore Catholic Mission Press,1878. 
  • Tattvagrantha slokamulu. Nellore: St John's Press, 1931. 
  • Satya Veda Sara Sangraham. Ed. P. Rayana, SJ. Shembaganur, 1979. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 370.]
  • Common Prayers. The Indian Christiad: A Concise Anthology of Didactic and Devotional Literature in Early Church Sanskrit, ed. A. Amaladass and R. Young (Anand: Gujarat Sahitya Prakash, 1995). 147-195.
  • Ezour Vedam. [The Jesus Veda.] Ed. F.S. Ellis. Asiatic Researches. Royal Asiatic Society, Bengal, 1822. [Dialogue between two Vedic sages, one monotheist and one polytheist, in which the monotheism of ‘pristine Hinduism’ prevails and is presented as pointing to Christian truth. This is one of 8 multi-authored or anonymous MS extant in both Sanskrit and French versions, possibly from Tamil and Bengali originals. Asian Christian Theologies 1:43.] [For authorship, see below.]
  • Ezourvedam: A French Veda of the Eighteenth Century. Ed. Ludo Rocher. University of Pennsylvania Studies on South Asia, 1. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1984. [Amaladass and Young 376.] Rocher (p. 60) shows that the author must have been a French missionary. According to a recent study by Urs App, the author was Jean Calmette (1692–1740): see Urs App, The Birth of Orientalism (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2010)  372-407.
  • Bach, Julien. Le Pere Calmette et les Missionaires Indianistes. Paris: Joseph Albanel, 1868. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 371.]
  • Dahmen, Pierre. "Exraits de lettres inedites du P. Jean Calmette, S.J., missionaire dans l'Inde." Revue d'histoire des missions 1 (1934) 109-125. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 372.]
  • Della Casa, Torino. "Il P. Calmette e le sue conoscenze indologiche." Studia Indologica: Festschrift fur Willibald Kirfel. Ed. Otto Spies. Bonn: Selbstverlag des Orientalischen Seminars, 1955. 53-64. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 372.]

A Devanagari copy of the Khristapurana at TSKK

The TSKK (Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendr, Alto Porvorim) seems to have at least a copy of 'a Devanagari' manuscript of the Khristapurana. See the Annual Report 1999, at, as of 24 February 2011 (and my previous blog entry of today). Strange then that they said they had no copy when I inquired last year (2010).

Prof. Suresh Amonkar and the Khristapurana

In an article entitled "The Konkani School at the College of Salcete," (Herald [Panjim, Goa] Tuesday, 22 February 2011, p. 7)Victor Ferrao refers to Prof. Suresh Amonkar as "our very own expert on the work of Thomas Stephens." I just checked: Amonkar is not mentioned in the bibliography I have gathered on Thomas Stephens. Which means that he is probably not mentioned in Falcao, Bandelu, or Drago. Still, see this from, Annual Report of TSKK 1999:

12 July [1999]: Mr Suresh and Mrs Sudha Amonkar, the well-known educationists of Mapusa, visited TSKK. Mr Suresh Amonkar, who is busy translating Sanskrit and Prakrit literary and religious works into Konkani, took a keen interest in our collection of Prakrit and Old Marathi works. He was specifically interested in the different editions of Krist Puran of Fr Thomas Stephens. He could also consult the photocopy of the Devanagari manuscript of the same work found in our library.

Prof. Amonkar was chief guest at 'Amchem Daiz - 6' on the theme 'Raiturchi Siminar: Konknnichem Ball Pallnem' (Rachol Seminary: The Cradle of Konkani), Thursday, 17 February 2011. Dr Nelson Falcao delivered the keynote address. Students of the Seminary read four papers on the 'four other great fathers of the Konkani school of Rachol.' In his article, Ferrao mentions more than four:  Etienne de la Croix, Antonio Saldanha, Miguel Almeida, Diogo Ribeiro, Ignazio Archamone. There is of course Msgr. Sebastiao Rudolf Dalgado, much later.

Prof. Amonkar runs the New Goa High School, Mapusa, Goa, and has been President of the Goa SSC board. He received the Padmashri national award a few years ago. Both Nelson Falcao and Victor Ferrao tell me that he is translating the Khristapurana into Konkani. 

Friday, 4 February 2011

Abbreviations and Codes

Baago abbreviations
ACTC - Andhra Christian Theological College, Rajahmundry
ATS - Arcot Theological Seminary, Vellore
Author - Found with author of the book
BC - Bishop's College, Calcutta
BHU - Benares Hindu University Library
BM - The Bishop of Mysore Diocese, C.S.I, Bangalore
BML - British Museum Library
BMP - Basel Mission Press, Mangalore
BSJ - B.S. Jadhav, Personal Collection, 1B, Stavely Road, Poona 1
BT - The Bishop of Tinnevelly Diocese, C.S.I., Palayamkottai
BTBS - Bombay Tract and Book Society, Bombay
[to be completed]

ACT: Asian Christian Theologies, ed. England, Kuttianimattathil, et al. 

Hans Staffner, SJ

  • "Catholic Hindus." CMS, Col. 2, 1954-55. 174-185. [On Baptism.] [DC, M, NO, P. XC]
  • Baba Amte: A New Vision of India. Popular Prakashan, 2000. 
  • Jesus Christ and the Hindu Community: Is a Synthesis of Hinduism and Christianity Possible? Anand: Gujarat Sahitya Prakash, 1988.
  • The Significance of Jesus Christ in Asia. Anand: Gujarat Sahitya Prakash, 1985.
  • Dialogue Stimulating Contacts with Hindus. Anand: Gujarat Sahitya prakash, 1993.

Mark Sunder Rao

  • "Bhakti-Panth - Need of the Indian Church." Guardian (16 Mar. 1944) 125 pp. [UTC]
  • "Experience of Conversion." Guardian (25 May 1944) 245-246. [UTC]
  • "Towards and Indigenous Christian Movement." The Ashram Review 12/49 (Jan. 1947) 3-7. [XC]
  • "Hindu Darsana." Guardian (16 Nov. 1947) 405-505. [UTC]
  • "The Knowledge of Ultimate Truth: A Christian Approach." Religion and Society 9/3 (Sep. 1962) 41-49. [GEN] 
  • "Interfaith Dialogue and Spirituality." Religion and Society 12/1 (Mar. 1965) 30-44. [GEN]
  • Ananyatva, Realisation of Christian Non-Duality. Indian Christian Thought Series no. 2. Bangalore: CISRS, 1964. 43 pp. [M, P, UTC]

Mark Sanjiva Rao

  • "God, the Great Reality?" YMI 42 (Sep. 1930) 601-5.
  • Types of Religious Consciousness: Hindu and Christian. Mangalore: Basel Mission Press, 1932. 64 pp. [BM and Mark Sundar Rao, CISRS]
  • What do you think of Jesus Christ? Mangalore: Basel Mission Press, 1929. 24 pp. [Mrs. P. Sanjiva Rao, 5000 Aarau, Effingerweg, 12, Switzerland]
  • "Jesus Christ in My Life." [German.] Open India. Home Inspectoral, Basel, 1954. 16 pp. [Mrs. P. Sanjiva Rao, 5000 Aarau, Effingerweg, 12, Switzerland]
  • "Creed or Chaos." "Why I Believe." Lectures, Resume in The Ceylon Men, YMCA, Colombo, 1944. [Mrs. P. Sanjiva Rao, 5000 Aarau, Effingerweg, 12, Switzerland]
  • The Problems of Suffering. Madras: CLS, 1933. 16 pp. (Tracts for the Times, no. 10). [ST]
  • "God's New Order." NCCR (Sep. 1942) 353-355. [GEN]

Henrique Henriques, SJ (1520-1600)

  • Thambiran vanakkam. (Adoration to God.) 1578. [16 pp. translation of the Portuguese Doctrina Christam. First book printed in Tamil script.] [HAR]
  • Girisithiyar vanakkam. (Adoration to the Lord of the Mount.) 112 pp. [Bibli. National]
  • Kirisithiyaani vanakkam. 1578.
  • [Grammar and dictionary for the Malabar (Tamil) language.] [Doyle (2006) 82, note 1.]
  • Punitar varalaru - Flos Sanctorum. 1586. [See the Oriental Collection (Orientalske Afdeling) of the Royal Library, Copenhagen (OA 1531) for an original copy. See also VAT (Baago 3).]
