New review of S.M. Tadkodkar, Goan Christian Marathi Vilapika during the 17th Century, by Ivo Coelho, in Divyadaan: Journal of Philosophy and Education 22/2 (2011) 265-298.
A collaborative effort. You are welcome to contribute, especially if you happen to be an expert. The aim is to collect as comprehensive a bibliography of Indian Christian Writings as possible, both primary and secondary, according to author.
Tuesday, 11 October 2011
Friday, 12 August 2011
Another MS of the Khristapurana discovered
Though the 'Amonkar MS' turned out not to be an MS at all, I had another surprise in store. I went to the Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendr, Porvorim, and asked to see the M.C. Saldanha MS. I was handed not one but two MS of the KP! I wonder if they have any more.
So let's establish these abbreviations:
CL: the Goa Central Library MS of the KP (following Tadkodkar)
TSKK-1: the M.C. Saldanha MS of the KP, at the TSKK
TSKK-2: the second MS of the KP, at the TSKK
For the record:
CL has interpolations made by Pascoal Gomes de Faria in 1722.
TSKK-2 has the same interpolations. It is a less well-preserved copy, however.
TSKK-1 does not have the interpolations. This adds to the probability that it is one of the MS examined by J.L. Saldanha for his 1907 edition (he knows about the interpolations, but says explicitly that he has not seen them in any of the MS he examined - among which one belonging to a certain Marian Saldanha).
So let's establish these abbreviations:
CL: the Goa Central Library MS of the KP (following Tadkodkar)
TSKK-1: the M.C. Saldanha MS of the KP, at the TSKK
TSKK-2: the second MS of the KP, at the TSKK
For the record:
CL has interpolations made by Pascoal Gomes de Faria in 1722.
TSKK-2 has the same interpolations. It is a less well-preserved copy, however.
TSKK-1 does not have the interpolations. This adds to the probability that it is one of the MS examined by J.L. Saldanha for his 1907 edition (he knows about the interpolations, but says explicitly that he has not seen them in any of the MS he examined - among which one belonging to a certain Marian Saldanha).
The 'Amonkar MS' of the Khristapurana turns out to be ... J.L. Saldanha's 1907 edition
I paid a visit to the Goa Central Library, Panjim, on 9 August 2011, hoping to see the Amonkar MS of the Khristapurana. Mr Carlos Fernandes, the Curator, was away at the old Library. The MSS were also still at the old place. The librarian in attendance was kind enough to procure for me (1) CL (the Goa Central Library MS of the KP, M41), (2) printouts of photos she had made of the 'Amonkar MS'.
It turns out that what I have been told was the 'Amonkar MS' is really only a copy of J.L. Saldanha's 1907 edition of the KP. The GCL did not have a copy, so they have made digital photos and printouts of the same. Anyway, that is one mystery solved.
I spent some time going through CL and taking more notes (see GOA RESEARCH 2011 August).
Also found a copy of Scholberg, and took down his small Thomas Stephens Bibliography.
It turns out that what I have been told was the 'Amonkar MS' is really only a copy of J.L. Saldanha's 1907 edition of the KP. The GCL did not have a copy, so they have made digital photos and printouts of the same. Anyway, that is one mystery solved.
I spent some time going through CL and taking more notes (see GOA RESEARCH 2011 August).
Also found a copy of Scholberg, and took down his small Thomas Stephens Bibliography.
Thursday, 7 July 2011
Works of Jesuits and Franciscans in Goa: documentation
Tadkodkar (Goan Christian Marathi Vilapika during the 17th century, 2010, 6) gives the following documentation:
- Antonio da Silva Rego. Documentacao para a Historica das Missoes do Padroado Portuguese do Oriente. Vol. 5: Lisboa, 1951, pp. 395-513. Vol. 7: Lisboa, 1952, pp. 367-369.
- Diogo Barbosa Machado. Bibliotheca Lusitana. Lisbo, 1741.
- J.H. Heliodoro da Cunha Rivara. Ensaio historico da linga Concani. Goa, 1858. ET Theophilus Lobo, in A.K. Priolkar, The Printing Press in India.
Thursday, 23 June 2011
Arte da lingoa Canarim: bibliography
Thomas Stephens
Arte da Lingoa Canarim. 1640,
Gramatica da Lingua Concani Composta Pelo Padre Thomas Estevão. 2nd ed. 1856.[8][9]
Arte da Lingoa Canarim. 1640,
Gramatica da Lingua Concani Composta Pelo Padre Thomas Estevão. 2nd ed. 1856.[8][9]
- Miranda, Rocky V. (1985), "Diogo Reberio's Vocabulario da lingoa Canarim and its historical sighnificance", in de Souza, Teotonio R., Indo-Portuguese history: old issues, new questions, Xavier Centre of Historical Research, pp. 196–202, ISBN 8170220963,
- Sardessai, Manoharrai (1992), "Modern Konkani Literature", in George, K. M., Modern Indian literature, an anthology, Volume 2, Sahitya Akademi, pp. 205–218, ISBN 9788172013240
Thursday, 2 June 2011
Mariano Saldanha
Mariano Jose Luis de Gonzaga Saldanha (1878-1975) of Uskai (Ucassaim) village in Goa, studied medicine and pharmacy, but spent much of his life as a teacher of Marathi and Sanskrit at the Lyceum in Goa and of Sanskrit at Lisbon. (See J. Clement Vaz, Profiles of Eminent Goans, Past and Present, 1997, 259, search Google Books)
Prof. Mariano Saldanha "a linguist who taught Sanskrit and Konkani in Lisbon for over two decades," was among those who donated their large personal collections to the Xavier Centre for Historical Research Library. (See Cajetan Coelho, "Rediscovering a Lost Cultural Identity," at as of 2 June 2011.)
J.L. Saldanha instead borrowed an MS of the Khristapurana from a Mr. Marian Saldanha, whom he describes as "an enthusiast of Purannic literature." (S iii)
MCS - the KP MS at the TSKK - bears the name "M.C. Saldanha" in pencil on one of the first pages, and also on the spine of the leather binding.
Is it possible to identify the two? Could M.C. be really M.G, and if so, does it stand for Mariano Jose Luis de Gonzaga Saldanha?
Prof. Mariano Saldanha "a linguist who taught Sanskrit and Konkani in Lisbon for over two decades," was among those who donated their large personal collections to the Xavier Centre for Historical Research Library. (See Cajetan Coelho, "Rediscovering a Lost Cultural Identity," at as of 2 June 2011.)
J.L. Saldanha instead borrowed an MS of the Khristapurana from a Mr. Marian Saldanha, whom he describes as "an enthusiast of Purannic literature." (S iii)
MCS - the KP MS at the TSKK - bears the name "M.C. Saldanha" in pencil on one of the first pages, and also on the spine of the leather binding.
Is it possible to identify the two? Could M.C. be really M.G, and if so, does it stand for Mariano Jose Luis de Gonzaga Saldanha?
- “O Purana Christão do Padre Thomaz Estevam.”
- “O Oriente Português.” Nova Goa, 1880.
- “Um Hino de Sant’Ana em Concani.” Heraldo, 1915.
- “O ensino do Concani.” Boletim do Instituto Vasco da Gama, Goa, 1926.
- “Questôes de Concani.” Heraldo, 1932.
- “Monsenhor Sebastião Rodolfo Dalgado.” Revista da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, 1933.
- “Relacão historica das gramaticas Concanis.” Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Sfudies, London, 1936.
- Doutrina Christam em lingoa Bramana Canarim. Ordenada a maneira de Dialogo, pera ensinar os mininos. Coposta pollo Padre Thomas Estevao da Companhia de IESUS. natural de Lodres. Empressa no Collegio do Rachol da Copanhia de IESUS Anno 1622. 1945. [Reproduced in facsimile on pp. 55-190, with introduction, notes and appendices.]
- “Novos catecismos em Concani”. Heraldo, 1951.
- “A Transliteracão romanisada do Concani.” Heraldo, 1952.
- “A Lingua Concani e Acção Portuguesa na sua cultura.” Bulletin of Institute Menezes Braganca, 1953.
- “O Folclore Goês.” Heraldo, 1954.
- “A Literatura Puranica Cristã.” Boletim do Instituto Vasco da Gama, 1961.
- Kalidasa, Meghaduta, tr. M. Saldanha. 1926.
- Stephens, Thomas. Doutrina Christa, ed. M. Saldanha. 1945.
- As investigacoes de um Gramatico. 1933.
- Iniciacao de lingua Concani. 1950.
- “Aditamentos e correccoes a monografia ‘O livro e o jornal em Goa’ do professor Leão Fernandes.” Boletim Instituto Vasco da Gama 32 (1936) 60.
- “História de Gramática Concani.” Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies 8 (1935–37) 715-735.
- Da importancia do Sanscrito.
- Saldanha, Antonio. Upaxamu. (Part of Prasse pastoral). Ed. M. Saldanha.
- Saradesaya, Manohararaya. A History of Konkani Literature: From 1500 to 1992. New Delhi: Sahitya Akademi, 2000. 98-100.
- Vaz, J. Clement. Profiles of Eminent Goans, Past and Present. New Delhi: Concept Publishing, 1997. 259-261.
- De Souza, Teotonio. "Mariano Saldanha: A Centenary Tribute." Indica 15/2 (1978) 135-139.
- Pereira, Antonio. The Makers of Konkani Literature. 1982.
J.A. Saldanha's Devanagari MS of the Khristapurana
This is what J.L. Saldanha has to say about the single Devanagari MS that he examined:
The single Devanagari transliteration obtined in connexion with the present publication, through the kindness of Mr. J.A. Saldanha, is, however, full of modern forms given in plce of the old ones of the Romanized copies, and contains, besides, numerous errors. It seems to hve drawn good deal of attention at the late Centenary Celebration of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, at which it was exhibited at Mr. Saldanha's express desire." ["Introduction," The Christian Puranna (Bolar, Mangalore: Simon Alvares, Esq., 1907) XL note 2.]
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
Sadhu chaturanga padri / Thomas Estevo
If I am not mistaken, the name of Thomas Stephens / Estevao / Estevam does not appear in the MS ascribed to him. In that case, this discovery should be interesting. In the Bhaugun Kamat Vagh MS (Goa University Library), on an unnumbered page after Avesvaru 12 (which is from the First Purana, and continues the story of the patriarch Joseph), we have the following verse which, as far as I know, does not belong to the Khristapurana:
Sadhu chaturanga padri
Hea purannacha adicary
Tomas Estevo Cauitu Surghari
Mirauala changu /1/
Sadhu chaturanga padri
Hea purannacha adicary
Tomas Estevo Cauitu Surghari
Mirauala changu /1/
This unit / composition has altogether 14 verses. The name of Thomas is mentioned once more at least in the composition.
Who is Sadhu chaturanga padri?
And what might be the exact translation of the verse?
2 June 2011: the mystery is solved: the strophe above is the first strophe of the Praise of Fr Thomas Stephens by Frei Gaspar de S. Miguel - which consists, precisely, of 14 strophes.
2 June 2011: the mystery is solved: the strophe above is the first strophe of the Praise of Fr Thomas Stephens by Frei Gaspar de S. Miguel - which consists, precisely, of 14 strophes.
Bibliographies acquired by Divyadaan Library
The following have been acquired by Divyadaan Library as of May 2011:
- Bibliography of Dr Pissurlencar Collection, ed. B.S. Shastry and V.R. Navelkar (Bambolim: Goa University, 1989). Part I: A Descriptive Bibliography of the Writings of Dr Pissurlencar. Part II: List of Historical Writings in Dr Pissurlencar Collection. Part III: Letters from Dr Pissurlencar Collection. [The letters here are worth perusing; might provide important archival hints. Dr Pissurlencar was head of the Government Archives in Goa, and is regarded as the Father of these archives, which he was responsible for preserving.]
- Bibliography of Dr Nuno Gonsalves Collection. Ed. V.R. Navelkar. Taleigao Plateau, Goa: Goa University, 1997. 687 pp.
Thomas Stephens: Goa University Library holdings
This is a rough idea of the holdings of the Goa University Library on Thomas Stephens. The holdings are mostly in the Pissurlencar Collection. [Bibliography of Dr Pissurlencar Collection, ed. B.S. Shastry and V.R. Navelkar (Bambolim: Goa University, 1989). Part II, List of Historical Writings in Dr Pissurlencar Collection, pp. 47-48.]
- Father Stephenskrit Kristapurana (First & Second). Ed. S. Bandelu. Prasad Prakashan, 1956. 1067 pp. (MAR). No. 159.
- Doutrina Crista em lingua concanim. Ed. S. Saldanha. Lisbon: A.G.C., 1945. 267 pp. (POR). No. 659.
- Christa Purana: Ausuaru 11, 12, 20, 38, 47, 48, 50. [19th Century MS copy from the collection at the house of Bhaugun Kamat Vagh.] No. 4071.
- The Christian Puranna: A Work of the 17th Century. Ed. Joseph L. Saldanha. No. 658.
- Dotrina Christan mhanje Christi Dharmatma. Ed. A.K. Priolkar. Pune, 1965. 76 pp. + 44 pp. glossary. No. 661.
- Joshi, Meena. Christachi Sastracha Kathechismu: Uttar Konkani Marathi Bolicha Granth. Bombay: MMGS, 1962. 60 pp. (MAR). No. 665.
- Malshe, S.G. Christa Puranache Prayogan ani Rachana. 24 pp. (MAR). No. 4432.
- Malshe, S.G. Father Stephens ani tyache Christapurana. Bombay: Mumbai Marathi Granth Sangrahalay, 1956. 48 pp. (MAR). No. 660.
- Priolkar, A.K. Paixao de Christo. Bombay, 1940. pp. 182-211. (MAR). [Notes in English and Marathi. Poem on the Crucifixion of Christ.] No. 1274.
- Priolkar, A.K. Pitaji Thomas Stephenskrut Christapurana. Bombay. 30 pp. (MAR). No. 1429.
- Priolkar, A.K. Two recently discovered letters of Fr Thomas Stephens. Bombay, 1956. pp. 113-122. No. 1529.
- Schurhammer. G. "Der Marathidichter Thomas Stephens, S.I.: Neue Dokumente." Rome, 1957. pp. 67-82. (GER). No. 4325.
- "A proposito do primeiros livros Maratas impressos em Goa." [Concering the First Marathi Books Printed in Goa.] Boletim Instituto Vasco da Gama 73 (1956) 55-79. R. PC 3864. [Mentions the Christa Purana by Father Thomas Stephens as the first Marathi work printed in Goa in 1616.] [Vol. 1:47-48.]
Tuesday, 31 May 2011
A note on the Marsden MS of Thomas Stephens' Khristapurana
Schurhammer implies that the Marsden MS of Thomas Stephens' Khristapurana came originally from the Jesuits in Goa:
J.E. Abbot entdeckte unter dem aus Jesuitenbesitz in Goa stammenden Marsden Manuscripts in der School of Oriental Studies, London eine Kopie des Purana aus dem 18. Jahrhundert in Devanagarischrift (10721 Strophen)…. [G. Schurhammer, "Der Marathidichter Thomas Stephens, S.I. Neue Documente." Rome, 1957 (Goa University Library, no. 4325) p. 70 n 23.]
Marsden MS,
Thomas Stephens
Francis Xavier
Doutrina Christaa. Colegio de Sao Paolo, Goa. 1557.
Collation: unknown
Location: no surviving recorded copy.
Literature: Prepared in Portuguese by St Francis Xavier from the catechism published y the historian Joao de Barros at Lisbon in 1539. cf. Schurhammer-Wicki, Epistolae S. Francisci Xavierii, I, (1944)
[From Boxer 1.]
Saturday, 28 May 2011
The Bhaugun Kamat Vagh MS of the Khristapurana
Yesterday I got a look at the Bhaugun Kamat Vagh MS of the Khristapurana in the Pissurlencar Collection held by the Goa University Library.
The MS is notebook size, with a loose leather cover, and over it a loose brown paper cover.
The brown paper cover indicates in pencil that the MS was found in the house of Bhaugun Kamat Vagh. However, an inscription on one of the initial pages reads, in Portguese, something like this: Offered by Fr Cator [?] to Mr Pissurlencar. Obviously the MS has passed through many hands. It is listed in the Pissurlencar Bibliography issued by the Goa University simply as found in the house of Bhaugun Kamat Vagh. There is no mention of the priest who offered the MS to Pissurlencar.
The MS is not complete: it contains only Avesvaru 38, 47, 48, 20, 50,
The MS is notebook size, with a loose leather cover, and over it a loose brown paper cover.
The brown paper cover indicates in pencil that the MS was found in the house of Bhaugun Kamat Vagh. However, an inscription on one of the initial pages reads, in Portguese, something like this: Offered by Fr Cator [?] to Mr Pissurlencar. Obviously the MS has passed through many hands. It is listed in the Pissurlencar Bibliography issued by the Goa University simply as found in the house of Bhaugun Kamat Vagh. There is no mention of the priest who offered the MS to Pissurlencar.
The MS is not complete: it contains only Avesvaru 38, 47, 48, 20, 50,
Thursday, 26 May 2011
Print editions of the Khristapurana in Lisbon?
I have requested Mr Carlos Fernandes, Curator, Goa Central Library, to inquire from the National Library, Lisbon, about possible print editions of the Khristapurana, as mentioned by Pollard in his article on Thomas Stephens in the Dictionary of National Biography in 1901.
Pollard, A.F. “Stephens or Stevens, Thomas.” Dictionary of National Biography. Ed. Sidney Lee. New York: Macmillan; London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1901. Supplement 3:355-356. [S xxiv. as of 23 May 2011.] On p. 356 he writes:
Among authorities cited, Pollard mentions the following which might be relevant: Archivo Universal, Lisbon, January 1861; Indian Antiquary vii, 117; Monier-Williams, in Contemporary Review, April 1878. Foley's Records, iii, 573-589; vii, 738, 1453. Ribadeneira's, Southwell's, and De Backer's Bibl. Jesuit.; Oliver's Collections.
When I mentioned this to Dr Pratap Naik, SJ, Director of the Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendra, this morning, he said it was unlikely that Lisbon had print editions. Teotonio de Souza, former Director of the Xavier Centre for Historical Research, Alto Porvorim, had personally made a search. He said the same about the Jesuit Central Archives, Rome: they had been thoroughly searched.
Pollard, A.F. “Stephens or Stevens, Thomas.” Dictionary of National Biography. Ed. Sidney Lee. New York: Macmillan; London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1901. Supplement 3:355-356. [S xxiv.
Three of his books, all published after his death, are extant in the National Library at Lisbon: 1. 'Doctrina Christa em Lingua Bramana-Canarim,' em Rachol, 1622, 8vo; 2. 'Arte da Lingua Canarin,' em Rachol, 1640, 8vo; a copy of this appears to be also extant at Goa, where it was reprinted in 1857, 8vo; 3. 'Discorso sobre a Vinda de Jesus Christo,' Goa, 1626, 1649, and 1654.
Among authorities cited, Pollard mentions the following which might be relevant: Archivo Universal, Lisbon, January 1861; Indian Antiquary vii, 117; Monier-Williams, in Contemporary Review, April 1878. Foley's Records, iii, 573-589; vii, 738, 1453. Ribadeneira's, Southwell's, and De Backer's Bibl. Jesuit.; Oliver's Collections.
When I mentioned this to Dr Pratap Naik, SJ, Director of the Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendra, this morning, he said it was unlikely that Lisbon had print editions. Teotonio de Souza, former Director of the Xavier Centre for Historical Research, Alto Porvorim, had personally made a search. He said the same about the Jesuit Central Archives, Rome: they had been thoroughly searched.
Naik was of the opinion that Nelson Falcao had made a gratuitous assumption that the Marsden MS was the original. He mentioned Tadkodkar also in this connection: Tadkodkar also is not at all convinced that the Sanskritized Devanagari version is prior to the Romanized Roman script versions.
Mariano Saldanha's MS of the Khristapurana
Just discovered Marian Saldanha's MS of the KP in possession of the Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendra, Alto Porvorim, Goa (TSKK no. V 353).
Leather bound volume, with The Christian Puranna embossed on the spine, along with M.C. Saldanha embossed lower down. In pencil, on the first page, is also M.C. Saldahna. With all likelihood this is one of the MS used by J.L. Saldanha in his work, and mentioned by him in his Preface to The Christian Puranna (1907): "Mr Marian Saldanha, "an enthusiast of Purannic literature".
Is this M.C. Saldanha the same as Dr Mariano Luis Jose de Gonzaga Saldanha of Ucassaim? More proof will be needed. Could it be "M.G. Saldanha" rather than "M.C. Saldanha"? And did the Professor from Ucassaim sign himself "M.G. Saldanha"?
On the 'first' page, written in blue ink:
Next item: Frei Gaspar de San Miguel's praise of Thomas Stephens.
On a retro: A handwritten page, seems to have been pasted over, but someone has cut out parts.
Next: Pailem Puranna. The first pages seem to be in a more recent hand, probably because the 'original' MS had been corrupted. The later pages, the majority of the MS, is in a more elegant hand.
The language seems Romanized: Spiritu Santu; padri guru.
The praise of Marathi is there: Avesvaru 1, 121 ff.
At the end of the first Puranna someone has counted the verses in each of the Purannas: 1st: 4296; 2nd: 6722; a total of 11018 verses.
Dussarem Puranna: same hand as the Pailem. Romanized: Sao Joao (Av. 18, 54).
Av. 59 ends with v. 122. The Drago edition instead, for examle, goes further; it gives the date of completion as 1614 in v. 129.
Next: "Avesuara Dussara 1722" in blue ink at the head of the page, obviously added later.
The title: "Calvarincha pravatu tethe...." This might be another Paixao. It looks similar to the one in the Goa Central Library MS. Even the date - 1722 - seems familiar. In fact, the last page of this unit reads: "Padra Pascual Gomes de Faria / Hea Purannaca Adicary / 1722 Varussim Rachila."
next item, in a different hand: begins abruptly: "Quarto Mistero / Quinto Mistero".
next item: "Mrutichiya Banna."
A stamp on one of the last pages, or perhaps the inside back cover: CODIALBAIL PRESS, MANGALORE. Perhaps an indication that these MS were bound there.
Leather bound volume, with The Christian Puranna embossed on the spine, along with M.C. Saldanha embossed lower down. In pencil, on the first page, is also M.C. Saldahna. With all likelihood this is one of the MS used by J.L. Saldanha in his work, and mentioned by him in his Preface to The Christian Puranna (1907): "Mr Marian Saldanha, "an enthusiast of Purannic literature".
Is this M.C. Saldanha the same as Dr Mariano Luis Jose de Gonzaga Saldanha of Ucassaim? More proof will be needed. Could it be "M.G. Saldanha" rather than "M.C. Saldanha"? And did the Professor from Ucassaim sign himself "M.G. Saldanha"?
On the 'first' page, written in blue ink:
Father Thomas StephensNext: "Paixao de Christo". First line begins thus: "Namana Marie mate maza..."
Padri Thomas Estevao
Hea Puranncha adicary
Author of this Puranna...
Next item: Frei Gaspar de San Miguel's praise of Thomas Stephens.
On a retro: A handwritten page, seems to have been pasted over, but someone has cut out parts.
Next: Pailem Puranna. The first pages seem to be in a more recent hand, probably because the 'original' MS had been corrupted. The later pages, the majority of the MS, is in a more elegant hand.
The language seems Romanized: Spiritu Santu; padri guru.
The praise of Marathi is there: Avesvaru 1, 121 ff.
At the end of the first Puranna someone has counted the verses in each of the Purannas: 1st: 4296; 2nd: 6722; a total of 11018 verses.
Dussarem Puranna: same hand as the Pailem. Romanized: Sao Joao (Av. 18, 54).
Av. 59 ends with v. 122. The Drago edition instead, for examle, goes further; it gives the date of completion as 1614 in v. 129.
Next: "Avesuara Dussara 1722" in blue ink at the head of the page, obviously added later.
The title: "Calvarincha pravatu tethe...." This might be another Paixao. It looks similar to the one in the Goa Central Library MS. Even the date - 1722 - seems familiar. In fact, the last page of this unit reads: "Padra Pascual Gomes de Faria / Hea Purannaca Adicary / 1722 Varussim Rachila."
next item, in a different hand: begins abruptly: "Quarto Mistero / Quinto Mistero".
next item: "Mrutichiya Banna."
A stamp on one of the last pages, or perhaps the inside back cover: CODIALBAIL PRESS, MANGALORE. Perhaps an indication that these MS were bound there.
Wednesday, 25 May 2011
Khristapurana: some new developments
Mr Hugh Mascarenhas of Nashik recently found a copy of J.L. Saldanha's The Christian Puranna in his grandfather's library in Mangalore. The copy is in his possession in Nashik.
Mr Carlos Fernandes, Curator, Goa Central Library, Panjim, says that Prof. Suresh Amonkar of Mapusa has recently donated a MS of the KP to the GCL. It would appear that the MS had been gifted to him by Bishop Allwyn Barretto of Sindhudurg. Perhaps the MS had been lying around in some church in that diocese. (Mr Amonkar is currently translating the KP into Konkani. I believe excerpts have been appearing in some magazine in Goa.)
The Arambol MS which had been mentioned to me by Fr Agnelo Pinheiro of Rachol Seminary turns out to be a copy of J.L. Saldanha's The Christian Puranna. It is currently in the possession of the Rachol Seminary.
I went yesterday to the Goa University Library. Vast enough building, not very well kept. Lots of 'collections' - which I believe are book holdings donated to the library by distinguished individuals. A copy of the KP is in the Vagh Collection, which itself seems to be part of the Pissurlenkar Collection. The librarian in charge was busy, so I did not get a chance to have a look at the MS.
I still have to visit the Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendr / Xavier Centre of Historical Research, Panjim, to see their MS of the KP.
Mr Carlos Fernandes, Curator, Goa Central Library, Panjim, says that Prof. Suresh Amonkar of Mapusa has recently donated a MS of the KP to the GCL. It would appear that the MS had been gifted to him by Bishop Allwyn Barretto of Sindhudurg. Perhaps the MS had been lying around in some church in that diocese. (Mr Amonkar is currently translating the KP into Konkani. I believe excerpts have been appearing in some magazine in Goa.)
The Arambol MS which had been mentioned to me by Fr Agnelo Pinheiro of Rachol Seminary turns out to be a copy of J.L. Saldanha's The Christian Puranna. It is currently in the possession of the Rachol Seminary.
I went yesterday to the Goa University Library. Vast enough building, not very well kept. Lots of 'collections' - which I believe are book holdings donated to the library by distinguished individuals. A copy of the KP is in the Vagh Collection, which itself seems to be part of the Pissurlenkar Collection. The librarian in charge was busy, so I did not get a chance to have a look at the MS.
I still have to visit the Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendr / Xavier Centre of Historical Research, Panjim, to see their MS of the KP.
Sunday, 8 May 2011
The proposed 'Dictionary of Indian Christian Theology'
Dr Eric J. Lott of United Theological College, Bangalore, began working on a Dictionary of Indian Christian Theology in the mid-1980s. He was succeeded by Dr D.C. Scott and Dr O.V. Jathanna of the same College. Unfortunately the project was never brought to completion. Dr Jathanna says it required one or two years of work, but that the College did not find it possible to release any of the editors for this task.
Four files containing precious contributions from leading Christian theologians of the time are preserved in the Archives of the UTC Library at Miller's Road. These are now somewhat dated, and so cannot be published as they are. Still, they remain a precious record of theological thinking in the mid- and late 1980s in India. There are contributions by Richard De Smet (on Pierre Johanns, Thomas Aquinas, and Analogy / Laksana), Bede Griffiths (on Jules Monchanin), Hans Staffner (The Khrista Purana of Thomas Stephens), R. Panikkar, and a host of other very well known theologians, both Protestant and Catholic.
One of the 4 files contains correspondence (dating from 1985, if I am not mistaken) as well as lists of themes / contributions.
Four files containing precious contributions from leading Christian theologians of the time are preserved in the Archives of the UTC Library at Miller's Road. These are now somewhat dated, and so cannot be published as they are. Still, they remain a precious record of theological thinking in the mid- and late 1980s in India. There are contributions by Richard De Smet (on Pierre Johanns, Thomas Aquinas, and Analogy / Laksana), Bede Griffiths (on Jules Monchanin), Hans Staffner (The Khrista Purana of Thomas Stephens), R. Panikkar, and a host of other very well known theologians, both Protestant and Catholic.
One of the 4 files contains correspondence (dating from 1985, if I am not mistaken) as well as lists of themes / contributions.
Bede Griffiths' "Jules Monchanin"
The following is the text of a contribution by Fr Bede Griffiths to the proposed Dictionary of Indian Christian Theology, ed. Eric J. Lott, D.C. Scott, and O.V. Jathanna (Bangalore: UTC, late 1980s) (see Sl. No. 30).
Jules Monchanin was a pioneer in the movement towards dialogue and inculturation, which has gained so much importance in the Church in India today. He had made a deep, though critical, study of Hindu philosophy and realised the importance of the advaita doctrine of Sankara in dialogue with Hinduism. So much so that he could say: 'Our only aim is advaita and the praise of the Trinity.'
At the same time he sought to establish a way of life which would be 'totally Indian and totally Christian.' For this purpose he adopted the traditional customs of a Hindu ashram, wearing the 'kavi' habit of a sannyasi, sitting on the floor and sleeping on a mat and adopting a strictly vegetarian diet. These things were innovations at the time but have since become customary among those dedicated to a contemplative life in India.
Above all he sought for an authentic life of prayer and contemplation nourished alike by the Bible and the Vedic tradition, seeking to find the point of unity between Hinduism and Christianity at the source from which each tradition derived. The ashram which he founded on the banks of the Kavery in Tamil Nadu remains a witness to the ideal of contemplative life which he had set before him.
Saturday, 7 May 2011
Hans Staffner's "The Khrista Purana of Fr Thomas Stephens"
The following is the text of a contribution by Fr Hans Staffner, SJ, to the proposed Dictionary of Indian Christian Theology, ed. Eric J. Lott, D.C. Scott and O.V. Jathanna, to have been published by United Theological College, Bangalore, in the late 1980s. Unfortunately the Dictionary was never published. However, 4 files of pertinent matter are available in the Archives of the UTC Library, from which I have transcribed the following, with minor corrections (see File no. 1, Sl. No. 155).
The Khrista Purana is a poetic work of 10,962 strophes in the ovi metre. Fr Stephens called it “A discourse on the coming of Our Saviour into the world.” 36 cantos deal with the Old Testament and 59 with the New Testament. It is meant as religious instruction. In each canto a biblical event is related, then a Hindu or Christian asks questions which are answered. In a letter written in 1608 Fr Stephens expressed his intention to publish a work in the Devanagari script, but since in his time there was no press printing books in the Devanagari script, he had to transcribe his Purana into Roman script. Three editions were printed in Goa, in 1616, 1648 and 1656. After Indian languages were barred from the cultural life in Goa, the Purana lost its living space in Goa, but remained very popular in Mangalore. Many families had hand-written copies of the Purana. In 1907 J. Saldanha published a very beautiful edition of the Purana in Roman script, known as the Mangalore edition.
The Purana is known as one of the most beautiful works in the Marathi language. Also many Hindus were keen on a Devanagari edition. In 1956 the well-known Hindu publishing firm, Prasad Prakashan, published a beautiful Devanagari edition of the Khrista Purana, which was prepared by Professor S.B. Bandelu of Ahmednagar College.
Prof. Dr S.G. Tulpule writes in the standard work on Marathi, the Maharashtra Sarasvata:
“Fr Stephens has succeeded in the difficult task of presenting Christ in such oriental garb as appeals to the Hindu mind. The Purana is like sanctuary in the centre of which is the image of Christ whilst the structure and decorations that surround it are in genuine Hindu style.”
Friday, 6 May 2011
Prof. O.V. Jathanna brought to my notice another set of bibliographies of Indian Christian Writings, a series of little booklets published by Serampore College, according to languages. I list them here, together with the Baago and Hambye bibliographies.
- Baago, Kaj.
- Hambye
- Roy, Parimal. Bibliography of Original Christian Writings in India in Gujarati. Serampore, West Bengal, 712 201: Senate of Serampore College, 1991.
- Joseph, Ravela and B. Suneel Bhanu. Bibliography of Original Christian Writings in India in Telugu. Serampore: Senate of Serampore College, 1993.
- Mabry, H.P., H.S. Wilson and Zaimingthanga. Bibliography of Original Christian Writings in India. North East Languages. Serampore: Senate of Serampore College, 1992.
- Jadhav, Bhaskar, et al. Bibliography of Original Christian Writings in India in Sanskrit. Vol. 4. Serampore: Senate of Serampore College, 1994.
- Alwin Maben, Arun Kumar Wesley, Ivan Alberts. Bibliography of Original Christian Writings in India in Kannada and Tulu. Serampore: Senate of Serampore College, 1994.
- Boxer, C.R. "A Tentative Check-List of Indo-Portuguese Imprints, 1556-1674." Separata do Boletim do Instituto Vasco da Gama, no. 73. Bastora, Goa: Tipografia Rangel, 1956. TSKK no. 3520. [Copy offered by Boxer to Prof. Mariano Saldanha. Contains probably important jottings, corrections and updatings by the latter.]
Thursday, 5 May 2011
More De Smet items found
On 3 May 2011 I paid visit to the wonderful library of United Theological College, Miller's Road, Bangalore, to try and find the contributions of De Smet to the proposed Dictionary of Indian Christian Theology. I had learned through a friend who had spoken to prof. O.V. Jathanna, one of the editors of the Dictionary, that the work had never been brought to completion. This time I met the professor myself; he was very gracious, told me that unfortunately the College had not found it possible to set aside one or two persons for the job, which is why the job remained unfinished. However, he said, the files were available in the Archives, and he himself requested the Librarian to let me have access to them.
There are 4 files containing the various contributions, as well as the correspondence. They are, I think, a treasure trove of matter; unfortunately, as I have said above, never published, and now somewhat out of date. But surely some day a job waiting to be done: it would provide a wonderful cross-section of theological thinking in India in the 1980s (the correspondence dates from around 1985 to 1987, from my cursory glance).
I found the 3 items of De Smet: a two pp. typescript on Pierre Johanns; 1 p. on Thomas Aquinas; and 1 p. on Analogy / Laksana.
I resisted the temptation to copy other material, restricting myself to a 1 p. typescript by Hans Staffner on The Krista Purana of Thomas Stephens, and another 1 p. typescript by Bede Griffiths on Jules Monchanin, founder of the Shantivanam monastery at Kulitalai on the banks of the Cauvery.
But the other great find, and unexpected, was what I think is De Smet's study of "The Christian Encounter with Advaita Vedanta: A Study of Four Centuries," published as late as 2010 under the title "Christianity and Shankaracharya" in vol. 3 of the St Thomas Christian Encyclopedia of India, ed. George Menachery (Thrissur, Kerala), 22-42. The article is 20 pp. of fine print, large format, and perhaps corresponds to the typescript in the possession of Daniel De Smet, which is some 40 pp. plus.
The date of completion of the above is a problem, given that vol. 2 of the Encyclopedia was published in 1973, and vol. 1 in 1998, with vol. 3 coming only last year, in 2010. A cursory look at De Smet's notes in the published text reveals that it could not have been written earlier than 1976 (the most recent item there is 1975: see 41n65 Mattam and 42n121 Marathi Tattvajnana Mahakosa). However: in the 1980 article "Sankara Vedanta and Christian Theology" Review of Darshana 1/1 (1980) 33-48, De Smet says:
This would seem to indicate that the piece published 2010 was ready in 1980. The note added by me [this is from the draft of Understanding Sankara: Essays by Richard De Smet, to be published by Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi], will accordingly have to be modified.
There are 4 files containing the various contributions, as well as the correspondence. They are, I think, a treasure trove of matter; unfortunately, as I have said above, never published, and now somewhat out of date. But surely some day a job waiting to be done: it would provide a wonderful cross-section of theological thinking in India in the 1980s (the correspondence dates from around 1985 to 1987, from my cursory glance).
I found the 3 items of De Smet: a two pp. typescript on Pierre Johanns; 1 p. on Thomas Aquinas; and 1 p. on Analogy / Laksana.
I resisted the temptation to copy other material, restricting myself to a 1 p. typescript by Hans Staffner on The Krista Purana of Thomas Stephens, and another 1 p. typescript by Bede Griffiths on Jules Monchanin, founder of the Shantivanam monastery at Kulitalai on the banks of the Cauvery.
But the other great find, and unexpected, was what I think is De Smet's study of "The Christian Encounter with Advaita Vedanta: A Study of Four Centuries," published as late as 2010 under the title "Christianity and Shankaracharya" in vol. 3 of the St Thomas Christian Encyclopedia of India, ed. George Menachery (Thrissur, Kerala), 22-42. The article is 20 pp. of fine print, large format, and perhaps corresponds to the typescript in the possession of Daniel De Smet, which is some 40 pp. plus.
The date of completion of the above is a problem, given that vol. 2 of the Encyclopedia was published in 1973, and vol. 1 in 1998, with vol. 3 coming only last year, in 2010. A cursory look at De Smet's notes in the published text reveals that it could not have been written earlier than 1976 (the most recent item there is 1975: see 41n65 Mattam and 42n121 Marathi Tattvajnana Mahakosa). However: in the 1980 article "Sankara Vedanta and Christian Theology" Review of Darshana 1/1 (1980) 33-48, De Smet says:
This survey of the attitudes adopted by Christian scholars towards Śāṅkara Vedānta in this century is summed up from a monograph (now in the press)[i] in which I have studied the four centuries of encounters between Christians and Vedānta beginning with Robert de Nobili (1577-1656).
This would seem to indicate that the piece published 2010 was ready in 1980. The note added by me [this is from the draft of Understanding Sankara: Essays by Richard De Smet, to be published by Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi], will accordingly have to be modified.
Two points to be cleared up: (1) the mention of a 'monograph' had led me to expect a book length essay. (2) In 1990-91 - long after he had probably sent his contribution to prof. George Menachery - De Smet said he was still working at the MS; more precisely, he said he was 'enriching' it with matter from the Jesuit Archives. One possibility of clearing up the second point is to inquire from prof. Menachery himself.
[i] [This monograph was, unfortunately, never published. From conversations with De Smet in 1990-91, I recall that he was still working on it during his year long residence at the Jesuit Casa degli Scrittori, Rome. However, it would seem that a 40 page typescript is available with Daniel De Smet, with the title, “The Christian Encounter with Advaita Vedānta: A Survey of Four Centuries,” together with another fragment with pagination running from 33 to 65. The latter item, in fact, echoes the subtitles of the present article: The Creative Assimilationists; The Apophatists; Christians in Dialogue with Advaitins.]
Friday, 25 March 2011
A.S. Appasamy Pillai (1848-1926)
- Why I Became a Christian. Madras, 1912.
- My Conversion. London, 1913.
- Idolatry Refuted. Madras, 1912.
- Pilgrim Life. Madras, 1912.
- Holy Life. Madras, 1912.
- Athma Gnana Bothini. Madras, 1913.
- Fifty Years' Pilgrimage of a Convert. London, 1924.
- Appasamy, A.J. An Indian Interpretation of Christianity. Madras, 1924.
- Popley, H.A. A.S. Appasamy. Madras, 1933.
- Baago, Kaj. Pioneers of Indigenous Christianity. Madras: The Christian Literature Society, 1969.
[From Antony Louis Lava, "Dewan Bahadur A.S. Appasamy Pillai," Indian Christian Thinkers, ed. A. Amaladass (Chennai: Satya Nilayam Publications, 2005) 19-20.]
Wednesday, 9 March 2011
Michael Amaladoss, SJ (1936- )
- Do Sacraments Change? Bangalore: TPI, 1979. [Amaladass 2005 1.]
- Ed., with T.K. John and G. Gispert-Sauch. Theologizing in India Today. Bangalore, TPI, 1981. [Amaladass 2005 1.]
- Faith, Culture and Inter-Religious Dialogue. New Delhi: Indian Social Institute, 1985. [Amaladass 2005 1.]
- Mission Today. Anand: Gujarat Sahitya Prakash, 1989. [Amaladass 2005 1.]
- Making All Things New. Anand: Gujarat Sahitya Prakash, 1990. [Amaladass 2005 1.]
- Inigo in India. Anand: Gujarat Sahitya Prakash, 1992. [Amaladass 2005 1.]
- Becoming Indian. Bangalore: Dharmaram Publications, 1992. [Amaladass 2005 1.]
- Life in Freedom. Anand: Gujarat Sahitya Prakash, 1997. [Amaladass 2005 1.]
- Peace on Earth. Mumbai: St Paul's Publications, 2003. [Amaladass 2005 1.]
- The Dancing Cosmos. Anand: Gujarat Sahitya Prakash, 2003. [Amaladass 2005 1.]
- "Reclaiming St Thomas for India." Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 83 (2019) 590-600.
- D'Souza, Arun. "Michael Amaladoss (b. 1936)." Indian Christian Thinkers. Ed. Anand Amaladass. Chennai: Satya Nilayam Publications, 2005. 1-8.
John Wilson
- "On the Sunskrit and Murat,hee [sic] Renderings of Theological Terms." Oriental Christian Spectator 1 (1830) 356-358, 2 (1831) 50-55. [Amaladass and Young 377.]
- "On the Sanscrit Renderings of Scripture Terms." Oriental Christian Spectator 2 (1981) 318-320. [Amaladass and Young 377.]
John Wilson,
Julien Vinson
- "Les anciens missionaires jesuites qui se sont occupes de la langue tamoule." Revue de Linguistique et de Philologie Comparee 35 (1902) 263-296.
Bror Tiliander
- Christian and Hindu Terminology: A Study in their Mutual Relations with Special Reference to the Tamil Area. Uppsala: Almquist & Wiksell, 1974. [Amaladass and Young 377.]
Thomas Srinivasan
- "Missionaries of the Carnatic: Pioneers in Sanskrit and Comparative Philology." New Review 4 (1936) 127-139. [Amaladass and Young 377.]
Richard F. Young
- "Church Sanskrit: An Approach of Christian Scholars to Hinduism in the Nineteenth Century." Wiener Zeitschrift fur die Kunde Sudasiens 23 (1979) 205-231. [Amaladass and Young 377.]
- Resistant Hinduism: Sanskrit Sources on Anti-Christian Apologetics in Early Ninteenth-Century India. Publications of the De Nobili Library, 8. Vienna: Indological Institute, University of Vienna, 1981. [Amaladass and Young 378.]
- "Revelation in Hinduism and the Rise of the Heretical Views about Biblical Inspiration among Mid-Victorian Broad Churchmen." Zeitschrift fur Missionswissenschaft und Religionswissenschaft 67 (1983) 327-245. [Amaladass and Young 378.]
- "Deva in Sanskrit Bible Translations: Rammohun Roy's Contribution to Christian Hermeneutics in India." Studien fur Indologie und Iranistik 5 (1986) 133-153. [Amaladass and Young 378.]
- "Was Rammohun Roy the 'True Successor' of Ramram Basu? A Critique of Certain Statements by David Kopf." Festschrift fur Professor Ludo Rocher. Ed. R. Lariviere and R. Solomon. Madras: The Adyar Library, 1987. 276-93. [Amaladass and Young 378.]
- "Francis Xavier in the Perspective of the Shaivite Brahmins of Tiruchendur Temple." Hindu-Christian Dialogue: Perspectives and Encounters. Ed. Harold G. Coward. Maryknoll: Orbis, 1989. 64-79. [Amaladass and Young 378.]
Ludo Rocher
- Ezourvedam: A French Veda of the Eighteenth Century. University of Pennsylvania Studies on South Asia, 1. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Co., 1984. [Amaladass and Young 376.]
- The Puranas. A History of Indian Literature, vol. 2, fasc. 3. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1986. [Amaladass and Young 376.]
- Festschrift fur Professor Ludo Rocher. Ed. R. Lariviere and R. Solomon. Madras: The Adyar Library, 1987. 276-93. [Amaladass and Young 378.]
Monday, 28 February 2011
Early Syrian Christian Literature digitised
180 rare Syrian Christian documents in the possession of Mar Aprem Mooken of the Church of the East have been digitized. The project was undertaken by the St Ephrem Ecumenical Research Institute, Kerala, headed by Mar Aprem, in collaboration with Kerala state's communist government adn the Central European University in Budapest.
Among these documents is a facsimile edition of the canon law practised by St Thomas Christians. (Mar Aprem said the original had disappeared 7 centuries ago.) The law was compiled by Metropolitan Abdisho Bar Brikha of Nisibis and Armenia, a province of the Church of the East, in 1291. Istva Prczel of the Budapest University edited the revived text.
("Ancient Texts get Digital Touch," The Examiner [Mumbai] 162/9 [26 February 2011] 20-21.)
Among these documents is a facsimile edition of the canon law practised by St Thomas Christians. (Mar Aprem said the original had disappeared 7 centuries ago.) The law was compiled by Metropolitan Abdisho Bar Brikha of Nisibis and Armenia, a province of the Church of the East, in 1291. Istva Prczel of the Budapest University edited the revived text.
("Ancient Texts get Digital Touch," The Examiner [Mumbai] 162/9 [26 February 2011] 20-21.)
A. Kroot
History of the Telugu Christians. Trichinopoly: St Joseph's Press, 1910. [Amaladass and Young 374.]
David Kopf
- British Orientalism and the Bengal Renaissance: The Dynamics of Indian Modernization, 1773-1835. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1969. [Amaladass and Young 374.]
D.H. Killingley
- The Only True God: Works on Religion by Rammohun Roy, Selected and Translated from Bengali and Sanskrit. Newcastle upon Tyne: Greevatt & Grevatt, 1982. [Check date. Amaladass and Young 374.]
Vans Kennedy
- "Oriental Translations of the Scriptures." Asiatic Journal (n.s.) 4 (1831) 169-180. [Amaladass and Young 374.]
- "Remarks on Dr. Mill's Sanscrit Renderings of Scripture Terms." Oriental Christian Spectator 2 (1831) 200-207. [Amaladass and Young 374.]
Edward James
- Brief Memoirs of the late... John Thomas James, ... Lord Bishop of Calcutta. London: J. Hatchrd and Son, 1830. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 374.]
J.S.M. Hooper
- Greek New Testament Terms in Indian Languages (A Comparative Word List). Bangalore: The Bible Society of India and Ceylon in association with The British and Foreign Bible Society, 1957. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 373.]
Nehemiah Goreh (1825-95)
- Gopal, Samuel. "Some Reminiscences of the Late Father Goreh, S.S.J.E." Indian Church Quarterly Review 9 (1896) 52-60.
George Gispert-Sauch, SJ (1930- 2020)
From “Bibliography: Publications of George Gispert-Sauch, SJ.” Co-Worker for Your Joy: Festschrift in Honour of George Gispert-Sauch, SJ. Ed. S. Painadath, SJ and Leonard Fernando, SJ. Delhi: Vidyajyoti College / ISPCK, 2006. 314-325.
1. Books
- Editor. God’s Word among Men: Papers in Honour of Joseph Putz, SJ, J. Bayart, SJ, J. Volckaert, SJ, and P. De Letter, SJ. Delhi: Vidyajyoti, Institute of Religious Studies, 1973.
- Bliss in the Upanishads: An Analytical Study of the Origin and Growth of the Vedic Concept of Ānanda. New Delhi: Oriental, 1977.
- Editor, with Michael A. Amaladoss and T. K. John. Theology in India: Selection of Papers Presented at the Seminar held in Poona on October 26-30, 1978. Bangalore: Theological Publications in India, 1981.
- Editor, with Soosai Arokiasamy. Liberation in Asia: Theological Perspectives. Delhi: Vidyajyoti; Anand: Gujarat Sahitya Prakash, 1987.
- Editor, with Julius Lipner. The Writings of Brahmabandhab Upadhyay. Bangalore: United Theological College, Vol 1: 1991; Vol. II: 2002.
- With Leonard Fernando. Christianity in India: Two Thousand Years of Faith. New Delhi: Penguin/Viking, 2004.
- “The ‘Dogma’ of the Inerrancy of the Vedas.” Indian Ecclesiastical Studies 4 (1965) 79-92.
- “Réflexion chrétienne sur le saccidānanda.” Bulletin Saint Jean Baptiste 7/2 (1966) 68-80.
- “Theology of Revelation.” The Clergy Monthly 31 (1967) 301-305.
- “The Bhṛgu-Valli of the Taittirīya Upaniṣad. An Early XVII Century European Translation.” Indica 5/2 (1968) 139-144.
- “Muslims and Christians.” The Clergy Monthly 32 (1968) 533-543; 33 (1969) 10-17.
- “Knowing Christ in India Today.” The Clergy Monthly 33 (1969) 127-130.
- “The Prophet of Non-Violence.” The Clergy Monthly 33 (1969) 433-448.
- “Towards an Indian Christian Theology.” The Clergy Monthly 33 (1969) 547-551.
- “Crisis in the Missions.” The Clergy Monthly 32 (1968) 533-543; 33 (1969) 10-17.
- “Forum on non-Christian Scriptures in the Liturgy.” Word and Worship 2/6 (1969) 217-219.
- “Gospel and the Newspaper.” The Clergy Monthly 34 (1970) 377-387.
- “Espiritualidad Budista.” Historia de la Espiritualidad: La Perfeccion Cristiana Vida y Doctrina. Barcelona: Juan Flors, ??. 587-659.
- “The Study of Religion.” The Clergy Monthly 35 (1971) 117-119.
- “Towards an Indian Christian Theology.” The Clergy Monthly 35 (1971) 262-264.
- “Catholic Pentecostalism.” The Clergy Monthly 35 (1971) 243-250.
- “Indological Library Bulletin.” Indian Ecclesiastical Studies 10 (1971) 217-224; 11 (1972) 132-144; 268-283.
- “The Trinity and Hinduism.” The Triune God, ed. J. Dupuis. Kurseong: St Mary’s College, 1971. 143-160 (cyclostyled).
- “Sacrifice in Hinduism.” The Eucharistic Mystery, ed. J. Dupuis. Kurseong: St. Mary’s College, n.d. 131-147 (cyclostyled).
- “The Sanskrit Hymns of Brahmabandhav Upadhyay.” Religion and Society 19/4 (1972) 60-79.
- “Aurobindo, Teilhard and Theology.” The Clergy Monthly 36 (1972) 471-466.
- “Grace and the Christian Call.” God’s Word Among Men, ed. George Gispert-Sauch, SJ. Delhi: Vidyajyoti, 1973. 167-182.
- “Reflections for a Theology of Evangelization and Dialogue.” The Clergy Monthly 37 (1973) 170-183.
- “The Church and World Religions.” Chapter X of The Christian Faith in the Doctrinal Documents of the Catholic Church, ed. Joseph Neuner, SJ and Jacques Dupuis, SJ. Bangalore: TPI, 1973 and subsequent editions.
- “Biblical Inspiration as ‘Parama-Vyanjana’?’’ Research Seminar on Non-Biblical Scriptures, ed. D.S. Amalorpavadass. Bangalore: National Biblical Catechetical and Liturgical Centre, 1974. 136-152.
- “Inspiration? Some Comments on a Recent Book.” The Monthly 38 (1974) 182-189.
- “Bishops Today.” The Clergy Monthly 38 (1974) 451-455.
- “Renewal Reaches the Confessional.” Vidyajyoti Journal Theological Reflection 39 (1975), 318-329.
- “Sacred Scriptures in Indian Religions.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 39 (1975) 217-222.
- “Sacred Scriptures in Indian Religions.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 40 (1976) 218-222.
- “The New Divine Office.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 40 (1976) 349-355.
- “Ignis inculturated: The first hymn of the first Veda.” Ignis 5/6 (1976) 16-17.
- “Decree on Public Masses for Deceased Other Christians.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 40 (1976) 469-472.
- “Exploring the Further Shore.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 40 (1976) 502-506.
- “The Jesuit Foundational Experience: Spiritual Discernment in the Jesuit Constitutions.” Ignis 6/6 (1977) 2-11.
- “The Catholic School.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 41 (1977) 459-468.
- “A Theology for India.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 42 (1978) 46-47.
- “Shankaracharya and our Theological Task.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 42 (1978) 348-355.
- “Martin Buber, Theology and India.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 42 (1978) 423-428.
- “St. Peter Walking on the Ganges.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 42 (1978) 468-472.
- “The Churches in Dialogue with Religions.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 42 (1978) 92-98.
- “Triennial Meeting of the ICTA.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 42 (1978) 234-235.
- ‘‘The Dynamics of Cultural Pluralism and Worship-Patterns.” Journal of Dharma 3 (1978) 350-363.
- “Why Religion?” Development of Personality, Vol. III, ed. R.H. Lesser. Delhi: The All India Association for Christian Higher Education, 1978. 14-20.
- “What is Religion?” Development of Personality, Vol. III, ed. RH. Lesser. Delhi: The All India Association for Christian Higher Education, 1978. 21-28.
- “Religion and Religions.” Development of Personality, Vol. III, ed. RH. Lesser. Delhi: The All India Association for Christian Higher Education, 1978. 29-37.
- “Religion and Reason.” Development of Personality, Vol. III, ed. R.H. Lesser. Delhi: The All India Association for Christian Higher Education, 1978. 38-44.
- “Hinduism.” Development of Personality, Vol. III, ed. R.H. Lesser. Delhi: The All India Association for Christian Higher Education, 1978. 45-53.
- “Buddhism.” Development of Personality, Vol. III, ed. R.H. Lesser. Delhi: The All India Association for Christian Higher Education, 1978. 54-63.
- “Christianity.” Development of Personality, Vol. III, ed. R.H. Lesser. Delhi: The All India Association for Christian Higher Education, 1978. 64-72.
- “Islam.” Development of Personality, Vol. III, ed. R.H. Lesser. Delhi: The All India Association for Christian Higher Education, 1978. 73-82.
- “Ambiguous Statistics.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 43 (1979) 189-191.
- “A Theology of Education.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 43 (1979) 345-359.
- “Christian Wisdom.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 43 (1979) 520-526.
- “Bernadette and her Vision.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 43 (1979) 319-324.
- “Ananda, Hedone and the Holy Spirit.” Indica 16 (1979) 83-102.
- “In Praise of Litanies.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 44(1980) 481-486.
- “Friends that Inspire: 20th Century Jesuit Lives in Recent Print. Ignis 9/5 (1980) 22-26.
- “Indian Spirituality and Contemplatio and Amorem.” Ignis 9/6 (1980) 35-36.
- “The 1980 Catholic Directory of India.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 45 (1981) 31-37.
- “Infant Baptism.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 45 (1981) 132-137.
- “Man and Woman in Christ.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 45 (1981) 396-399.
- “The Vedic Experience.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological 45 (1981) 187-191.
- “A Controversial Syllable.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 45 (1981) 232-238.
- “The Book of Numbers.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 45 (1981) 498-503.
- “Grace in the Visistadvaita Tradition: The Sankalpa-Suryodayam.” Divine Grace and Human Response, ed. C.M. Vadakkekara. Bangalore: Asirvanam Benedicine Monastery, 1981. 17-50.
- “Reflections on my Experience.” Theologizing in India, ed. Michael Amaladoss, SJ, T.K. John, SJ and George Gispert-Sauch, SJ. Bangalore: TPI, 1981. 226-238.
- “Wanted: New Priests for North India.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 46 (1982) 287-193.
- “For a Theology of Literacy.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Reflection 46 (1982) 455-459.
- “An Upanishadic Prayer for Advent.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 46 (1982) 499-508.
- “Liturgical Instruction Questioned.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 46 (1982) 546-552.
- “St Ignatius and the Buddha.” Ignis 9/2 (1982) 30-31.
- “Contemplation for Obtaining Love: An Indian Text.” Ignis 9/4 (1982) 34-36.
- “Inspiration and Extra-Biblical Scriptures: Some Tentative Propositions.” Indian Theological Studies 20 (1983) 16-36.
- “The Lord’s Prayer in Sanskrit.” Indica 20/1 (1983) 1-12.
- “Scholars and Globe Trotters: Lest we (Jesuits) Should Forget our own Indologists.” Ignis Studies 12/1 (1983) 32-34.
- “The Pope and the Jesuits: Some Theological Reflections.” Ignis Studies 1/3 (1983) 20-33.
- “The Laity Through the Centuries: An Apple-eye View.” Ignis Studies 1/4(1983) 38-43.
- “Sharing Communion.” Word and Worship 17 (1984) 176-178.
- “Erasmus and Ignatius: The Historical Sources of Discernment.” 13/1 (1984) 31-33.
- “Krishna and Theology.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 49 (1985) 240-245.
- “The Joy of God.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 49 (1985) 406-412.
- “Theology of Religions.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 49 (1985) 465-474.
- “Christians in the Census of India 1981.” The Examiner 136 (1985) 557-558; Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 49 (1985) 237-240.
- “Tibetan Christian Literature: Remembering a Centenary....” Ignis Studies 3/9 (1985) ??
- “The Spirituality of Swami Abhishiktananda.” Ignis Studies 3/2 (1985) 41-47.
- “Faith as Dialogue: A Saiva Perspective” In Spirit and in Truth, ed. Ignatius Viyagappa. Madras: Aikiya Alayam, 1985. 97-111.
- “Notes for a History of the Bhagavad Gita.” Indica 22 (1985) 17-27.
- “Tibetan Christian Literature.” Ignis Studies 3/9 (1985) 26-34. Reprinted with the Title “Desideri and Tibet,” The Tibet Journal 15/2 (1990) 29-39.
- “The Synod’s Final Report.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological, Reflection 50 (1986) 103-108.
- “The Press and the Papal Visit.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 50 (1986) 204-206.
- “Vedic Sacrifice: Recent Studies and Theological Questions.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 50 (1986) 478-489,
- “Commitment and Tolerance in Teaching of Religion.” Religious Pluralism and Co-Existence, ed. Wazir Singh. Patiala: Publication Bureau, Punjabi University, 1986. 61-73.
- “The Concept of Person and Indian Thought.” Philosophy and Human Development, ed. Anand Amaladass et al. Madras; Satya Nilayam Publications, 1986. 27-44.
- “To Give or to Refuse the Sacraments?” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 51 (1987) 374-377.
- “St. John’s Nectar in Indian Flavour.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 51 (1987) 421-424.
- “Document: Another Letter of the Pope to Akbar the Great.” Indian Missiological Review 9 (1987) 187-192.
- “A Journal’s Journey through Fifty Years.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 51 (1987) 565-574.
- “Meditation on the Bank of the Yamuna.” Jeevadhara 17 (1981) 74-79.
- “Dialogue in the Context of Indian Life.” Christian Concern for Dialogue in India, ed. C.D. Jathanna. Bangalore: The Mission Press, 1987. 20-47.
- “Another Note for the History of the Bhagavad Gita.” Indica 24 (1987) 29-31.
- “Viveka: Discernment in the Indian Tradition.” Ignis 16/3 (1987) 115-118.
- “Viveka: Discernment According to Śaṅkara.” Ignis 16/4 (1981) 171-175.
- “Stray Reflections on the Rosary.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 52 (1988) 549-552. Summarised in Reality: A Redemptorist Publication (Oct. 1989) 27-29.
- “Liturgical Discipline with Growth.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 52 (1988) 586-587.
- “BEM: The Catholic Response.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 52 (1988) 404-412.
- “An Inquiry into the Upanishadic Prayer” Dialogue in Action, ed. Lars Thunberg et al. New Delhi: Prajna Publications, 1988. 179-213.
- “The Great Teacher Ye-su.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 53 (1989) 569-572.
- “Passport to the Temple of God.” Ignis 18/2 (1989) 67-71.
- “Swami Abhishiktananda.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 54 (1990) 300-304.
- “Meet Our Founder: Introducing Ignatius.” Ignis 19/4 (1990) 165-170.
- “A Pertinent Question.” Ignis 19/4 (1990) 181.
- “Samuel Rayan: A Bibliography.” Bread and Breath: Essays in Honour of Samuel Rayan, SJ, ed. T.K. John. Anand: Gujarat Sahitya Prakash, 1991. 305-329.
- “Soundings into the Hindu Tradition for a Theology of Religion.” Religious Pluralism, ed. Kuncheria Pathil. Delhi: ISPCK, 1991. 111-131.
- “On Inter-religious Dialogue.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 55 (1991) 433-437.
- “Pastores Dabo Vobis: Reflections on the Pope’s Exhortation on Priestly Formation.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 56 (1992) 356-363.
- “Manifold Dialogue.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 57(1993) 173-180
- “The Oldest Order of Nuns.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 57 (1993) 430-435.
- “Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 57 (1993) 366-371.
- “Teología de la liberación en Oriente.” Cambio social y pensamiento cristiano en América Latina, ed. José Comblin, José I. Gonzalez Faus, Jon Sobrino. Madrid: Editorial Trotta, 1993. 251-262
- “Bless me Father….” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 58 (1994) 52-53.
- “Gender Sensitivity.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 58 (1994) 394-395.
- “The Christian Conference of Asia.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 58 (1994) 395-397.
- Translator. “Vetruse, Lucia: Violence and Love.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 59 (1995) 616-618.
- “Avatar and Incarnation.” Shabda Shakti Sangam, ed. Vandana Mataji. Rishikesh: the author, 1995. 41-42.
- “The Main Doctrines of Christianity.” Shabda Shakti Sangam, ed. Vandana Mataji. Rishikesh: the author, 1995. 27-32.
- “Mediators of the Divine.” Shabda Shakti Sangam, ed. Vandana Mataji. Rishikesh: the author, 1995. 48-49.
- “The Church in India.” Shabda Shakti Sangam, ed. Vandana Mataji. Rishikesh: the author, 1995. 66-72.
- “The Concept of Morality, Sin, Law, Authority.” Shabda Shakti Sangam, ed. Vandana Mataji. Rishikesh: the author, 1995. 107-109.
- “Mysticism of Action.” Shabda Shakti Sangam, ed. VandanaMataji. Rishikesh: the author, 1995. 124-126.
- “El Cristo Asiático.” Sal Terrae 83/3 (1995) 173-185.
- “A Basic Vazian Bibliography.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 59 (1995) 9-10; Indian Church History Review 29 (1995) 25-27.
- “A Note on GS 22.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 59 (1995) 126-131.
- “Iesus Sanskritizatus.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 60 (1996) 132-134.
- “Vita Consecrata.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 60 (1996) 472-476.
- “Purusartha and Kratvartha: Freedom and Structure in Ancient India.” The Dharma of Jesus: Interdisciplinary Essays in Memory of Fr. George Soares-Prabhu SJ, ed. Francis X. D’Sa. Anand: Gujarat Sahitya Prakash, 1997. 392-407.
- “Notes for an Indian Christology.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 61 (1997) 757-764.
- “Reflections around the Case of Fr Tissa Balasuriya.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 61 (1997) 122-125.
- “The Lineamenta for the Asian Synod: Presentation and Comment.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 61 (1997) 8-17.
- “Asian Theology.” The Modern Theologians, ed. David F. Ford. 2nd ed. Cambridge, Massachusetts / Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishers, 1997. 455-476.
- “Fr J. Neuner the Writer: An Attempt at a Bibliography.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 62 (1998) 548-561.
- “Christ and the Indian Mystical Tradition - Swami Abhishiktananda.” Jeevadhara 28 (1998) 193-206.
- “Brahmabandhab Upadhyay: Theologian of Inculturation.” Third Millennium ?? (1998) 102-109.
- “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam : Soundings into the Indian Contribution to Ecology.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 62 (1998) 920-929. Also in Spiritual Tradition, ed. David Emmanuel Singh. Delhi: ISPCK, 1998. 273-283.
- “A Date to Remember.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 62 (1998) 938-939.
- “The Apostolic Mission of Christian Schools.” Divyadaan 9 (1998) 257-274.
- “Gems from India.” Series running in Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection from 63 (1999) to 67 (2003).
- “An Important Publication.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 63 (1999) 447-449.
- “My Father and Your Father.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 63 (1999) 538-541.
- “The Pope’s Letter to Artists.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 63 (1999) 603-605.
- “Stray Reflections on ‘Faith and Reason’.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 63 (1999) 144-151.
- “Theological Method in Hinduism.” Vidyajyoti Journal Theological Reflection 63 (1999) 667-679.
- “Logos or Christos? A Dialogue with Amaladoss.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 63 (1999) 429-434.
- “Forgiveness, Solidarity, Indulgence: Some Personal Reflections.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 64 (2000) 592-597.
- “The Declaration Dominus Iesus.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 64 (2000) 782-784.
- “The Memory of Jesus and Eucharistic Remembering.” Body, Bread, Blood, ed. Francis Gonsalves, SJ. Delhi: Vidyajyoti / ISPCK, 2000. 32-47.
- “La espiritualidad ignaciana ante las religiones (Reflexiones desde la India).” Manresa 72 (2000) 143-156.
- “The Pope on the Third Millennium.” Vidyajyoti Journal Theological Reflection 65 (2001) 128-131.
- “La teologia indiana dopo il Vaticano II.” Rassegna di Teologia 42/1(2001) 5-36.
- “Two-Eyed Dialogue: Reflections after Fifty Years.” The Way Supplement 104 (2002) 31-41.
- “S. Arokiasamy, Editor of the Vidyajyoti Journal.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 66 (2002) 563-566.
- “Eschatological or Pāramārthika? Challenges and Prospects in the Mission of the Church.” Seeking New Horizons, ed. Leonard Fernando, SJ. Delhi: ISPCK / Vidyajyoti Education & Welfare Society, 2002. 288-302.
- “Something Understood.” Faith in the Age of Uncertainty, ed. Sima Sharma. New Delhi: Indialog Publications, 2002. 15-20.
- “Why only One Incarnation?” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 67 (2003) 382-384.
- “Towards an Inner Reform of the WCC?” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 67 (2003) 65-69.
- “Devotion to the Lord in the Light of the Bhakti Sutras.” Jeevadhara 33 (2003) 208-215.
- “The Pope’s New Encyclical Letter on the Eucharist” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 67 (2003) 459-464.
- “The New Protestant ‘Pope’.’’ Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 67 (2003) 853-854.
- “Espiritualidad misionera desde el Asia.” Misiones Extranjeras 195 (2003) 317-322.
- “Jacques Dupuis and Swami Abhishiktananda.” In Many and Diverse Ways, ed. Daniel Kendall, SJ and Gerald O’Collins. Maryknoll: Orbis Books, 2003. 146-157.
- “Is the doxology the exclusive rite (right?) of the priests?” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 68 (2004) 779-781.
- “The Fourth Parliament of Religions.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 68 (2004) 687-694.
- “John Paul II: Christology, Dialogue, Mission.” Jeevadhara 35 (2005) 371-380.
- “Brahmabandhab Upadhyay: A Forgotten Christian Freedom-Fighter.” Mission Today 7 (2005) 259-267; also Indian Journal of Spirituality 18 (2005) 44-54.
- “A Sign of Hope: The Birth of EWA.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 69 (2005) 219-221.
- “A new platform for dialogue?” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 70 (2006) 148-152.
- “T.K. John, SJ.” Forum Weltkirche 125 (2006) 29-31.
- “Forgiveness, Justice and Politics.” Wounded History, ed. John Chathanatt and Manindra N. Thakur. Delhi: Media House, 2006. 201-215.
- “Thy Kingdom Come.” The Divine Shepherd’s Voice 4/1 (2006) 33-38.
- “A Publishing Event.” Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 70 (2006) 391-393.
- Fernando, Leonard. “A New Eye Opens New Vistas: The Person and Theology of Fr George Gispert-Sauch SJ.” Co-Worker for Your Joy: Festschrift in Honour of George Gispert-Sauch, SJ. Ed. S. Painadath, SJ and Leonard Fernando, SJ. Delhi: Vidyajyoti College / ISPCK, 2006. 16-24.
- Painadath, S. and Leonard Fernando. “Bibliography: Publications of George Gispert-Sauch, SJ.” Co-Worker for Your Joy: Festschrift in Honour of George Gispert-Sauch, SJ. Ed. S. Painadath, SJ and Leonard Fernando, SJ. Delhi: Vidyajyoti College / ISPCK, 2006. 314-325.
- Concessao, Vincent. “Foreword: Co-Worker for Your Joy: Festschrift in Honour of George Gispert-Sauch, SJ.” Co-Worker for Your Joy: Festschrift in Honour of George Gispert-Sauch, SJ. Ed. S. Painadath, SJ and Leonard Fernando, SJ. Delhi: Vidyajyoti College / ISPCK, 2006. ix-xi.
- Painadath, S. “Preface.” Co-Worker for Your Joy: Festschrift in Honour of George Gispert-Sauch, SJ. Ed. S. Painadath, SJ and Leonard Fernando, SJ. Delhi: Vidyajyoti College / ISPCK, 2006. xiii-xv.
- Rayan, Samuel. “A Dealer in Gems.” Co-Worker for Your Joy: Festschrift in Honour of George Gispert-Sauch, SJ. Ed. S. Painadath, SJ and Leonard Fernando, SJ. Delhi: Vidyajyoti College / ISPCK, 2006. 16-24.
Jean Filliozat
- Bibliotheque Nationale Department des Manuscrits, fasc. 1: Catalogue du Fonds Sanscrit. Paris: Bibliotheque Nationale, 1941. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 373.]
Francis Ellis
- "Account of a Discovery of a Modern Imitation of the Vedas, with Remarks on the Genuine Works." Asiatic Researches 14 (1822) 1-59. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 373.]
Mariasusai Dhavamony, SJ
- "The Lord's Prayer in the Sanskrit Bible." Gregorianum 68 (1987) 639-670. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 372.]
Joseph Dahlmann
- Missionary Pioneers and Indian Languages. Trichinopoly: Catholic Truth Society of India, 1940.
J. Castets
- "Pioneers in European Sanskrit Scholarship." Indian Review 32 (1931) 345-351. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 372.]
Robin H.S. Boyd
- India and the Latin Captivity of the Church: The Cultural Context of the Gospel. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1974. [Amaladass and Young, The Indian Christiad 371.]
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