Thursday, 7 July 2011

Works of Jesuits and Franciscans in Goa: documentation

Tadkodkar (Goan Christian Marathi Vilapika during the 17th century, 2010, 6) gives the following documentation:

  • Antonio da Silva Rego. Documentacao para a Historica das Missoes do Padroado Portuguese do Oriente. Vol. 5: Lisboa, 1951, pp. 395-513. Vol. 7: Lisboa, 1952, pp. 367-369. 
  • Diogo Barbosa Machado. Bibliotheca Lusitana. Lisbo, 1741.
  • J.H. Heliodoro da Cunha Rivara. Ensaio historico da linga Concani. Goa, 1858. ET Theophilus Lobo, in A.K. Priolkar, The Printing Press in India

1 comment:

  1. Dear Fr Ivo,

    Some of these works can now be accessed online.
    Silvo Rego's "Documentação" is accessible from

    Machado's "Bibliotheca Lusitana" should be available on Google Books.

    Rivara's "Ensaio historico" as well as Priolkar's "The Printing Press" can be read on the Digital Library of India:

    Best wishes,

    Paolo Aranha
    Warburg Institute, London
