Julius Cardozo, writing 13 Dec 2012, also gives me some information about Joseph L. Saldanha's family tree:
I came across another link (via google search) that I thought may be of interest to you - the genealogical tree of Joseph L Saldanha. Could be useful if one wanted to contact the surviving descendents of his family. http://freepages.genealogy.Very likely this is the same Simon Alvares who is mentioned as publisher in Saldanha's 1907 edition of the Khristapurana.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~ Excerpt from the above link:255. Joseph Louis SALDANHA (Joseph Louis Lawrence95, Joseph42, Francis23, Manuel17, Francis9, Bonaventure2, Antonio1) was born on Aug 25, 1869 and died in 1928 at age 59.aferris/SaldanhaAntonio/d8.htm
Notes: Joseph Saldanha, a poet, was famous for his editing of the Christian Purana.
On the same page - I saw this: 252. Gracia SALDANHA (Joseph Louis Lawrence95, Joseph42, Francis23, Manuel17, Francis9, Bonaventure2, Antonio1) was born about 1865.
Gracia married Simon ALVARES, son of Paul ALVARES and Monica FARIAS,. Simon was born in 1851 and died in 1919 at age 68.
Noted events in his life were:
• Occupation: Tile Merchant.