- Through Storm and Tempest: A Biography of Blessed Joseph Vaz, Apostle of Canara and Sri Lanka (1651-1711) and an Account of the Historic Exploits of the First Oratorians (Goa...) in Sri Lanka. Mumbai: Tej-prasarini Don Bosco Communications, 2001.
- Bhaktivant Jose Vazachem Caritravarnan: Kanara and Sri Lankecho preshit (1651-1711) ani Goemcya pratham Oratorian Sansthen Sri Lankat kel'lea caritrik missao vavracho vivar. Tr. into Konkani (Kannada script) by Reginald Pinto, Santosh Menezes, OFM Cap. and Victor Rodrigues. Mumbai: Tej-prasarini Don Bosco Communications, 2002.
- Vadoll ani tufananantlean: Goencho bhagevont put Padri Juze Vazachea jivitachi kotha. Translation into Konkani (Roman script) by Thomas Misquith and Jess Fernandes. Panjim: Boskon Communications, 2010.
- Vadalvara va tufanatun: Dhanyavadit Joseph Vaz yanche jivan caritra. Translation into Marathi by Anil Dabre. Mumbai: Tej-prasarini Don Bosco Communications, 2006.
A collaborative effort. You are welcome to contribute, especially if you happen to be an expert. The aim is to collect as comprehensive a bibliography of Indian Christian Writings as possible, both primary and secondary, according to author.
Sunday, 30 January 2011
Michael Mascarenhas, SDB
Justin E. Abbot
- "Can a Man be a Hindu and a Christian at the Same Time?" Dnyanodaya 50/31 (Jul. 1891) 1. [PUTC]
- "The Christian Nirvana." Dnyanodaya 54/17 (Apr. 1895) 1. [PUTC]
- "India's Right to Her Own Interpretation of Christianity." Dnyanodaya 68/32 (1909) 1. [PUTC] [Baago gives the volume as 168.]
- "Christ and Hinduism." Dnyanodaya 68/7 (Feb. 1909) 1. [PUTC]
- Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies 3:159-164 (1923-25). [Bandelu 6.]
- Letter to Times of India, 17 August 1925. [Bandelu 6. Full text in B 946-948; D 894-895. None of the 3 Abbott pieces are present in the Falcao 2003 bibliography, though the Letter is mentioned in F 2003 23 note 43.]
- “The Discovery of the Original Devanagari Text of the Christian Purana of Thomas Stevens,” Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies [BSOS] 2 (1921-23) 679-683. [Hambye 32. Bandelu 6]
Saturday, 29 January 2011
Early Syrian Christian Literature
"The Acts and Decrees of the Synod of Diamper." English translation, in James Hough, The History of Christianity in India, 1839. 2:512-683. [UTC]
Thomas, P.J. Marriage Customs and Songs of Syrian Christians in Malabar. Madras, 1936. [JPS]
Lucas, P.U. Ancient Songs of the Syrian Christians of Malabar. Kottayam, 1954. 206 pp. [CMSC]
Rao, C.P. Govinda. Old Songs of the Malayalam Literature. Trivandrum, 1093 (1918). 280 pp. [LWB]
Songs in Adoration of the Cross. Kottayam, 1948. 19 pp. [LWB]
Daniel, K.N. A Critical Study of the Primitive Liturgies. 2nd ed. 1949. 267 pp. [Theological discussion.]
Thomas, P.J. Marriage Customs and Songs of Syrian Christians in Malabar. Madras, 1936. [JPS]
Lucas, P.U. Ancient Songs of the Syrian Christians of Malabar. Kottayam, 1954. 206 pp. [CMSC]
Rao, C.P. Govinda. Old Songs of the Malayalam Literature. Trivandrum, 1093 (1918). 280 pp. [LWB]
Songs in Adoration of the Cross. Kottayam, 1948. 19 pp. [LWB]
Daniel, K.N. A Critical Study of the Primitive Liturgies. 2nd ed. 1949. 267 pp. [Theological discussion.]
Thursday, 27 January 2011
Manilal C. Parekh
- From Brahmo Samaj to Christianity. Madras: CLS, 1919. 18 pp. [UTC]
- “Mr Gandhi and Religion.” YMI 25 (May 1924) 204-229. [UTC]
- “The Spiritual Significance and Value of Baptism.” NCCR (Sep. 1924) 324-329. [GEN]
- “Our Objectives.” NMI 20/2 (Feb. 1926) 34-37. [NMS, UTC]
- “The Christian Religion and the Jains.” NCCR (Mar. 1926) 138-145. [GEN]
- “Our Cultural Heritage.” An Indian Approach to India. Ed. M. Stauffer. London: SCM, 1928) 1-15. [UTC]
- “A Meditation.” NCCR (Apr. 1928) 192-194. [GEN]
- “The Ideal Missionary.” CSSR 1 (May 1931) 16-26. [UTC]
- “Christian Proselytism in India (A Great and Growing Menace). Rajkot: priv. printed, 1947) 463 pp. [GUST, UTC]
- A Hindu’s Portrait of Jesus Christ (A Gospel of God's Free Gift of his Sonship). Rajkot: priv. publ. 1953. 594 pp. [GUST, UTC]
- Meditations on the Lord’s Prayer. Unpubl. MS. [CISRS]
J.C. Kumarappa
- “India's Challenge to Christian Youth.” Guardian (11 Dec.1941) 580 f.
- Practice and Precepts of Jesus. Ahmedabad: Navajivan, 1945. 117 pp. [UTC, GEN]
- Christianity: Its Economy and Way of Life. Ahmedabad: Navajivan, 1945. 128 pp.
- “Christians and Politics.” Guardian (7 Mar. 1946) 111.
- “The War Resisters International.” Arunodayam (Jan. 1955) 21.
Francis Kingsbury
[From Baago 50]
- “God Revealed in Christ.” YMI (Sep. 1922) 475 ff. [UTC]
- “Reply to Rev. G.E. Phillips’ Paper: Recent Christological Discussions.” NCCR (Dec. 1922) 452-463. [UTC]
- Jesus of Nazareth, His Life and Teaching. Madras: Priv. Publ., 1924. 107 pp. [UTC]
- The Life of Jesus. Colombo, 1932. 19 pp. [GUR]
Wednesday, 26 January 2011
G. Vedanayagam Job
[From Baago 47-48.]
“Religious Experience of Sadhu Sunder Singh.” YMI 34 (Jul. 1923) 316. [UTC]
“Hindrances to the Development of the Church in India.” NMI 19/11 (Nov.1925) 181-185. [NMS, UTC]
“A Plea for Unity.” NCCR (Jul. 1927) 405-415.
“Studies in Nationalism and Religion (C) Christianity and Nationalism.” YMI 43 (Sept. 1931) 515f.
Taeiva Tarsirupan. (The Very Image of God). [The Life of Christ, written with a view to Hindu readers.) Madras: CLS, 1931. 200 pp. [CLS, TTC]
Taeiva Tarsirupan. (The Very Image of God). [The Life of Christ, written with a view to Hindu readers.) Madras: CLS, 1931. 200 pp. [CLS, TTC]
“The Great Dilemma. (On the problem of Suffering).” CSSR 3 (Jul. 1933) 202-209.
The Conception of God. Tracts for the Times no. 1. Madras: CLS, 1933. 15 pp.
“Church Union—An Impasse or Opportunity.” Guardian (2.4.1936) 212f; (16.4.1936) 244f; (23.4.1936) 260f.
“The Christian Approach to Popular Hinduism.” NCCR (Mar. 1937) 120-127.
“Sri Ramakrishna: His Unique Message.” Guardian (25.3.1937) 180f; (1.4.1934) 196f.
“How far can the Church in India utilize the different Cultural Inheritances found in India?” NCCR (Sep. 1937) 475-484.
“The Christian Movement in India.” Rethinking Christianity in India. Madras, 1938. 1-16.
Kutumba Djeba Manjari. (A book of Family Worship.) Madras: CLS, 1942, reprinted 1952. 154 pp. [UTC]
Kutumba Djeba Manjari. (A book of Family Worship.) Madras: CLS, 1942, reprinted 1952. 154 pp. [UTC]
“Christ the Way.” NCCR (Mar. 1942) 121-125.
“Christians in Society.” Guardian (5.11.1942) 520f.
“Christian Contribution to Free India.” Guardian (8.1.1948) 3-4; (15.1.1948) 15-16; (22.1.1948) 27-28.
“The Bible as the Word of God.” Guardian (10.3.1949) 148-149.
“The Ministry in the Proposed Basis for Church Union in N. India.” Guardian (17.3.1949) 165-166.
“The Christian Contribution to the Life of Free India.” Guardian (11.8.1949) 488-489.
“Application of Christian Principles to Politics.” Guardian (30.11.1950) 756-757; (7.12.1950) 772-773; (11.12.1950) 788-789.
Monday, 24 January 2011
[Brahmachari] Animananda [Rewachand Gyanchand]
Born Rewachand Gyanchand in Sindh. Converted to Catholicism in 1893 due to his association with Brahmabandhav Upadhyay. Co-editor of the monthly Sophia in 1894.
- "Followers of the Light." The Light of the East (Oct. 1925) 5-8.
- "How I Found Christ." The Light of the East (Jun. 1935) 101-2. [Doyle 119.]
- "What I Found in the Church." The Light of the East (Mar. 1937) 48-50.
- "Appeal of Catholicism to India." Light of the East (Jan 1939) 4-7; (Feb. 1939) 25-27; (Mar. 1939) 49-52.
- "Whom Should We Love?" Light of the East (Jul 1940) 106-7. [Also Doyle 121.]
- The Blade: The Life and Work of Brahmabandhab Upadhyay. Calcutta: Roy & Son, n.d. [Robin Boyd, in An Introduction to Indian Christian Theology (Delhi: ISPCK, 2000) 63, suggests a publication date of 1947.]
- "Parmananda Mewaram." The Light of the East (Jun. 1939) 108-110; (Jul. 1939) 129-132; (Aug. 1930) 148-151; (Sep. 1939) 171-174; (Oct. 1939) 189-193; (Nov. 1939) 210-214; (Dec. 1939) 228-233.
- Paramanand Mewaram. The Light of the East Series, no. 29. Ranchi: Catholic Press.
- Whom Should We Love? The Light of the East Series, no. 34. Ranchi: Catholic Press, 1940.
- Turmes, P. A Teacher of Genius: B. Animananda. Calcutta: Xavier Publications, 1963.
Thursday, 20 January 2011
Joseph Bayart, SJ
Primary bibliography
- The Hindu Trimurti and Saccidananda versus the Mystery of the Holy Trinity. Unpublished MS in India Academy Papers 1932, St Mary's Seminary, Kurseong, pp. 109-153. [See Baago 37.]
- "Le triple visage du divin dans l'Hindouisme." Nouvelle Revue Theologique (mars 1933).
Michel Ledrus, SJ (1899-1983)
- [French tr. and notes by M. Ledrus] Hugh of Saint-Victor (1096?-1141). Le gage des divines fiançailles (De Arrha animae). Museum Lessianum, section ascétique et mystique 12. Bruges: C. Beyaert, 1923.
- Açoka le pieux (IIIe siécle
avant J.C.). Figures indiennes. 4e série, N° 45, Xavierana
(Publication mensuelle). Septembre 1927.
- Pie XI. Le pape des missions. 8e série, N° 67, Xavierana (publication
mensuelle). Juillet 1929.
- Beschi. 8e série, N° 90, Xavierana (publication mensuelle).
Juin 1931.
- "Bhasya-agama-advaita-drstanta: An illustration of Catholic Advaita." Light of the East 10 (Dec. 1931). [Mentioned in R. De Smet, Bibliography, 'The Theological Method of Samkara,' Doctoral Dissertation, Rome: Pontifical Gregorian University, 1953 (unpublished) 366-7.]
- "Apavada in Catholic Advaita." Light of the East 10 (June 1932). [Cf. De Smet, Bibliography 366-7.]
- "The Pratijna in Catholic Advaita." Light of the East 10 (Aug 1932). [Cf. De Smet, Bibliography 366-7.]
- "L'Absolu Brahmanique." Gregorianum (1932) 261-272. [Cf. De Smet, Bibliography 366-7.]
- "Tattvamasi." The Light of the East (Dec. 1932) 25-30. [Cf. De Smet, Bibliography 366-7.]
- "Chronique de philosophie orientale." Revue Neo-scolastique de Philosophie 35 (aout 1933) 426-458. [Cf. De Smet, Bibliography 366-7.]
- L'inde profonde - Toukaram. Louvain: Éditions de L'aucam, 1933.
- "The Eternal Brahmanhood." The New Review [Calcutta] 2 (1935) 72-78. [Cf. De Smet, Bibliography 366-7.]
- "Themes et tendances de la philosophie indienne." Gregorianum fasc. I (1942) 7-34. [Cf. De Smet, Bibliography 366-7.]
- "De Recursu ad Deum apud ethnicos Indiae specimina classica." Studia Missionalia 2 (1946) 55-71. [Cf. De Smet, Bibliography 366-7.]
- 'Cursus de Philosophia Samkhyana.' Unpublished. [Cf. De Smet, Bibliography 366-7.]
- Introductio in doctrinam
theologicam S. Ioannis a Cruce de contemplatione. Roma: Pontificia Università Gregoriana, 1955.
- Appunti di dottrina spirituale (pro manuscripto). Ed. Monache di Viboldone. Milano, 1981.
- Il Padre Nostro preghiera
evangelica. Roma, Borla, 1981, 2000.
- Thèmes pour les Exercices
Spirituels. Ejercicios 4. Roma: Centrum
Ignatianum Spiritualitatis, 1976.
- Via crucis. Comunità di Vita Cristiana, 1982.
- With Jos Janssens. I frutti dello spirito. 4th ed. Ancora, 1989.
- Alla scuola del 'Ladrone'
penitente. 2nd ed.
Apostolato della preghiera, 1992.
- I frutti dello Spirito. Saggi
di 'etica evangelica.' Ed. A. Tulumello. San
Paolo Edizioni, 1998.
- Siate santi... (Levitico 19,
2). In modi diversi consacrati all'unico amore. Ed. A. Tulumello. San Paolo Edizioni, 1999.
- Elementi di dottrina
spirituale. Ed. A. Tulumello. Edicom,
- Obbedienza e discernimento. La
condotta spirituale nella dottrina di S. Ignazio di Loyola. Ed. A. Tulumello. Gruppo Edicom, 2001.
- Il profumo della carità. Gruppo Edicom, 2005.
- Padre nuestro, oración
evangelica. San Pablo Ediciones, 2004.
- 'Sed santos': Consagrados al
único Amor de diferente manera. San Pablo Editorial,
From Franco Manzi, "I 'cinque ciottoli' della Chiesa del 'primo' Martini. Il professore diventato pastore e le sue idee-guida di ecclesiologia," in Franco Manzi, ed., Carlo Maria Martini. Il pastore del post-Concilio (Milano: Ancora Editrice, 2014) pp. 83-84, this confirmation that Ledrus the missionary and belgian indologist is the same as the Ledrus spiritual writer and professor at the Gregorian. Certainly we have the Cursus de Philosophia Samkhyana mentioned above, and the fact that Ledrus was one of De Smet's doctoral guides at the Gregorian in the 1950s.
"In una battuta potremmo dire che nella capacità di attualizzare il testo biblico per discernere la forma di Chiesa voluta dal Signore in una determinata situazione, Martini era figlio spirituale di Sant'Ignazio di Loyola, la cui Weltanschauung però egli approfondì specialmente attraverso altri tre maestri della Compagnia di Gesù: Michel Ledrus (1899-1983), suo direttore spirituale negli anni di studio in Gregoriana; Karl Rahner (1904-1984) e Bernard Joseph Francis Lonergan (1904-1984), dei quali fu discepolo sostanzialmente autodidatta.Anzitutto, il filosofo belga Ledrus, che era stato missionario in India, rinsaldò in Martini la coscienza dell'essenza missionaria della Chiesa. Inoltre, profondo conoscitore com'era di Sant'Ignazio e di san Giovanni della Croce, gli trasmise l'attenzione alla tappe della crescita progressiva dei credenti, arricchendola con un'intuizione biblica, poi insegnata a più riprese dal cardinal Martini ai fedeli della sua diocesi: Marco era da considerare com il vangelo del catechumeno; Matteo, come quello del catechista; Luca, come quello dell'evangelizzatore; e Giovanni, come quello del presbitero. A riguardo di questo suo padre spirituale di un tempo, Martini riconobbe:
Mi ha sempre molto aiutato grazie alla sua grande intuizione psicologica della persona, delle vie di Dio, anche della stessa psiche; era infatti un po' psicologo. [M. Garzonio, Il profeta, 25; si leggano anche le pp. 26.45.413.]
Con l'opera di Lonergan - secondo quanto il Cardinale ricordò nella prolusione a un convegno nel centenario della nascita –, il 'vero contatto' avvenne 'verso gli inizi degli anni Settanta'. Il libro del filosofo e teologo canadese Il metodo in teologia (1972), che Martini lesse 'quasi con avidità', fu per lui un metodo per mettere ordine nel proprio modo di pensare, come gli Esercizi spirituali di sant'Ignazio lo erano per ordinare la propria esistenza. [C.M. Martini, "Bernard Lonergan al servizio della Chiesa," in P. Gilbert - N. Spaccapelo (edd.), Il Teologo e la Storia: Lonergan's Centenary (1904-2004), Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Roma 2006, 1-11:2.] D'altronde, sotto il profilo ecclesiologico, grazie al Lonergan più 'mistico', Martini fu confermato nella convinzione del primato dello Spirito Santo nella vita della Chiesa, che egli aveva assunto dalla sua frequentazione degli Atti degli Apostoli, oltre che dalla spiritualità ignaziana:
Da allora - concluse - ho sempre ripetuto e ripeto che il punto di partenza di ogni progetto pastorale non è un'analisi dei dati sociologici, ma l'intuizione di quei movimenti dello Spirito che suscitano nelle comunità gioia, pace, prontezza a servire ecc., secondo le coordinate indicate da Paolo in Gal 5,22-23 e corrispondenti a quelle delle beatitudini e di tanti altri passi evangelici. Venivo così a cogliere una saldatura pratica tra il discernimento tipico degli Esercizi Spirituali di sant'Ignazio, sopratutto con le regole sulla consolazione e la desolazione, e le regole ermeneutiche che ricavo dalle pagine di Lonergan. [Ibid. 5]
Sunday, 16 January 2011
De Smet material
For the record:
- I have asked at the JDV Registrar's Office for copies of De Smet's Latin notes (Metaphysica Generalis, etc.); they told me they had disposed of all matter from the pre-Vatican days, because there was simply too much junk accumulating.
- The bound typescripts of De Smet's articles (4 or 5 volumes) reserved in the JDV Library, which Banzelao Teixeira had found, and of which he had made copies (which I have in my possession), seem to have disappeared. When I went to check them last year, they were not to be found. The Librarian and his assistants did not know what had happened to them.
- It is just possible that some of De Smet's students might have retained the Latin notes. Asking around for them, last year at Boston Charles O. Oduke, SJ, a student of F.X. Clooney's, put me in touch with Antonio de Nicolas, the brother of the current Jesuit General. He had been a student of De Smet's in Pune, but he told me he did not have copies of the notes. (De Nicolas is Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at SUNY, Stonybrook. His book Habits of the Mind is dedicated to De Smet.)
- I have asked at the JDV Registrar's Office for copies of De Smet's Latin notes (Metaphysica Generalis, etc.); they told me they had disposed of all matter from the pre-Vatican days, because there was simply too much junk accumulating.
- The bound typescripts of De Smet's articles (4 or 5 volumes) reserved in the JDV Library, which Banzelao Teixeira had found, and of which he had made copies (which I have in my possession), seem to have disappeared. When I went to check them last year, they were not to be found. The Librarian and his assistants did not know what had happened to them.
- It is just possible that some of De Smet's students might have retained the Latin notes. Asking around for them, last year at Boston Charles O. Oduke, SJ, a student of F.X. Clooney's, put me in touch with Antonio de Nicolas, the brother of the current Jesuit General. He had been a student of De Smet's in Pune, but he told me he did not have copies of the notes. (De Nicolas is Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at SUNY, Stonybrook. His book Habits of the Mind is dedicated to De Smet.)
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