Thursday, 10 December 2009

J.H. da Cunha Rivara's History of the Konkani Language

The XCHR Alto Porvorim has two versions of J.H. da Cunha Rivara's “O Ensaio Historico da Lingua Concani” 1857 and 1858. The former version is part of the introductory matter to da Cunha Rivara's edition of Thomas Stephens' Grammatica da Lingua Concani. The latter version is self-standing. See the details below. The Centre has, of course, also the (incomplete) English translation of the essay by Th. Lobo, contained in A.K. Priolkar's The Printing Press in India.

Unfortunately, da Cunha Rivara says clearly that he has not seen any copies of the first three printed editions of Thomas Stephens' Khristapurana, but only manuscripts. He does not specify which manuscripts, or where they were to be found. However, it is obvious that one of these MS is the one containing the 'addition' or 'interpolation' by Faria. (F 2009 does not seem to contain any indication about this interpolation, which, I think, should be found in the Central Library MS, Panjim. That MS is, interestingly, copied from the 3rd edition of the KP.)

To be noted is that da Cunha Rivara gives the (avasvara) Canto headings in both the original and in Portuguese translation. The translation is done by a Shenvi Brahmin from Ponda, Suriagy Rau; and, wonderfully, it is done in verse!

Again, curiously, da Cunha Rivara lists the KP under his Konkani bibliography. He does note, however, that the KP is missing from the Bibliographia Lusitana.

Yet again, it seems almost certain, though this would bear proper checking, that the MS from which da Cunha Rivara was working were not the Sanskritized ones. His texts contain terms like Pedru rather than Rayanita.

It would seem that both versions say Spiritu Sanctu rather than anything else.

On another note, da Cunha Rivara has some information about Guimaraes and his Purana. He says clearly that Guimaraes' work was originally composed in Portuguese; was very popular, seeing the number of printings it underwent; and was translated into 'Konkani' by an unknown person - probably a missionary who had worked many years in India.

Grammatica da Lingua Concani composta pelo Padre Thomaz Estevão e accrescentada por outros Padres da Companhia de Jesus. Segunda Impressão, correcta e annotada, a que precede como introducção A Memoria sobre a Distribução Geographica das Principaes Linguas da India por Sir Erskine Perry, e o Ensaio Historico da Lingua Concani pelo Editor. Ed. J.H. da Cunha Rivara. Nova Goa: Imprensa Nacional. 1857.

Ensaio Historico da Lingua Concani. [2nd ed.] Nova Goa: Imprensa Nacional, 1858. [This contains: Introducção: Memoria sobre a Distribução Geographica das Principaes Linguas da India por Sir Erskine Perry, ex-Chief Justice de Bombaim. And also: Observações sobre a Estructura grammatical das linguas vernaculas da India pelo Reverendo Doutor Stevenson. The Ensaio itself contains some additions, and reproductions of documents.]

Boletim do Instituto Vasco da Gama

  • The Xavier Centre for Historical Research, Alto Porvorim, Goa, possesses the following issues of the Boletim do Instituto Vasco da Gama: 1926-1961. However, the librarian tells me that the 1926-1931 issues are badly damaged, and so are not usually given out.
  • The Biblioteca Geral da Universidade de Coimbra possesses what appears to be a complete set.This collection is available in digital form at Memorias de Africa.[1]
  • Central Library, Panjim, Goa.

Saturday, 21 November 2009

Fr Joseph Velinkar and Thomas Stephens

Fr Joseph Velinkar, SJ, Director of the Heras Institute at St Xavier's College, Mumbai, just dropped in. He said some interesting things. He - or his students - have collected matter on Rudolph Acquaviva, SJ and Thomas Stephens, SJ, for PhD theses in the University of Bombay, but the topics were not approved by the University on the grounds that the matter had to be available within India. So the theses are blocked. Fr Velinkar himself could go ahead and publish something, but he says that would be cutting off his students....

He is also working on the history of the Jesuits in India during the period when the Society was suppressed. Some of those in Goa were deported in chains to Europe. Some managed to escape out of Goa, and made their way to Agra, where there was a Jesuit house given by Akbar (or perhaps by Jehangir); they remained there till they died, after which the Jesuit house was taken over by the diocese; the present day Bishop's House is really the Jesuit House of those times. It has a graveyard attached, which contains the graves of the Jesuits who died there.

When the Society was revived, Fr Velinkar says there were three centres, or at least three places where documents were found / gathered: Trichy (these documents were later shifted to Shembaganur, where they may still be found), Calcutta (in the Goethals Library), and Mumbai (very few documents, according to Velinkar). Research would have to be done in all these places for the history of the Jesuits during the suppression.

What happened to the Jesuit Archives of Goa when the Society was suppressed? Velinkar had gone to meet Fr Gomes Catao, history professor at Rachol Seminary, in retirement in an old age home. Gomes Catao narrated to him the 'oral tradition' about the archives. It seems that the Marquis de Pombal, thinking the Jesuits had plenty of gold, ordered all the archives and stuff to be sent to him in Portugal. But the gold was mainly the sacred vessels and something on the vestments. Still, the documents from the archives were also sent to Portugal. When nothing 'worthwhile' was found, the whole lot was ordered shipped back to Goa 'to be returned to its proper place'. But in Goa they did not know what to do, since the Society had been suppressed; so they sent it back to Portugal. The story goes that the captain of the ship, fed up with this back and forth, dumped the boxes into the sea.

At any rate, Velinkar says that the Jesuits had the habit of always making 2 or 3 copies of documents. These are the copies, he says, which found their way to private libraries or individuals. That is why we find stuff in Belgium, or London, and so on.

The real place to search, according to him, is the Jesuit General Archives in Rome. There are plenty of papers there, and they have been researched only up to 1595 or so.

Velinkar also said that some years ago, doing his research in Salcette, he had found an MS of the Khristapurana in the Verna church; but later, when he went to have a look again, it was not there.

Fr Velinkar is almost 80 now; he is still guiding research students for the University of Mumbai, and is in charge of the Heras Institute and of the Indica magazine. He has lots of plans for research.... Let's hope he finds the time and energy for all this, and also some enthusiastic students to carry on his work.

Some of Velinkar's bibliography:

"Jesuit Educational Style." Divyadaan: Journal of Philosophy and Education 13/1 (2002) 59-72.

"Village Communities in Goa and their Evolution," Goa and Portugal: History and Development, ed. Charles J. Borges and Hannes Stubbe 124-132.

India and the west, the first encounters: A historical study of the early Indo-Portuguese cultural encounters in Goa. Mumbai: Heras Institute of Indian History and Culture, 1998.

Thursday, 19 November 2009

Anthony D. George, SJ

George, Anthony D. Svatantrapurva-kalatila dharmantarita Khristi vyaktinci atma-nivedane: Samajika ani vangmayina abhyasa. [Self-portraits of Christian converts of the pre-Independence period: A social and literary study.] Director: Dr Vasant Patankar. Mumbai: Mumbai Vidyapeetha, 2007. Pp. 324+12.

Anukrama - Table of Contents

1. Upodghata - 01

2. Maharashtratila prabodhana: parsvabhumi - 14

3. Sahityace 'sanskrtika vacana' ani atmacaritra - 73

4. Svatantra atmanivedane: svarupa ani cikitsa - 109
4.1 Prastivika
4.2 'Arunodaya' Baba Padmanji samiksatmakabhyasa
4.3 'Anubhavasamgraha' - Baba Padmanji: Samiksatmakabhyasa
4.4 'Pannasa varsantila kahi junya-navya gosti' - Dinkara Sankara Savarkara
4.5 'Ayusyaci kahani' - Dinkara Sankara Savarkara
4.6 'Majha asrayaca khadaka' - Raghavendra Gopala Nevasakara
4.7 'Majhi saksa' - Pandita Ramabai
4.8 'Eka vidyarthici saksa' - Narayana Vamana Tilaka
4.9 'Smrticitre' (Sampurna) - Laksmibai Tilaka
4.10 'Pandita Harse hyanca adhyatmika anubhava' - Sri N.L. Harse
4.11 'Isvari pacarana' (bhaga 1 ani bhaga 2) - Sri R.N. Harse ani Sou. Puspa Harse
4.12 Svatantra atmanivedane: niskarsa

5. Bhasantarita ani caritra-granthantuna upalabdha honari atmanivedane - 220
5.1 Prastavika
5.2 'Babaji Bakhara' - Rev. Hollis Reed
5.3 (Re.) Hari Ramchandra Khristi (Ahmednagara yethila Amerikana Misance pahilya mandalice palaka) yance caritra - (Re.) Appaji Bapuji
5.4 Re. Pha. Nehamya (Nilakanthasastri) Gore hyance sanksipta caritra - (Re.) Dinkara Sankara Savarkara
5.5 Re. Visnu Bhaskara Karmarkara yance caritra - Re. Tukarama Nathuji
5.6 (Re.) Ganpatrao Raghunatha Navalkara hyance caritra - (Re.) S.G. Navalkara
5.7 (Re.) Satoba Ranoji Ranabhise hyance sanksipta caritra - Miss A. Adelaide Brown
5.8 Satyasvikara athava Ramcandra Balaji Keskara yanca sanksipta vrttanta - Prabhaji Balaji Keskar
5.9 Sundarabai Pavara yance caritra ani karya - Kate Stawry
5.10 Re. Anandrao Hivale yance caritra - Dasaratha Vittala Kadama
5.11 Niskarsa

6. Amarathi dharmantarita vyaktinci atmanivedane - 279
6.1 Prastavana
6.2 'Majha dharmanubhava' - Re. Imambaksa Bava
6.3 'Eka sufine apalya prabhusa kase olakhile?' - Bishop John A. Subhan
6.4 'Mi ka Khristi jhalo?' - Lalmohan Patnaik
6.5 'Tyacya premala hastance kautalya' - Bhaktasingh Chhabra
6.6 Niskarsa
6.7 Marathi ani amarathi dharmantarita vyaktincya atmanivedananci tulanatmaka cikitsa

7. Upasamhara - 301
7.1 Prastavika
7.2 19ve sataka: Maharashtra sanskrtitila 'badaltya samajika-sankrtika ani vangmayina prerana'
7.3 Atmanivedanancya 'sanskrtika vacana' -tuna prakata honare 'atmacaritra' hya vangmayaprakarace nave svarupa va karya
7.4 Atmanivedanantuna vyakta honari maharastratiya sanskrtici prabodhanakalina 'mansikata' ani tice bhavi kalasathi labhnare lobhadana

Parisista / Sandarbhagrantha - 316

[Copy to be found in Divyadaan library]

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Thomas Stephens: Asiatic Society, Mumbai, and XCHR, Porvorim

Yesterday I was in Fort, Mumbai, and took the chance to visit the Asiatic Society of Bombay (formerly the Royal Asiatic Society, Bombay Chapter) and the Public Library adjacent to it.

In both libraries I found A.K. Priolkar's, The Printing Press in India, with its English translation of J.H. da Cunha Rivara's History of the Konkani language. Unfortunately, and very disappointingly, Theophilus Lobo, who translated this essay from the original Portuguese, thought it fit not to reproduce the essay in its entirety. So while the Censures and Licences are mentioned, the complete texts of these - and J.L. Saldanha says he got these texts from da Cunha Rivara's essays - are not given. Which is a real pity. Now we will have to find the Portuguese original. Which I suppose should be either at the Heras Institute, St Xavier's College, Mumbai, or else at the Xavier Centre of Historical Research, Porvorim, or at the Central Library, Panjim.

The Public Library is very easy of access. I signed my name and address in the register at the entrance, and then went to look at the card catalogue. I found Priolkar's book, together with some others, which I should have taken down, but did not. I requested for the book, and had to wait a bit. It came after a while, and then I had to submit an Identity document, sign a request for photocopies, after which they simply handed over the book to me and said I could go out and get the copies done myself. Amazing.

The Asiatic Society was another thing. They were also very kind, but their rules are much stricter. One has to be either a member, or else take a day membership at the cost of Rs 75, if one is to look at a book / journal and make copies. So I accessed their card catalog, found the same Priolkar book, met the office, was directed to the Librarian, a very gracious lady called Dewanji Madam. Dewanji Madam was very helpful; through the clerks the book was found, and I had a look at it. (This was while I was waiting for the same book at the Public Library.) They have a limit of 25 pp copies per journal / book. I filled in a form, paid my Rs 75/-, and then the book was handed over to a peon who waited till he collected other photocopy requests, before going out to get the copies done. (I believe the inhouse machine is out of order.) All this took a while. But it was a learning experience. I found that one of the gentlemen in the office was a Catholic, called Donald. He told me life membership used to be Rs 3000; now it is Rs 15,000. He also told me that Mr Bernard Andrade, one of the clerks at the Shrine Office, was a life member. More interestingly, I asked Mrs Dewan about possible MS of the Khristapurana. I told her that Mr Jerome A. Saldanha had displayed one such MS way back in 1903 or so, and did they keep records of lectures at the Society? She said it was unlikely, but that there was a catalogue of MS, and I would have to apply to the Secretary for special permission to access that.

At any rate, I got 25 pp of the da Cunha Rivara text copied through the Asiatic Society, and the rest through the Public Library.

Da Cunha Rivara clearly states that he was unfortunate not to be able to see any of the printed editions of the KP; he said he saw only MS, but does not give any further information about these. From the mention of an MS indicating interpolations by Fr Pascoal Gomes da Faria, dated 1722, there arises the possibility that one of the MS he saw was related to the one at the Central Library, Panjim, which is clearly dated 1722, and is a copy of the 3rd edition of the KP (1654).

In the meantime, the Director of the Xavier Centre for Historical Research, Porvorim, replied to my e-mail query, saying that they do not possess any MS of the KP. He says that "some books of [Mariano] Saldanha's collection were donated to the XCHR".

Friday, 9 October 2009

Thomas Stephens, SJ (1549-1619), an updated bibliography

I have already published a Stephens bibliography on this blog, but here is a fresh one, which I think is far more accurate and updated. I have consulted the following, and have corrected their entries where necessary with the help of the internet.

I am still waiting for Nelson Falcao to supply a complete list of the MS of the Khristapurana - he says he has some 15 of them, including the one from the Central Library, Panjim.

S = Joseph L. Saldanha edition, 1907.
B = Bandelu edition, 1956
D = Drago edition, 1996.
M = Marsden MS
F 2003 = Falcao, Kristapurana: A Christian-Hindu Encounter
F 2009 = Falcao edition, Marathi, 2009
F 2012 = Falcao edition, English, 2012

Account of Thomas Pound and petition for him to be admitted in spite of his absence to the Society of Jesus.
“Stephens’s account is extant among the archives at Brussels and at Stonyhurst (Collectio Cardwelli, i.16; FOLEY, iii.580-4.” [Pollard 355.]

Letter to his father, dated 10 November 1579. [English.]
Full text in R. Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation. 2nd Series, vol. 5. Glasgow, 1914. [S xxvi.]

Full text in J.L. Saldanha, “Biographical Note,” xxvi-xxx.
Letter to his brother, Richard Stephens, dated 24 October 1583. [Latin.]
Copy, with several omissions, in the National Library of Brussels. [S xxx.] See MS. 3353-61, f. 61r-63v. A description can be found in J. Van den Gheyn (Catalogue des manuscrits de la Bibliothèque royale de Belgique), vol. VII, p. 6, n° 4571:

Full text [English translation], in J.L. Saldanha, “Biographical Note,” xxx-xxxiv. See also ibid. note 1: The writer in the Mangalore Magazine obtained a copy from the National Library of Brussels. The writer might be the Rev. D. Fernandes, SJ, mentioned in the Editor’s Preface, iii.]
Letter to Fr Claudius Aquaviva, General of the Society of Jesus, Rome; from Margao, dt. 6 December 1601. [Portuguese.]
Two unpublished letters of Stephens, his obituary notice and the Catalogues of the Goan Province. Roman Archives of the Society of Jesus. [Falcao 2003 213.]

Parisista 4: Bandelu 949-953.

Parisista 10: Drago 896-899.

Priolkar, A.K. “Two Recently Discovered Letters of Fr Thomas Stephens,” The Journal of the University of Bombay 25, part 2, 25 (September 1956) 114-123. [F 2003 222.]
Letter to Fr Claudius Aquaviva, General of the Society of Jesus, Rome; from Salsette, dt. 5 December 1608. [Portuguese.]
Two unpublished letters of Stephens, his obituary notice and the Catalogues of the Goan Province. Roman Archives of the Society of Jesus. [Falcao 2003 213.]

Parisista 5: Bandelu 953-956.

Parisista 11: Drago 900-902.

Priolkar, A.K. “Two Recently Discovered Letters of Fr Thomas Stephens,” The Journal of the University of Bombay 25, part 2, 25 (September 1956) 114-123. [F 2003 222.]
Doutrina Christã em lingua Bramana-Canarim, Ordenada a maniera de dialogo para ensinar os meninos, pelo Padre Thomas Estevão da Companhia de IESUS. natural de Lodres. Empressa no Collegio de Rachol da Companhia de IESUS. Anno 1622. 8vo. 4 unnumbered leaves. 64 leaves of text numbered on recto only. Biblioteca Nacional, Lisboa. Vatican Library, Rome. [C.R. Boxer 1956 9-10.]
According to S, this book was a translation into Konkani of a Christian Catechism in Portuguese by Padre Marcos Jorge. Published 3 years after death of Thomas Stephens. [S xxxvii.]
Doutrina Christã em lingua Concani. Ed. Mariano Saldanha. Lisboa, 1945. Reproduced in facsimile on pp. 55-190, with introduction, notes and appendices. [Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu, XIV (1945) 168-169. C.R. Boxer 1956 9-10. Falcao 2003 213.]

Arte da lingua Canarim. Rachol: St Ignatius College, 1640.
Fr Diogo Ribeiro, SJ, is said to have added to the manuscript the fruits of his 50 years’ study of Indian languages. Printed only in 1640, after the demise of both authors, at the press of St Ignatius’ College, Rachol, with Imprimatur of the Provincial, Manoel Barradas, given with the consent of the Praepositus General of the Society, Fr Vitelleschi. Only 2 copies of the first edition are known to exist. [S xxxvii.]

Sir Monier Monier-Williams, “Facts of Indian Progress,” Contemporary Review, says he has seen an edition of this grammar in the India Office Library, but none of his other works. [S xxxvii, xxiv.]

Microfilm available at Mumbai Marathi Sansodhan Mandala, Mumbai 400 005. [D 905.]
Grammatica da Lingua Concani pelo Padre Thomaz Estevayo. Ed. J.H. da Cunha Rivara. Nova Goa: Imprensa Nacional. 1857.

Arte da lingoa Canarim composta pelo Padre Thomaz Estevao da Companhia de IESUS & acrecentada pello Padre Diogo Ribeiro da mesma Copanhia e nouemente reuista & emendada por outros quarto Padres da mesma Companhia. 1640. (Grammar of Konkani language composed by Fr Thomas Stephens of the Society of Jesus and enriched by Fr Diogo Ribeiro of the same Society and newly revised and corrected by four other priests of the same Society). A facsimile reprint of the 1640 edition with an introduction by Fr Ivo Coelho SDB. Margao (Goa): CinnamonTeal Publishing, 2012. 5-25.

Khristapurana: Versions and editions

Discurso sobre a vinda de Jesu-Christo Nosso Salvador ao mundo, dividido em dous Tratados, pelo Padre Thomaz Estevão, Inglez, da Companhia de Jesu. Impresso em Rachol com licencia da Santa Inquisicão, e Ordinario no Collegio de Todos os Santos da Companhia de Jesu Anno 1616. [S xxxix. First edition, Rachol [Raitur: D, F], Goa, 1616. [Roman script.]
The title with all its details is taken from the ‘Licence,’ which itself is found, not in the MS collated by S, but in J.H. da Cunha Rivara’s Introduction to his edition of Stephens, Arte da lingua Canarim, 1857. [S xli, note 2. See above for full details.] Imprimatur 22 June 1615. “From the Censures and Licences annexed it seems to have originally been written in Portuguese and then translated into the vernacular in which we now find it. The translation appears to have been completed in 1614 [S xxxix, note 1: see stanzas 119-120, Canto 59, Dussarem Puránna], and printed for the first time, in 1616, as declared in the descriptive title in Portuguese first given to the book.” [S xxxix.]

No copy has been traced to date.

See, however, Pollard 356 who speaks of a copy as extant in the Archivo Universal of the National Library at Lisbon.
Puranna. Second edition, 1649. [TS died 1619.] [Roman script.]

It would be important also to check where da Cunha Rivara obtained the 'Censures and Licences' which he reproduced in his "Ensaio Historico."
“A second edition, taken in hand in 1646 under the auspices of the aforementioned Fr[ei] Gaspar de S. Miguel, who, with some other ecclesiastics, completed a revision of the work on February 20, 1649, appears to have been published in the latter year under the title of the Puránna, in place of the original Portuguese designation borne by the first edition…. It is not known where the second edition was printed.” [S xxxix.] The Drago edition, however, indicates (see front matter) that it was printed at Raitur, Goa, 1649.

No copy has been traced to date.

See again Pollard 356 who speaks of a copy as extant in the Archivo Universal of the National Library at Lisbon. Also, check da Cunha Rivara, "Ensaio Historico."
Puránna. Em Goa com licenca da Santa Inquisicao e Ordinario no Collegio de S. Paolo novo de Companhia de Jesu. Anno de 1654. Third edition, Old Goa [according to Drago], 1654. [Roman script.]
Licences by Rev. Fr Lucas da Cruz and another, dt. 2 January 1653 and 22 June 1654.

No copy has been traced to date.

See again Pollard 356 who speaks of a copy as extant in the Archivo Universal of the National Library at Lisbon. Check da Cunha Rivara, "Ensaio Historico."
The Adi or First Puran + The Deva Puran. [Devanagari manuscripts.] Marsden Collection Manuscripts. London: School of Oriental and African Studies. N.d. [Falcao 2003, 213.]
The manuscripts had belonged to the library of William Marsden who, Abbot says, ‘a century ago’ had made a large collection of coins and Oriental books when in India, many of the latter having been obtained from the Archives in Goa (which Archives, Abbot does not say). The library was given by Marsden to the Kings College, London, in 1853, but in 1916 came into the possession of the School of Oriental Studies. The catalogue contained only a few Marathi items. Abbot reports two, with entries made by Mr Marsden as follows: “The Adi or First Puran, a Christian work in the Mahratta language and Nagari character appearing to contain an exposition of the Old Testament.” “The Deva Puran, or Divine History, a Christian work in the Mahratta language and Nagari character appearing to contain an exposition of the New Testament or History of Christ.” The manuscript is in two volumes differing in handwriting. The Deva Puran is a copy of an older copy. The MS end in the usual form of an Indian Puran, Iti Mahapurane, or Iti Deva-Purane, which the Mangalore text does not do. See “Mr. Justin E. Abbot’s Letter to ‘The Times of India’.” Parisista 3: B 946-949. See also J.E. Abbott, “The Discovery of the Original Devanagari Text of the Christian Purana of Thomas Stevens,” BSOS 2 (1921-23) 679-683. [Hambye 32.]

Abbott claims that this is a copy of Thomas Stephens’ original text. Bandelu feels that there is not enough evidence for Abbott’s claim. Falcao follows Abbott without really arguing his case. Strangely, while admitting that M is an MS and not an ‘edition,’ he still lists it as the 7th edition, coming after D, without giving any supporting reasons. [F 2003 20]

Fr H. Staffner obtained a microfilm of M and made 2 copies. One is in the Jaykar Library of the Pune University. The other is in Snehasadan, Pune. [D, “Abhara,” ix.] It would seem, however, that there is another microfilm of the same in the Mumbai Marathi Sansodhan Mandala, Mumbai, though D does not specify that this is M. [See D 905.] F 2003 follows D, but specifies that this microfilm is indeed of M. [F 2003 213.]
Discurso sobre a vinda de Jesus Christo Nosso Salvador ao Mundo. 1731. 88 leaves, illustrated. Copy of the 1654 edition by Manuel Salvador Rebello in 1767. Central Library, Panjim, Goa.
See Pia de Menezes Rodrigues, “La chronique documentaire e des médias: Research Libraries in Goa [colonial and postcolonial experiences],” Lusotopie 1999: Dynamique religieuses en lusophonie contemporaine, 478. See Not mentioned in Baago or F 2003.

Note: Da Cunha, The Konkani Language and Literature: Fr Pascoal Gomes da Faria added in 1722 some 237 strophes to the seven cantos from 45 to 51 of the second part. S says that there is no trace of these in the copies collated by him. [S xlii.]
[Manuscript.] Borrowed by S from Messrs. Dunbar Brothers of Parel, Bombay. [Presumably a copy in Roman script.] [S iii.]

[2 copies in a Kannada script rendering of the original Marathi. Library, St Joseph's Monastery, Carmel Hill, Bikarnakatte, Mangalore. Fr George Santhumayor reports that the copies were 'printed' at the beginning of the 20th century.]

[Manuscript.] Borrowed by S from Marian Saldanha, “an enthusiast of Puránnic literature.” [Presumably a copy in Roman script.] [S iii.]
Most probably this is the MS in possession of the Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendra, Alto Porvorim (their no. V 353). It bears the name "M.C. Saldanha" both on the spine, and in pencil on the first page. 
[Manuscript.] Borrowed by S from Julian Coelho. [Presumably a copy in Roman script.] [S iii.]

[Manuscript.] Borrowed by S from Rev. S.B.C. Luis. [Presumably a copy in Roman script.] [S iii.]

[Manuscript.] Borrowed by S from J.A. Saldanha, copy in Devanagari characters. [S iii.]
“The scheme of printing The Christian Puránna had its origin in a suggestion made by Mr. J.A. Saldanha, BA, LLB, Sub-Judge of Alibagh, Bombay Presidency, in his learned lecture on Fr Stephens’ work, delivered three years ago [i.e. c. 1904, presumably] in the Catholic Union Club, Mangalore. In order to obtain as many copies of the book as possible, as well as to evoke interest in the almost forgotten classic of the Konkan, he undertook a journey to Goa and along the western coast, appealing to the people at large by means of lectures such as the one ready by him before the members of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society.” [S i.] “The Devanagari transliteration obtained in connexion with the present publication, through the kindness of Mr J.A. Saldanha, is, however, full of modern forms given in place of the old ones of the Romanized copies, and contains, besides, numerous errors. It seems to have drawn a good deal of attention at the late Centenary Celebration of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, at which it was exhibited at Mr Saldanha’s express desire.” [S xl, note 2.]
[Manuscript.] St Aloysius College, Mangalore.

[Copy, manuscript.] Collection of Bhaugun Kamat Vagh.
Copy in Goa University Library: see Bibliography of Dr Pandurang Sakharam Shennavi Pissurlencar Collections, vol. II (of 3), Goa University Series No. 3, ed. B.S. Shastry and V.R. Navelkar. Cited in S.M. Tadkodkar, Goan Christian Marathi Vilapika During the 17th Century (Delhi: B.R. Publishing Corporation, 2010) 118, note 8. Tadkodkar notes that this copy is from the 19th century, and that sometimes the strophe numbers do not coincide with any of the strophe numbers in other copies mentioned by him (i.e. mainly the Central Library Panjim copy). 
[Text.] Found in Arambol, Goa. Acquired by the Rachol Seminary, Rachol, Goa (according to Victor Ferrao, e-mail to me of 25 May 2011, this is a copy of J.L. Saldanha's 1907 edition.)

[Text.] Of J.L. Saldanha's 1907 edition. Gifted by Bishop Allwyn Barretto of Sindhudurg to Mr Suresh Gundu Amonkar, who is currently translating the Khristapurana into Konkani. He has since donated the MS to the GCL.

The Christian Puránna of Father Thomas Stephens of the Society of Jesus: A Work of the 17th Century: Reproduced from manuscript copies and edited with a biographical note, an introduction, an English synopsis of contents and vocabulary. [Roman script.] 4th edition, by Joseph L. Saldanha. Bolar, Mangalore: Simon Alvares, 1907. Pp. xci+597. XB. [Baago 2; Falcao 2003, 214.]
[J.L. Saldanha.] Editor’s Preface, i-v.
[J.L. Saldanha.] Contents, vii-xxii.
[J.L. Saldanha.] Biographical Note, xxiii-xxxviii.
[J.L. Saldanha.] Introduction, xxxix-lxxxv [39-85]
Censures and Licences, lxxxvii-lxxxix [87-89]
[Thomas Stephens.] Dedication, xc-xci [90-91]
[Thomas Stephens.] Bhauarthiyam christauam samastanssi Padri Thomas Estevam udandda ayuxe bhouxe va paramesuarachy crupa bhaquitaye. (Author’s Preface), xcii-xciv [92-94]
[Gaspar de S. Miguel.] In laudem auctoris pelo Frei Gaspar de S. Miguel, religioso do Patriarca S. Francisco, xcv [95]
[J.L. Saldanha.] Vocabulary.
Extracts from the Christian Purana. Ed. Canon Joshi. Bombay, 1912. [D 906. Falcao 2003 214.]

Khrista-janma, Tha. Stephens, Khristi Purana, Bhag 2, Avesvaru 7-8. [Devanagari.] Poona: Bishop of Poona [Dr Doring], 1933. [B 86.]

Khristace dukha va marana, Tha. Stephens, Khristi Purana, Bhag 2, Avesvaru 45-50. [Devanagari.] Poona: Bishop of Poona, 1934. [B 86.]

Khristace punarutthana va svargarohana, Tha. Stephens, Khristi Purana, Bhag 2, Avesvaru 52, 58, 59. [Devanagari.] Poona: Bishop of Poona, 1934. [B 86.]

Paile Purana (Pahila Avasvaru). Ed. J.S. Miranda. Santidut [Vasai] Year 1, anka 8 and 10 (June 1949). [Devanagari.] [Stephens’ Gadyaprastavana and the first adhyaya of the first purana. B 87. D 906.]

Khrista-janma. [Devanagari.] Ed. B.P. Hivale. Ahmednagar: Ahmednagar College. [B 2.]

Kristava Puranantli vincona: Mula Sloka ani Konkani Tarjumo Atapata. Ed. Zuava Zuze Rega and Feliz Pavala Norena. Experimental Print. [Kannada script.] Mangalore: St Aloysius College, 1952. [Falcao 2003 214.]
Contains the following selections: 1.1.1-16; 1.7.1-131; 1.10.1-56; 1.36.1-74; 2.7.58, 61-74; 2.46.141-163. [Falcao 2003 214.]
Phadara Stiphanskrta Khristapurana: Paile va Dusare. 5th edition, by Shantaram P. Bandelu. First [printed edition in] Devanagari script. [Falcao 2003, 20.] Poona: Prasad Prakashan, 1956. Pp. iv+(15)+(96)+1076. DNC, UTC. [Baago 2; Falcao 2003, 213. Bandelu knew about the M, but rejects Abbott’s claim about its being the original MS.]
Nivedana. 1-26.
Phadar Thomas Stephens yance caritra. 27-46.
Kristapuranantila kavyasoundarya. 47-51.
Kristapuranantila lipyantarapaddati. 51-59.
Kristapuranantila padyasvarupa. 59-61.
Kristapuranaci bhasa. 61-66.
[H. Staffner, tr. S.P. Bandelu.] Kristapuranaci dharmika sikvana. 67-84.
Adharbhuta grantha, niyatakalike, sanksepa ityadi. 84-88.
[Gaspar de S. Miguel.] Padri Gaspar de S. Miguel yance Stephens-stutipar kavya. 89-90.
[Thomas Stephens.] Pha. Stephens-likhita gadyaprastavana. 91-93.
[Thomas Stephens.] Parisista 1: Dedication. 941-943.
Parisista 2: Censures and Licences. 943-946.
[Justin E. Abbot.] Parisista 3: Mr. Justin E. Abbot’s Letter to ‘The Times of India.’ 946-949.
[Thomas Stephens.] Parisista 4: Fr. Stephens’ Letter to Rome (unpublished and originally written in Portuguese), 1601. 949-953.
[Thomas Stephens.] Parisista 5: Fr. Stephens’ Letter to Rome (unpublished and originally written in Portuguese), 1608. 953-956.
Father Stephens Anityachen Khristapurana. Bombay: Marathi Samshodhan Patrika, 1965. Bombay University Library. (Baago 2)

Kristapurana. 6th edition, by Caridade Drago, SJ. Second [printed edition in] Devanagari script. [Falcao 2003 20.] Pp. li+907. Mumbai: Popular Prakashan, 1996. [Falcao 2003 213.]
[Ramdas Bhatkal.] “Prakasakache nivedan.” [v-vii.]
[Drago.] Abhara. [ix.]
[Drago.] Prastavana. [xxi-xlvi]
1. Kristapurankara Phadar Thomas Stephens
2. Phadar Stephens yancya granthanca stula parichaya
3. Kristapuranacya nirmitci karanamimamsa
4. Kristapuranace granthakartrtva
5. Kristapuranaci dharmik sikvana
6. Kristapuranat aviskrt Yesu Khrista
7. Kristapuranat adalnare desikarana
8. Kristapuranace kavyasoundarya
9. Kristapuranaci bhasa
[Gaspar de S. Miguel.] Phadar Stephens yanci stuti. [xlvii-xlviii.]
[Thomas Stephens.] Phadar Stephens-likhit gadya prastavana. [xlix-li.]
Parisista [Appendices]:
1. Pathabhedanci suchi. 755.
2. Sabdarthakosa. 827.
3. Kristapuranatila kahi mahattvacya adhyatmika sanjnance katholika dharmamatanusara spastikarana. 851
4. Baibalcya junya va navya kararatila pustakanci nave ani anukrama. 857
5. Kristapuranatila vyaktisthulanamasuci. 860.
6. [S.G. Malshe.] Synopsis of the Thesis. 885.
7. [Thomas Stephens.] Dedication. (Phadara Stephens-likhit arpanapatrika.) [English translation taken from S.] 889.
8. Censures and Licences. (Kristapuranacya prakasanasathi tatkalina rajyakartyani dilele abhipraya va adhikarapatre.) [English translation taken from S.] 891
9. [J.E. Abbot.] Mr. Justin E. Abbot’s Letter to the ‘Times of India.’ 894.
10. [Thomas Stephens.] Fr. Stephens’ Letter to Rome, 1601. [From Margao, 6 December 1601, to Fr Claudius Aquaviva, General of the Society of Jesus, Rome.] 896-899.
11. [Thomas Stephens.] Fr. Stephens’ Letter to Rome, 1608. [From Salsette, 5 December 1608, to Claudius Aquaviva, General of the Society of Jesus, Rome.] 900.
12. Kristapuranacya Roman va Devanagari pratincya chhayaprati. 903-904.
13. Sandarbhasuchi. [Bibliography.] 905-907.
Phadara Thomas Stiphanskrta Khristapurana: Purana 1 va 2: Sudharita ani vistarita sampurna avrtti hastalikhita Marsden Marathi padya pratitila sloka, Marathi bhasantara; vistrta sandarbha, parisiste va granthasuchi. Ed. and tr. Nelson Falcao, SDB. Bangalore: Kristu Jyoti Publications, 2009.

Father Thomas Stephens' Kristapurana: Purana I and II: Revised and Enlarged, Complete Edition; Handwritten Marsden copy from the British Library, London, Sanskritized-Marathi Biblical Epic; About Eleven Thousand Verses from Sanskritized-Marathi Poetry. Translated into English Prose; with Ample Notes, References, Introductions, Appendices and Bibliography. Ed. and tr. Nelson Falcao, SDB. Bengaluru: Kristu Jyoti Publications, 2012. Pp. (1)+(94)+1708. ISBN: 978-81-87370-72-7. 

Khristapurana: Translations

Phadara Thomas Stiphanskrta Khristapurana: Purana 1 va 2: Sudharita ani vistarita sampurna avrtti hastalikhita Marsden Marathi padya pratitila sloka, Marathi bhasantara; vistrta sandarbha, parisiste va granthasuchi. Ed. and tr. Nelson Falcao, SDB. Bangalore: Kristu Jyoti Publications, 2009.

Thomas Stephens. Birth and Childhood of Mother Mary, St John the Baptist and Jesus Christ in the Kristapurana of Father Thomas Stephens, S.J. Tr. and ed. Nelson Falcao. Bengaluru: Kristu Jyoti Publications, 2014. 6+154 pp.

Thomas Stephens. Fadar Thomas Stiphanskrta Khristapuranatila pavitra Mariya, santa Yohana Baptista va Prabhu Yesu Khristaci janmakatha va balapana. Tr. and ed. Nelson Falcao. Bengaluru: Kristu Jyoti Publications, 2014. 6+154 pp.

Nelson Falcao. Fadar Thomas Stiphanskrta Khristapuranatila Prabhu Yesu Khristace duhkhasahana. DVD.

Nelson Falcao. Fadar Thomas Stiphanskrta Khristapuranatila Prabhu Yesu Khristace punarutthana. DVD.

Nelson Falcao. Fadar Thomas Stiphans Khristapurana. Tr. and ed. Nelson Falcao. DVD.

Secondary literature

  • Abbott, J.E. “The Discovery of the Original Devanagari Text of the Christian Purana of Thomas Stevens,” Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies [BSOS] 2 (1921-23) 679-683. [Hambye 32. B 6]
  • Abbot, J.E. Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies 3:159-164 (1923-25). [B 6.]
  • Abbot, J.E. Letter to Times of India, 17 August 1925. [B 6. Full text in B 946-948; D 894-895. None of the 3 Abbott pieces are mentioned in the Falcao 2003 bibliography, though the Letter is mentioned in F 2003 23 note 43.]
  • Andersen, Philip. The English in Western India: History of the Factory of Surat. Bombay, 1854. [S xxiv. F 2003 223.]
  • Anonymous. “An Immortal Work by an English Jesuit.” Letters and Notices 66 (November 1961) 325, 193-211. [F 2003 222.]
  • Anonymous. “Britisa Dharmagurune lihilele Marathi Mahakavya: Sadetina Satakapurvicya Ovyanci Bhassa Samisra, Apabhramsa Kami – Muktesvaracya Todice Kavyaguna, Pracina Marathicya Abhyasala Granthaci Madata.” Sakala (22 December 1957) 6. [F 2003 223.]
  • Anonymous. Lettere annue del Giappone China Goa et Ethiopia. Naples, 1621. See 112. [B 30.]
  • Baago, Kaj, ed. Library of Indian Christian Theology: A Bibliography. Madras; The Christian Literature Society for The Department of Research and Postgraduate Studies, United Theological College, Bangalore, 1969.
  • Bandelu, Shantaram P. “Stephenscya Christianpuranantila kahi soundaryasthale.” Ahmednagar College Quarterly (October 1952). [B 1.]
  • Bandelu, Shantaram P. Phadara Stiphans yanche jivancaritra ani vangmaya. Ahmednagar: Ahmednagar College Prakashan 1954. [B 1.]
  • Baumgartner, Alexander. Geschichte der Weltliteratur. II: Die Literaturen Indiens und Ostasiens. Freiburg im Breisgau, 1902. [S lxxxiv.]
  • Bhagavat, R.R. “Marathica eka katholika bhakta,” Vividha Dnyana Vistara (December 1906). [S lxxiv, note 3.]
  • Bhatkal, Ramdas. “Kristapurana: Prakasakace nivedana.” Suvarta 41/7 (March 1996) 10. [F 2003 222-223.]
  • Bhave, V.L. Maharashtra Sarasvata. 5th ed. Mumbai: 1963. [Cited D xxv.]
  • Borges, Charles. "Stephens, Thomas (1549-1619)." Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004. 52: 482-483.
  • Boxer, C.R. “A Glimpse of the Goa Archives.” Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 14 (1952) 299-324. [F 2003 229.]
  • Boxer, C.R. “A tentative check-list of Indo-Portuguese imprints, 1556-1674.” Boletim do Instituto Vasco da Gama 73 (1956) 1-23. [D xxiv, xlv. as of 8 October 2009.] [Photocopy at TSKK Library.]
  • Burnell, A.C. Specimens of South Indian Dialects. Mangalore, 1872. [S xlix.]
  • Burnell, A.C. Tentative list of the Works on the Portuguese in India. Mangalore, 1880; only 15 copies printed by the Board Mission Press. [See Saldanha, Catholic Encyclopedia.] [45 pp. photocopy in Karnataka Theological College Library, Mangalore.]
  • Calcutta State Papers, East Indies, 1515-1616, nos. 239, 574. [Pollard 356.]
  • Cecilia Carvalho. Olivelā lagadalī tulshīchī pane. Phādar Thomas Stiphans caritra [Biography of Fr. Thomas Stephens]. Maharashtra Rajya Sahitya ani Sanskrti Mandal, Mumbai, 2013. 
  • Cecilia Carvalho. Fr. Thomas Stephans: A Monograph. Sahitya Akademi, 2017. 
  • Cecilia Carvalho. Fr Thomas Stephensachi Sanskrutik Bhavponnachi Ruzvonn [Fr Thomas Stephens' Cultural Brotherhood]. Translated into Konkani by Dr Pandurang Phaldesai. Porvorim: Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendr, 2024.
  • Coelho, Ivo. “Thomas Stephens’ Khristapurāṇa: A New Edition and Translation by Nelson Falcao, SDB.” Divyadaan: Journal of Philosophy and Education 20/3 (2009) 473-482.
  • Coelho, Ivo. “Review Article: A Significant Publication.” [Review of Phādara Thomasa Stīphanskṛta Khristapurāṇa, ed. and tr. Nelson Falcao (Bangalore: Kristu Jyoti Publications, 2009.] Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 74/4 (April 2010) 307-314.
  • Coelho, Ivo. Review of S.M. Tadkodkar, Goan Christian Marathi Vilāpikā in the 17th Century. Divyadaan: Journal of Philosophy and Education 22/2 (2011) 265-271.
  • Coelho, Ivo. “Introduction.” Thomas Stephens, Arte da lingoa Canarim composta pelo Padre Thomaz Estevao da Companhia de IESUS & acrecentada pello Padre Diogo Ribeiro da mesma Copanhia e nouemente reuista & emendada por outros quarto Padres da mesma Companhia. 1640. (Grammar of Konkani language composed by Fr Thomas Stephens of the Society of Jesus and enriched by Fr Diogo Ribeiro of the same Society and newly revised and corrected by four other priests of the same Society). A facsimile reprint of the 1640 edition with an introduction by Fr Ivo Coelho SDB. Margao (Goa): CinnamonTeal Publishing, 2012. 5-25.
  • Correia, Francis. “Phadara Stiphana: Kokanabumica Seksapiara.” Suvarta 41/7 (March 1996) 16. [F 2003 223.]
  • Correia, Francis. "The 'Shakespeare' of the Konkan Coast. Fr. Thomas Stephens, SJ (1549-1619). Four Hundredth Anniversary of Thomas Stephens SJ." Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 83 (2019) 461-471. 
  • Correia-Afonso, John. Jesuit Letters and Indian History: A Study of the Nature and Development of the Jesuit Letters from India (1552-1773) and of their Value for Indian Historiography. Bombay: Indian Historical Research Institute, 1955. [D 906. Falcao 2003 219.]
  • D’Britto, Francis. “Sampadakiya: Kristapurana: Marathi Bhasece Alukika Lene.” Suvarta 41/7 (March 1996) 5-7.
  • Da Cunha Rivara, J.H. “An Historical Essay on the Konkani Language,” tr. Theophilus Lobo, in A.K. Priolkar, The Printing Press in India. Bombay: Marathi Samshodhan Mandal, 1958. 141-236. [ as of 7 October 2009.]
  • Da Cunha Rivara, J.H. “O Ensaio Historico da Lingua Concani.” Grammatica da Lingua Concani pelo Padre Thomaz Estevayo, ed. J.H. da Cunha Rivara. Nova Goa: Imprensa Nacional. 1857. [Incomplete reference in B 84. Complete reference from, as of 7 October 2009.]
  • Da Cunha, Gerson J. “Materials for the History of Oriental Studies amongst the Portuguese,” paper read to the International Congress of Orientalists, Florence, 1878. Published in the Atti of the Congress, II, Florence, 1881. [S lxxxiv.]
  • Da Cunha, Gerson J. Istituto Vasco da Gama 2 (1873). [S lxxxiv. Jose Gerson Da Cunha (1844-1900), from Arpora. See Clement J. Vaz, Profiles of Eminent Goans, Past and Present, 118-119.]
  • Da Cunha, Gerson J. The Konkani Language and Literature. Bombay, 1881. [B 85. D 906.]
  • Da Cunha, Gerson J. The Origin of Bombay. Bombay, 1900. [D 906.]
  • Da Fonseca, José Nicolau. Historical and Archaeological Sketch of the City of Goa. Bombay: Thacker, 1878. 256ff. [Pollard 356.]
  • Da Silva, Rego A. Documentacao para a historia das missoes do padroado Portugues do Oriente. Vol. 8. Lisbon, 1952. [F 2003 226.]
  • Dabre, Thomas. “Kristapurana: Krusavarila Yesu.” Suvarta 41/8 (April 1996) 9-10. [F 2003 223.]
  • Dabre, Thomas. “Kristapurana: Samskrtinca Surekha Sangam.” Suvarta 41/10 (June 1996) 25-26. [F 2003 223.]
  • Dabre, Thomas. “Kristapurana: Yesuce Punarutthana.” Suvarta 41/9 (May 1996) 35, 37. [F 2003 223.]
  • Dabre, Thomas. “Kristapuranatila Saiddhantika Bhumika.” Suvarta 41/7 (March 1996) 8-9. [F 2003 223.]
  • De Saldanha, M.J. O Oriente Português 5 (1908) 396-405. [Falcao 2003 214.]
  • De Souza, P. Francisco. Oriente conquistado a Jesus Christo. 2nd ed. 2 partes. Bombay, 1886. [F 2003 226.]
  • Deshmukh, Usha. “Phadara Stiphanace Kristapurana.” Suvarta 42/5 (March 1996-97) 23, 25. [F 2003 223.]
  • Deshpande, A.N. Prachina Marathi Vangmayaca Itihasa. Pune: 1977.
  • Dindinger, Johann P. “Thomas Stephens und sein Purana.” Die katholischen Missionen 57 (1929) 100-103, 133-136, 162-167. [B 84, corrected by Donald F. Lach, Asia in the Making of Europe, vol. II: A Century of Wonder, Book 3: The Scholarly Disciplines. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994.]
  • Dodd, Charles [= Hugh Tootell]. Church History of England. Brussels vere Wolverhampton, 1737-42. See 2:133. [S xxiv.]
  • Eliasson, Pär. "Mukti in Kristapurana. How Thomas Stephens S.J. (1549-1619) conveys a Christian message of salvation in words with Hindu connotations." MA thesis, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. 2015.  Available online a the university site
  • Encyclopaedia Brittanica. 14th ed. London, 1955. Vols. 8 and 9. [D 906.]
  • Falcao, Nelson. Kristapurana: A Christian-Hindu Encounter: A Study of Inculturation in the Kristapurana of Thomas Stephens, SJ (1549-1619). Pune: Snehasadan / Anand: Gujarat Sahitya Prakash, 2003.
  • Fernandes, D. The Mangalore Magazine 3 (1905-06) 168, 193-194, 233-234, 353-354. [Falcao 2003 214 gives the author as Joseph L. Saldanha. The magazine is mentioned by S in his Biographical Note, but I am doubtful that the author is S himself. S xxx, note 1: “It was from this Library that the writer on Fr Stephens in the Mangalore Mangazine obtained a copy of the same letter.” Instead, S mentions the Rev. D. Fernandes, SJ, for “the learned articles on Fr Stephens contributed to that Magazine”: see S iii. Fernandes confirmed as author by Saldanha, Catholic Encyclopedia.]
  • Foley, H. Records of the English Province of the Society of Jesus. Vol. 3 (London, 1878). [B 84.]
  • Gispert-Sauch, George. Review of Thomas Stephens, Father Thomas Stephens' Kristapurana, tr. and ed. Nelson Falcao (Bengaluru: Kristu Jyoti Publications, 2012). Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 77/3 (2013) 238-240, 189. 
  • Graesse, J.G. Theodore. Tresor de livres rares et precieux ou Nouveau Dictionnaire Bibliographique. 2 vols. Dresde: Rudolf Kuntze, Libraire-Editeur, 1861. 505. [Lists the following variations of the name: Thomas Estevano; Thomas Estienne Buston; Thomas Estienne de Buten.]
  • Grierson, G.A. Linguistic Survey of India. VII: Marathi Language. Calcutta, 1905. [S lxix, lxxxiii, etc.]
  • Hakluyt, Richard. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation. 2nd Series, vol. 5. Glasgow, 1914. [S xxiv. F 2003 224.]
  • Hambye, E.R. A Bibliography on Christianity in India. Delhi: The Church History Association of India, Editorial Board for a History of Christianity in India, 1976. [Typescript.]
  • Hambye, E.R. History of Christianity in India. Vol 3: Eighteenth Century. Bangalore: The Church History Association of India, 1997. [Falcao 2003 219.]
  • Harris, Jonathan Gil. "Tales of the First Firangis: Part III: Thomas Stephens: The Marathi Poet of Goa." Hindustan Times, 27 November 2001. 
  • Heras, H. Rachol: Its Fortress and College. Bombay, 1925. [D 906.]
  • Hosten, H. “Earliest Jesuit Printing in India.” Journal and Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, New Series, 9/4 (April 1913) 162. [F 2003 222. D xlvi lists this as ‘Hootan.’]
  • Hosten, H. “The Marsden MSS and Indian Mission Bibliography.” Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies 3 (1923-25) 129-150. [F 2003 229.]
  • Hosten, H. The Earliest Printing in India and Bibliographical Notes on Early Works: Mostly Vernaculars by Catholic Missionaries. Mumbai: Heras Institute of Indian History and Culture, 1915. [Falcao 2003 215.]
  • Hunter, W.W. “India.” Encyclopaedia Brittanica. 10th ed. 12:798. [S xxiii.]
  • Iyengar, Srinivasa K.R. “Stephens, Thomas.” New Catholic Encyclopedia 13 (1981) 702.
  • Joshi, Gitanjali R. “Kristapuranace Saundarya.” Suvarta 41/7 (March 1996) 11. [F 2003 229.]
  • Journal of the University of Bombay vol. 9 part 2 (1940); 23 part 2 (1954); 25 part 2 (1956). [D 907.]
  • Locke, J.C. The First Englishmen in India. London, 1930. [F 2003 225.]
  • Malshe, S.G. “Karuna Rasaca Kristapuranatila Aviskara.” Suvarta 41/7 (March 1996) 12-15. [F 2003 230.]
  • Malshe, S.G. “Khristapuranaca Vakcatura Nivedaka.” Maharashtra Times (Sunday, 21 December 1975) 4. [F 2003 223.]
  • Malshe, S.G. “Kristapurana: Eka Asvada,” Suvarta 37/7 (December 1991-92) 57-58. [F 2003 230.]
  • Malshe, S.G. Khristapuranamrta. Pune: 1975. [D xlvi. F 2003 227.]
  • Malshe, S.G. Marathi Vangmayaca Itihasa. Vol. 2, part 1. Pune, 1982. [D xlvi. F 2003 227.]
  • Malshe, S.G. Stīphansacyā Kristapurāṇācā Bhāśika āṇi Vāṅmayīna Abhyāsa. Doctoral dissertation. Unpublished. Mumbai: University of Bombay, 1961. [Falcao 2003 215.]
  • Mascarenhas, F.M. The Indian Antiquary. 7 (April 1878) 117. [S lxxxiv. D 906. Saldanha, Catholic Encyclopedia. Pollard 356.]
  • Monier-Williams, Monier. “Facts of Indian Progress.” Contemporary Review (April 1878). [S xxiv. Pollard 356]
  • Moore, John Hamilton. A New and Complete Collection of Voyages and Travels. London, n.d. [1780]. 1:337-338. [Pollard 356.]
  • More, Henry. Historia Provinciae Anglicanae Societatis Jesu or Historia Missionis Anglicanae Societatis Jesu, ab anno salutis 1586, ad 1619. Audomari (St Omer/Pas-de-Calais): Typis Thomae Geubels, 1660. [Pollard 356.]
  • Morje, N. Gangadhar. Khristi Marathi Vangmaya. Pune: Snehasadan, 1984. [D xlv. F 2003 221.]
  • Oten, E.F. European Travellers in India. London, 1909. [D 906.]
  • Pinge, M. Yuropiyananca Marathica Abhyasa va Seva. Mumbai: Marathi Samshodhana Mandala, 1960. [F 2003 221.]
  • Pissurlenkar, P.S.S. Os primeiros livros Maratas impressos em Goa. Goa, 1956. [F 2003 226.]
  • Plattner, F.A. Jesuits Go East. ET L. Sudley and O. Blobel. Dublin, 1950. [F 2003 226.]
  • Pollard, A.F. “Stephens or Stevens, Thomas.” Dictionary of National Biography. Ed. Sidney Lee. New York: Macmillan; London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1901. Supplement 3:355-356. [S xxiv. as of 8 October 2009.]
  • Prabhubhembre, L.V. Portugali rajvatipurvice govyatila dharmika vangmaya. Panjim, 1979. [D xlvi.]
  • Prasad, Ram Chandra. Early English Travellers in India. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1980. Chapter 1: Father Thomas Stephens (1579-1619).
  • Priolkar, A.K. “Marathitila Arambhicya Kristi Dautrini.” Indica: The Indian Historical Research Institute Silver Jubilee Commemoration Volume. Mumbai (1953) 320-334. [F 2003 228, 230. Incomplete reference in D 906.]
  • Priolkar, A.K. “Portugiz puranakaraca Marathi kavyagrantha,” Navabharat Masik (May 1951). [B 87.]
  • Priolkar, A.K. “Stiphanskrta Marathi bolice vyakarana,” Loksiksan Masik (December 1936). [B 87.]
  • Priolkar, A.K. “Two Recently Discovered Letters of Fr Thomas Stephens,” The Journal of the University of Bombay 25, part 2, 25 (September 1956) 114-123. [F 2003 222.]
  • Priolkar, A.K. Marathi Samsodhana Patrika (October 1953; January, April, July and October 1954; January, July, October 1955; January, April 1956). [B 87.]
  • Priolkar, A.K. Pitaji Tomasa Stiphanskrta Khristapurana: Arambhi thodese. Mumbai, 1949. [B 86. D 905 and F 2003 228 give the place of publication as Vasai 1949.]
  • Priolkar, A.K. The Printing Press in India. Bombay: Marathi Samshodan Mandal, 1958. [D 906. F 2003 220.]
  • Purchas, Samuel. Purchas, his Pilgrimage; or, Relations of the World and the Religions observed in all Ages. (1613). Purchas, his Pilgrim. Microcosmus, or the histories of Man. Relating the wonders of his Generation, vanities in his Degeneration, Necessity of his Regeneration. (1619). Hakluytus Posthumus or Purchas his Pilgrimes, contayning a History of the World in Sea Voyages and Lande Travells, by Englishmen and others (4 vols.). [Pollard 356.]
  • Pyrard de Laval, Francois. The Voyage of Francois Pyrard of Laval to the East Indies, the Maldives, the Moluccas and Brazil. Tr. from the 3rd French edition of 1619 by A. Gray and H.C.P. Bell. London, 1887. 2:xix, 269-270. [F 2003 225. Pollard 356.]
  • Quadra, Benedetta. Il P. Tommaso Stephens, S.I. e il suo Purana Cristiano. Rome: Università degli Studi di Roma, 1943. [Falcao 2003 215. Untraceable.]
  • Rajvade. V.K. Rajvade lekhasamgraha. Pune, 1929. On TS, see Part 3: 156. [D xlii, xlvi.]
  • Rawlinson, H.G. Intercourse between India and the Western World. 2nd ed. Cambridge, 1926. [F 2003 226.]
  • Rawlinson, M.A. British Beginnings in Western India: 1579-1657: An Account of the Early Days of the British Factory of Surat. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1920.
  • Ribadeneira, Pedro de; N. Southwell, P. Alegambe. Bibliotheca Scriptorum Societatis Iesu. Rome, 1676. [Pollard 356.]
  • Sanceau, Elaine. Indies Adventure: The Amazing Career of Afonso de Albuquerque, Captain-General and Governor of India (1509-1515). London: Blackie, 1936. [F 2003 226.]
  • Saldanha, J.A. The Christian Puranna: An Essay. Bombay 1903. [Saldanha, Catholic Encyclopedia.]
  • Saldanha, J.A. The Indian Caste, I. Bombay, 1904. [S lxx. Saldanha, Catholic Encyclopedia.]
  • Saldanha, J.A. “The first Englishman in India and his Works, especially his Christian Puran.” The Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 22 (1908) 209-221. See as of 28 March 2010.
  • Saldanha, Joseph L. “Stephens, Thomas.” Catholic Encyclopedia 14:292.
  • Saldanha, Mariano. “A Literatura Puranica Christã, e os respectivos problemas linguisticas e bibliograficos.” Separata do Boletim do Instituto Vasco da Gama, [Bastora] no. 82 (1961). [F 2003 226.]
  • Saldanha, Mariano. “O Purana Christão do Padre Thomaz Estavam.” [M. Sardesai. A History of Konkani Literature: From 1500 to 1992. 98-100. M. Saldanha (1878-1975), born Uskoi (Ucassaim). Chair of Sanskrit, University of Lisbon, 1926.]
  • Schurhammer, Georg and Cotrell, G.W. “The First Printing in Indic Characters.” Harvard Library Bulletin 6/2 (Spring 1952) 147-160. [F 2003 229.]
  • Schurhammer, Georg. “Der Marathidichter Thomas Stephens.” Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu 26 (1957) 67-82. [F 2003 222.]
  • Schurhammer, George. “Thomas Stephens,” The Month CXCIX/1052 (April 1955) 190-200. [B 28. D xlv.]
  • Sewell, R. A Forgotten Empire: Vijayanagar. London, 1924. Delhi: National Book Trust, 1962. [F 2003 226.]
  • Singh, Brijraj. "The First Englishman in India: Thomas Stephens (1547-1619)." Journal of South Asian Literature 30/1-2 (1995) 146-161.
  • Smith, V.A. Akbar, the Great Mogul. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1917. Delhi: S. Chand, 1962. [F 2003 226.]
  • Smith, V.A. The Early History of India. 3rd ed. Oxford, 1958. [D 906. F 2003 226.]
  • Sommervogel, Carlos. Bibliothèque de la Compagnie de Jesus. Brussels: O. Schepens, 1890-1900. [S lxxxiv.]
  • Staffner, Hans. “Das Christus-Purana.” Die Katholischen Missionen, Heft 2 (1958) 35-40. [F 2003 229.]
  • Staffner, Hans. “Form and Contents of the Christa Purana.” The Examiner 107/51 (22 December 1956) 685-686. [F 2003 222.]
  • Staffner, Hans. “Fr Stephens’ Christa Purana: Reflections on the Coming Devanagari Edition.” The Examiner 107/14 (7 April 1956) 177-178. [F 2003 222.]
  • Stewart, John. Nestorian Missionary Enterprise. Madras, 1928. [F 2003 226.]
  • Tavernier, J.B. Le Six Voyages de J. B. Tavernier. 2 vols. Paris, 1679. ET Travels in India. 2 vols. 2nd edition by V. Ball and William Crooke. New Delhi: Asian Educational Services, 2001, 2004. [B 85.]
  • The Codes Novitiorum 1565-1586. Archives of the Novitiate of the Roman Province [of the Society of Jesus]. [Falcao 2003 213.]
  • The Concise Dictionary of National Biography: From Earliest Times to 1985. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1982. 3 vols. [B 85.]
  • The Oliver Collection. University of London Library Depository at Royal Holloway. [Pollard 356.]
  • The Travels of Pietro della Valle in India. From the Old English Translation of 1664, by G. Havers. 2 vols. Edited, with a Life of the Author, an Introduction and Notes by Edward Grey.London, Hakluyt Society Publications, 1892. I:162ff. [Pollard 356.]
  • Thekkedath, Joseph. The History of Christianity in India: From the Middle of the 16th Century to the End of the 17th Century. Bangalore: Theological Publications in India, 1982. [F 2003 221.]
  • Thévénot, Jean de. Indian Travels of Thevenot and Careri: Being the third part of The Travels of M. de Thevenot into the Levant, and the third part of A Voyage Round the World by Dr. John Francis Gemelli Careri. Ed. S.N. Sen. New Delhi: National Archives of India, 1949. [F 2003 226.]
  • Tulpule, S.G. “Marathica Khristi Puranika.” Pratisthan 1/6 (February 1954) 12-16. [F 2003 223.]
  • Van Linschoten, J.H. The Voyages of John Huyghen Van Linschoten to the East Indies in Two Volumes. Ed. A.C. Burnell. London, 1885. [F 2003 225. Pollard 356.]
  • Whiteway, R.S. The Rise of Portuguese Power in India. Westminster, 1899. [F 2003 227.]
  • Williams, H.S. The Historians’ History of the World in 25 Volumes. Vol. 8. London, 1907. [F 2003 227.]
  • Yashwant 88 [Sahitya Sammelana Visesanka, Mumbai] (April 1938). [D 906.]
  • Phādara Thomasa Stīphansa Gauravikā: Vasai-Vāstavyācyā caturśatābdīnimitta (1612-2012). Ed. Nazareth Misquitta. Vasai: Jeevan Darshan Kendra, [2012]. Contents: 
    • Amonkar, Suresh Gundu. “Khristapurāṇa: dhārmika samanvayāsāṭhī upayukta purāṇa-grantha. 14-26.
    • Ujgare, Anupama. “Khristapurāṇa ani Khristāyāna.” 27-36.
    • Patil, Subhash. “Khristī Marāṭhī Vāngmayācā ādyapuruṣa: Phādara Thomasa Sṭīphansa.” 37-45.
    • Falcao, Nelson. “Phādara Thomasa Sṭīphanskruta Khristapurāṇa.” 46-59.
    • Kale, Kalyan. “Ekūṇa sāt āvṛttyā.” 60-62.
    • D’Britto, Francis. “Bāybala āṇi Khristapurāṇa.” 63-69.
    • D’Silva, Gonsalo. “‘Khristapurāṇa’ āntardhārmīya susamvādācā apratima dhāgā.” 70-75.
    • Correa, Francis. “Phā. Sṭīphansa: Marāṭhi vyākaraṇāce ‘Pāṇinī’.” 76-82.
    • Agaskar, Rajan. “Khristapurāṇa: Kāḷācī garaja āṇi prabhāva.” 83-86.
    • Tuscano, Ephesine. “Aitihāsika pārśvabhūmivara Phā. Sṭīphana yānce jīvanakārya.” 87-92.
    • Velinkar, Joseph. “Contribution of Father Thomas Stephens.” 93-97.
    • Monteiro, Kevin. “Fr. Thomas Stephens: The Person.” 98-109.
    • D’Mello, Alexander. “Khristapurāṇkāra Phādara Sṭīphansa.” 110-112.
    • Pereira, Stephen. “Khristapurānātīla Pavitra Mariyā.” 113-116.
    • Rodrigues, Mary. “Khristapurāṇātīla Mariyecī svarūpe.” 117-123.
    • Lopes, Maxwell. “Khristapurāṇa: eka sanskrutī samanvaya.” 124-126.
    • Bhosle, Levin. “Phā. Thomasa Sṭīphansa likhita Khristapurāṇa.” 127-128.
    • Nunes, Magdalen. “Khristapurāṇa Phādara Thomasa Sṭīphansa.” 129-131.
    • D., V.L. “Eka alaukika va pratibhāvanta raciyeta.” 132-133.
    • Lopes, Pascal. “Khristapurāṇa: ekā dharmagurunce mahāna kārya.” 134-135.
  • Amonkar, Suresh Gundu. Christ-Puraanna (based on the version of Christian Puraanna (originally written by Father Thomas Stephens, 1616), which was edited by Joseph L. Saldhana, 1907) into Konkani language and Edited. Published by Directorate of Art and Culture, Government of Goa, Panaji, Tiswadi, Goa, 2017, pages 1070, price Rs. 1600.00 
  •  Tadkodkar, S. M. "सुरेशबाब आमोणकारान केल्लें ‘ख्रिस्तपुराणा’चें कोंकणीकरण :संशोधनपर अणकाराचो आदर्श" ('Introduction') (पानांक V to XXVI), ख्रिस्तपुराण (पाद्री तोमास इश्तेव्ह, १६१६) : अणकार आनी सम्पादन, सुरेश गुण्डू आमोणकार, कला आनी संस्कृती संचालनालय, गोंय राज्य-शासन, पणजी-गोंय, २०१७, मोल रुपये एक सहस्र सशे, पानां १०७० ; 
  •  Tadkodkar, S. M., पाद्री तोमास इश्तेव्हंचे मराठी भाषेतील ‘क्रिस्तपुराण’, (पृष्ठांक २९१-३१४), बीजग्रंथ आणि बीजग्रंथकार, (डॉ० मधुकर रामदास जोशी गौरवग्रंथ), सम्पादक : राम आर्वीकर, श्रीमंगेश प्रकाशन, नागपूर, २०१०, पृष्ठे २४०.
  • Barnes, Michael. "The first English Jesuit in India: The remarkable story of Thomas Stephens SJ." See 
  • Chakravarti, Ananya. ‘Christ in the Brahmapuri: Thomas Stephens in Salcete’, in The Empire of Apostles: Religion, Accommodatio, and the Imagination of Empire in Early Modern Brazil and India. Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2018; pp 178-227. 
  • Velinkar, J. Thomas Stephens: The First Englishman in India. CinnamonTeal Publishing, 2021. [Biography of Thomas Stephens.] 
  • Naik, Pratap. "Fr Thomas Stephens SJ: A Visionary who mastered Konknni and Marathi in Goa. Mangalorean (26 October 2020, at 
  • Fogg, Nicholas. Forgotten Englishman: Thomas Stephens and the Mission to the East. Gracewing Publication, 2021. 
  • Falcao, Nelson. Contemporization of Fr. Thomas Stephens Kristapurana. Pratima Prakashan, 2019. 
  • Melo, João Vicente. "Stephens: English exile, Jesuit priest, Marathi poet." See 
  • Royson, Rachel Annie. Kristapurana: An Introduction. [Perhaps an online piece.] 
  • Royson, Rachel Annie. In Search of the Kristapurana: A Journey Through Goa. [Perhaps an online piece.] 
  • Schouten, Jan Peter. Chapter 3: A Foreign Culture Baptised: The Jesuits Roberto de Nobili and Thomas Stephens. In: Jan Peter Schouten, The European Encounter with Hinduism in India. Brill, 2020. pp. 40-59. DOI:
  • Pereira, Clifford J. "Thomas Stephens - An English Jesuit in Goa", at . 
  • “Silencing the Other: Eknath’s Hiṇdu-Turk Saṁvād and Thomas Stephens’s Discurso sobre a vinda de Jesu Christo.” Through Your Eyes: Religious Alterity and the Early Modern Western Imagination. Ed. Giovanni Tarantino, Paola von Wyss-Giacosa. Leiden; Boston : BRILL; 2021. [09.01.25: PIO catalog; available online for registered users. Book Chapter]. 
  • Chakravarti, Ananya. “Between Bhakti and Pietà: Untangling Emotion in Marāṭhī Christian Poetry. History of religions, 2017-05, Vol.56 (4) 365-387. [09.01.25: PIO catalog; available online for registered users. Article]. 
  • Ferguson, Donald. “The Christian Puranna of Father Thomas Stephens, S.J. Edited By Saldanha Joseph L., B.A. Mangalore, 1907.” Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain & Ireland, 1908, Vol.40 (3), 926-931. [09.01.25: PIO catalog; available online for registered users. Review.]. • Saldanha, Mariano. “História de Gramática Concani.” Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, 1936-01, Vol.8 (2/3), 715-735. [09.01.25: PIO catalog; available online for registered users. Article]. 
  • Winger, Howard W. “The Printing Press in India: Its Beginnings and Early Development, Being a Quater-Centenary Commemoration Study of the Advent of Printing in India (In 1556). Anant Kakba Priolkar , J. H. da Cunha Rivara, Fr. Theophilus Lobo.” The Library quarterly (Chicago), 1959-10, Vol.29 (4), 274-275. [09.01.25: PIO catalog; available online for registered users. Article]. 
  • Boxer, C. R. “A Glimpse of the Goa Archives.” Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 1952, Vol.14 (2), p.299-324 [09.01.25: PIO catalog; available online for registered users. Article].

Thursday, 8 October 2009

In search of the Khristapurana of Thomas Stephens

These days I have been going through the Saldanha, Bandelu, Drago and Falcao editions of Thomas Stephens' Khristapurana. The great question is: what was the original script of composition - Devanagari, as Falcao claims, or Roman, as Saldanha and Bandelu claim? The problem is that, of the first 3 printed editions, we have not as yet been able to trace a single copy.

Strangely, A.F. Pollard, in his article in the Dictionary of National Biography, claims that these editions are extant in the National Library (Archivo Universal), Lisbon.

Then again, Saldanha has given some indications of where he found the manuscripts that he collated for his edition: Messrs. Dunbar Brothers of Parel, Bombay; Marian Saldanha, Julian Coelho, the Rev. S.B.C. Luis, and J.A. Saldanha.

Of these, all were in Roman script except the last, which was in Devanagari script. He also says that J.A. Saldanha had exhibited this MS at the Royal Asiatic Society in Bombay, and that it had caused quite a stir. So which is this MS? What has happened to it? And what relation does it bear to the Marsden MS on which Falcao has based his edition?

Yet again: the famous 'Censures and Licences,' from which largely we get our information about the 3 editions of the Khristapurana, are to be found not in these MS but in J.H. da Cunha Rivara's Portuguese introduction, “O Ensaio Historico da Lingua Concani,” to the Grammatica da Lingua Concani pelo Padre Thomaz Estevayo (Nova Goa: Imprensa Nacional, 1857). Where did Cunha Rivara get them from? That would be interesting to find out.

At any rate, a first step has been taken today: inquiries among the Mangalorean Catholics of Nashik. Mr Hugh Mascarenhas told me that he would contact a cousin of his, a Mr Lobo, who, if I heard right, used to be editor of the famous Mangalore Magazine which J.L. Saldanha quotes in his Introduction to The Christian Puranna.

Another step would be to write articles in the popular magazines in Goa and Mangalore on the latest Falcao edition and solicit MS from people.

Yet another step would be to send a copy of the Falcao edition to the Bishops of Goa and Mangalore and request their help in getting MS.

Yet again: requesting Pratap Naik of the Thomas Stephens Konkkni Kendr at Porvorim for help. And perhaps also the Xavier Historical Institute next door to it.

Monday, 28 September 2009

Alexander Neil (John Nicol Farquhar) (1861-1929)

[Baago 20 indicates that J.N. Farquhar was the pseudonym of Alexander Neil.]

  • "How to Present the Response in Christian Faith and Hindu Religious Aspirations." HF (Dec. 1904) 461-472. [UTC. Baago 23.]
  • Gita and Gospel. Calcutta: Thacker, 1903. Pp. 75. Madras: CLS, 1906. Pp. 92. [A comparison between the Gita, Plato's philosophy, Virgil, and Jesus.) [GEN, M, P.] [Baago 20 + 23.]
  • The Crown of Hinduism. Calcutta 1913, 1914; Oxford 1919. [GEN. Baago 23.]
  • Sharpe, Eric. Not to Destroy But Fulfill: The Contribution of J.N. Farquhar to Protestant Missionary Thought in Inda before 1914. Studia Missionalia Upsaliensia, 5. Uppsala: Almquist & Wiksell, 1965. [Amaladass and Young 377.]

Sunday, 27 September 2009

Antonio do Rozario (Prince of Bhusanar)

Portugaler antarpatti avorar sadharan granthaloyayey raskshita puthi haitey kalikata visya vidyalayayer adhyapak O Senateyer sadashya. [Argument and Dispute upon the Law between a Roman Catholic Father and a Brahman.] Lisbon, 1743. Calcutta University, 1937. Pp Introduction + 100. [Publication of a Bengali MS of 100 pp. from about 1680 describing a disucssion on questions like the Hindu idea of predestination, Vishnu's incarnations, the Hindu Trimurthi, etc. - The Roman Catholic Father wins the argument. - Antonio is supposed to have been the son of the king of Benares who became a Christian and worked as a 'catechist.']

Available at The National Archives, New Delhi. Cited in Baago 2. See also Asian Christian Theologies 1:43.

Saturday, 26 September 2009

Nehemiah Goreh (1825-95)

Christianity explained to a Hindu; or Christianity and Hinduism compared. Compiled from Bishop Caldwell, Rev. Nehemiah Goreh, Krishna Mohun Banerjea, and other writers (1893). Madras Christian Literature Society.
Hindu Philosophical Systems : A Rational Refutation (1862)
A Rational Refutation of the Hindu Philosophical Systems (1897) 
A Mirror of the Hindu Philosophical Systems (1911)
A Christian Response to the Hindu Philosophical Systems
The Theology of Nehemiah Goreh. Introd. by Balwant A.M. Paradkar. Bangalore: CISRS, 1969.

Four Lectures Delivered in Substance to the Brahmos in Bombay and Poona in April and July 1875. 1875.

A Letter to the Brahmos from a Converted Brahman of Benares

Young, Richard Fox. "Enabling Encounters: The Case of Nilakanth-Nehemiah Goreh, Brahmin Convert." International Bulletin of Missionary Research 29/1 (2005) 14-18, 20.
Young, Richard Fox. "Holy Orders: Nehemiah Goreh's Ordination Ordeal and the Problem of 'Social Distance' in Nineteenth-Century North Indian Anglicanism." Church History and Religious Culture 90/1 (2010) 69-88.