Jason Pinto has found one more MS of the KP, in the Konkani Dept. Library of St Aloysius College Mangalore.
[Manuscript.] First page:] Bhavarthiyam Cristavam samantansi Padri Thomas Estevam vdannd ayvxe bhovxe va Paramesvuarachy Krupa bhaqhitaye.
[Cover page, obviously a later addition:] Krista Puran by Fr. Thomas Steevans. Manuscript – 1614 AD. [The same repeated in Kannada script.]
[Later] In laudem avtoris pelo Frei Gaspar de S. Myquel Religiozo do Patriarca sao Francisco
[Next] Pailempuranna pramesvara svamiya va santa mahantachy stuti anni samagra grahantachy sassari ttica. / Avasuaru 1. [In pencil, this addition:] (Copy) up to ??
Whatsapp correspondence with Jason [12 photos sent]:
[23/01/25, 04:53:50] Jason Pinto: This is from the St Aloysius University, Konkani department library. Not able to exactly locate which year this MSS belongs.
[23/01/25, 08:35:48] ivo coelho: wow, what a find!
[23/01/25, 08:36:16] ivo coelho: the cover page says 1614
[23/01/25, 08:38:11] Jason Pinto: Yes.... But what does that mean?
Original 1614 or copy of KP 1614?
[23/01/25, 08:38:52] ivo coelho: does the library have any indications about provenance: who gave it to them, when, etc.?
[23/01/25, 08:39:02] ivo coelho: how many handwriten pp in total?
[23/01/25, 08:39:12] ivo coelho: could you send me a photo of the last pages?
[23/01/25, 08:39:44] ivo coelho: in itself, 1614 is an odd date, becasue the first print ed was 1616.
[23/01/25, 08:41:06] ivo coelho: but the date 1614 appears in the last Avasvaru , which is 59 in some MSS and 58 in others. anyway, it is always v. 119 - 120. most likely the date is taken from there, in the absence of any evidence to the contrary
[23/01/25, 08:41:29] ivo coelho: you can see that different people have copied it - so many different handwritings
[23/01/25, 08:49:45] Jason Pinto: Ok...will get you the last page
[23/01/25, 08:49:52] Jason Pinto: Yup
[23/01/25, 08:52:13] ivo coelho: If possible, could you tell me what the handwritten note says on the “Pailem Puranna” page?
[23/01/25, 08:52:19] ivo coelho: [Next] Pailempuranna pramesvara svamiya va santa mahantachy stuti anni samagra grahantachy sassari ttica. / Avasuaru 1. [In pencil, this addition:] (Copy) up to ??
[23/01/25, 08:52:26] ivo coelho: (Copy) up to ??
[23/01/25, 08:53:19] ivo coelho: But thanks, and congratulations! you have the researcher’s drive and instinct!
[23/01/25, 08:53:30] ivo coelho: keep looking. don’t forget the Basel Mission!
[23/01/25, 08:53:37] ivo coelho: and the Carmelites.
[23/01/25, 08:53:42] ivo coelho: every bit of evidence helpts