Saturday, 9 April 2022

Thomas Stephens and the Khristapurana: new items

The following items on Thomas Stephens and the Khristapurana were kindly signalled to me by Prof. Dr. S.M. Tadkodkar on 27 March 2022:

1). Amonkar, Suresh Gundu., Christ-Puraanna, (based on the version of Christian Puraanna (originally written by Father Thomas Stephens, 1616), which was edited by Joseph L. Saldhana, 1907) into Konkani language and Edited. Published by Directorate of Art and Culture,  Government of Goa, Panaji, Tiswadi, Goa, 2017, pages 1070, price Rs. 1600.00


2). Tadkodkar, S. M. "सुरेशबाब आमोणकारान केल्लें ‘ख्रिस्तपुराणा’चें कोंकणीकरण :संशोधनपर अणकाराचो आदर्श" ('Introduction') (पानांक V to XXVI), ख्रिस्तपुराण (पाद्री तोमास इश्तेव्ह,१६१६) : अणकार आनी सम्पादन, सुरेश गुण्डू आमोणकार, कला आनी संस्कृती संचालनालय, गोंय राज्य-शासन, पणजी-गोंय, २०१७, मोल रुपये एक सहस्र सशे, पानां १०७० ; 


3). Tadkodkar, S. M., पाद्री तोमास इश्तेव्हंचे मराठी भाषेतील ‘क्रिस्तपुराण’, (पृष्ठांक २९१-३१४), बीजग्रंथ आणि बीजग्रंथकार, (डॉ० मधुकर रामदास जोशी गौरवग्रंथ), सम्पादक : राम आर्वीकर, श्रीमंगेश प्रकाशन, नागपूर, २०१०, पृष्ठे २४०

I have added them at the end of the "Thomas Stephens: updated bibliography" on this blog.

see also:

• Barnes, Michael. "The first English Jesuit in India: The remarkable story of Thomas Stephens SJ." See 
• Chakravarti, Ananya. ‘Christ in the Brahmapuri: Thomas Stephens in Salcete’, in The Empire of Apostles: Religion, Accommodatio, and the Imagination of Empire in Early Modern Brazil and India, Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2018; pp 178-227. 
• Velinkar, J. Thomas Stephens: The First Englishman in India. CinnamonTeal Publishing, 2021. [Biography of Thomas Stephens.] 
• Naik, Pratap. "Fr Thomas Stephens SJ: A Visionary who mastered Konknni and Marathi in Goa. Mangalorean (26 October 2020, at 
• Fogg, Nicholas. Forgotten Englishman: Thomas Stephens and the Mission to the East. Gracewing Publication, 2021. 
• Falcao, Nelson. Contemporization of Fr. Thomas Stephens Kristapurana. Pratima Prakashan, 2019. 
• Melo, João Vicente. "Stephens: English exile, Jesuit priest, Marathi poet." See 
• Royson, Rachel Annie. Kristapurana: An Introduction. [Perhaps an online piece.] 
• Royson, Rachel Annie. In Search of the Kristapurana: A Journey Through Goa. [Perhaps an online piece.] 
• Schouten, Jan Peter. Chapter 3: A Foreign Culture Baptised: The Jesuits Roberto de Nobili and Thomas Stephens. In: Jan Peter Schouten, The European Encounter with Hinduism in India. Brill, 2020. pp. 40-59. DOI:

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