Monday, 28 September 2009

Alexander Neil (John Nicol Farquhar) (1861-1929)

[Baago 20 indicates that J.N. Farquhar was the pseudonym of Alexander Neil.]

  • "How to Present the Response in Christian Faith and Hindu Religious Aspirations." HF (Dec. 1904) 461-472. [UTC. Baago 23.]
  • Gita and Gospel. Calcutta: Thacker, 1903. Pp. 75. Madras: CLS, 1906. Pp. 92. [A comparison between the Gita, Plato's philosophy, Virgil, and Jesus.) [GEN, M, P.] [Baago 20 + 23.]
  • The Crown of Hinduism. Calcutta 1913, 1914; Oxford 1919. [GEN. Baago 23.]
  • Sharpe, Eric. Not to Destroy But Fulfill: The Contribution of J.N. Farquhar to Protestant Missionary Thought in Inda before 1914. Studia Missionalia Upsaliensia, 5. Uppsala: Almquist & Wiksell, 1965. [Amaladass and Young 377.]

Sunday, 27 September 2009

Antonio do Rozario (Prince of Bhusanar)

Portugaler antarpatti avorar sadharan granthaloyayey raskshita puthi haitey kalikata visya vidyalayayer adhyapak O Senateyer sadashya. [Argument and Dispute upon the Law between a Roman Catholic Father and a Brahman.] Lisbon, 1743. Calcutta University, 1937. Pp Introduction + 100. [Publication of a Bengali MS of 100 pp. from about 1680 describing a disucssion on questions like the Hindu idea of predestination, Vishnu's incarnations, the Hindu Trimurthi, etc. - The Roman Catholic Father wins the argument. - Antonio is supposed to have been the son of the king of Benares who became a Christian and worked as a 'catechist.']

Available at The National Archives, New Delhi. Cited in Baago 2. See also Asian Christian Theologies 1:43.

Saturday, 26 September 2009

Nehemiah Goreh (1825-95)

Christianity explained to a Hindu; or Christianity and Hinduism compared. Compiled from Bishop Caldwell, Rev. Nehemiah Goreh, Krishna Mohun Banerjea, and other writers (1893). Madras Christian Literature Society.
Hindu Philosophical Systems : A Rational Refutation (1862)
A Rational Refutation of the Hindu Philosophical Systems (1897) 
A Mirror of the Hindu Philosophical Systems (1911)
A Christian Response to the Hindu Philosophical Systems
The Theology of Nehemiah Goreh. Introd. by Balwant A.M. Paradkar. Bangalore: CISRS, 1969.

Four Lectures Delivered in Substance to the Brahmos in Bombay and Poona in April and July 1875. 1875.

A Letter to the Brahmos from a Converted Brahman of Benares

Young, Richard Fox. "Enabling Encounters: The Case of Nilakanth-Nehemiah Goreh, Brahmin Convert." International Bulletin of Missionary Research 29/1 (2005) 14-18, 20.
Young, Richard Fox. "Holy Orders: Nehemiah Goreh's Ordination Ordeal and the Problem of 'Social Distance' in Nineteenth-Century North Indian Anglicanism." Church History and Religious Culture 90/1 (2010) 69-88.

Review of Literature on Indian Christian Theology

Varghese, V.E. "Review of Literature on Indian Christian Theology Published in India during the Past Twenty-Five Years." Indian Journal of Theology 25/3-4 (1976) 133-147.

Readings in Indian Christian Theology. Vol. 1. International Study Guide no 29. Ed. R.S. Sugirtharajah and Cecil Hargreaves. SPCK.

P. Robberts. The Indian Christian Theology. 2008.

Christian Theology in Asia. Ed. Sebastian C.H. Kim. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008.

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Thomas Stephens, SJ (1549-1619): Khristapurana: Versions and Editions

[First manuscript / edition, Raitur, Goa, 1616. Roman script. Not found, according to Falcao.]

The Christian Purana. Devanagari manuscript. Marsden Collection Manuscripts. London: School of Oriental and African Studies. N.d. (Falcao 2003, 213.) See J.E. Abbott, “The Discovery of the Original Devanagari Text of the Christian Purana of Thomas Stevens,” BSOS 2 (1921-23) 679-83, cited in Hambye 32. Falcao 2003, 20, however, calls this the 7th edition, even though he uses it as his basic text; no reasons are given.

[Estevao, Thomas.] Discurso sobre a vinda de Jesus Christo nosso Salvador ao Mundo dividido em dous Tratados. Feito pello Padre Thomas Estevao, Inglez da Companhia da Jesus, Impresso em Rachol com Licenca da S. Inquizicao e Ordinario. No Colegio do Todos os Santos da Companhia de Jesus. Anno 1616. Second ed. Raitur, Goa, 1649. Roman script. Not found, according to Falcao.

Estevao, Thomas. Discurso sobre a vinda de Jesus Christo nosso Salvador ao Mundo dividido em dous Tratados. Feito pello Padre Thomas Estevao, Inglez da Companhia da Jesus, Impresso em Rachol com Licenca da S. Inquizicao e Ordinario. No Colegio do Todos os Santos da Companhia de Jesus. Anno 1616. Third ed. Old Goa, 1654. Roman script. Not found, according to Falcao.

Discurso sobre a vinda de Jesus Christo Nosso Salvador ao Mundo, 1731, 88 leaves, illustrated. Copy of the 1654 edition by Manuel Salvador Rebello in 1767. Central Library, Panjim, Goa. (Pia de Menezes Rodrigues, “La chronique documentaire e des médias: Research Libraries in Goa [colonial and postcolonial experiences],” Lusotopie 1999: Dynamique religieuses en lusophonie contemporaine, 478. See Not mentioned in Baago or Falcao 2003.)

The Christian Purana of Father Thomas Stephens: A Work of the 17th Century: Reproduced from Manuscript copies and edited with a biographical note, an introduction, an English synopsis of contents and vocabulary. (Roman script.) [4th ed., according to Falcao.] Ed. Joseph L. Saldanha. Mangalore, 1907. Pp. xci+597. XB. (Baago 2; Falcao 2003, 214.)

Phadara Stiphanskrta Khristapurana: Paile va Dusare. (First [printed edition in] Devanagari script: see Falcao 2003, 20.) [5th ed., according to Falcao.] Ed. Shantaram Bandelu. Poona: Prasad Prakashan, 1956. Pp. iv+(15)+(96)+1076. DNC, UTC. (Baago 2; Falcao 2003, 213)

Father Stephens Anityachen Khristapurana. Bombay: Marathi Samshodhan Patrika, 1965. Bombay University Library. (Baago 2)

Kristapurana. [6th ed., according to Falcao.) Ed. Caridade Drago. (Second [printed edition in] Devanagari script: see Falcao 2003, 20.) Pp. li+907. Mumbai: Popular Prakashan, 1996. (Falcao 2003, 213)

Khristapurana. Ed. Nelson Falcao. 2009.

Friday, 4 September 2009

How to define 'Indian Christian Writings'? Comment from Joaquim D'Souza, SDB

Dear Ivo,

Thank you for sending me the blog on Indian Christian writings. Congrats for a very good initiative of collaborating together on a determinate project in the spirit of Lonergan’s Method in Theology.

I am by no means an expert on the subject of Indian Christian writings, but I think that under the label “Indian Christian writings” should be placed the works of all those who write on Indian themes (philosophy, theology, spirituality, culture, etc.) from a Christian perspective, whatever be the provenance of the author. It does not matter whether the author is an Indian or not, or whether he/she lived in India or only visited it. What matters is the material object (if I may call it so): Indian themes (in the broad sense), and the formal object: from a Christian perspective.
From this point of view, I would include G. Dandoy and Pierre Johanns, both Jesuits. They, of course, lived and worked in India and were the editors of the Light of the East. Pierre Johanns (1882-1955) published To Christ through the Vedanta.

Another would be Olivier Lacombe (1904-2001), a scholar of Indian thought, whom the French would call indianiste. He made two prolonged visits to India. His bibliography includes among others (I do not have the complete bibliography):

- L’Absolu selon le Vedānta (Les notions de Brahman et d’Ātman dans les systèmes de Çankara et de Râmānoudja. Paris: Geuthner, 1937, réimpression augmentée de notes en 1966.
- La Doctrine Morale et Philosophique de Râmānuja, Paris: Adrien-Maison-Neuve, 1938.
- Chemins de l’Inde et Philosophie chrétienne, Paris: Alsatia, 1956.
- La Bhagavad Gītā ou Chant du Bienheureux (Collection “Spiritualité”), Paris: Seuil, 1972.
- Indianité, Etudes historiques et comparatives sur la pensée indienne, Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1979.
- Gardet, L. and Lacombe, O., L’Expérience Du Soi. Étude De Mystique Comparée, Paris: Desclée De Brouwer, 1981.
- L’Élan Spirituel de L’Hindouisme, Paris: O.E.I.L., 1986.
- Jacques Maritain. La générosité de l’intelligence, Paris: Pierre Téqui, 1991.
- Orient et Occident. Ultima verba, Parole et Silence, 2001.

Articles (very incomplete list):
“Le Brahmanisme”, in La Mystique et les mystiques, Paris: Desclée De Brouwer, 1964, pp. 817-?
“Les Saintes Écritures et la philosophie de l’être” in L’Histoire des croyants, mémoire vivante des hommes, Mélanges Charles Molette, Paillart, 1989, t.II, pp. ?

I hope my small contribution is useful to your project.

With best wishes for the good work begun.
