Tuesday, 12 January 2010

The Calcutta [Jesuit] School of Indology

In his review of Clooney, Theology after Vedanta, De Smet mentions the following who, presumably, were part of the Calcutta Jesuit School of Indology: W. Wallace, P. Johanns, G. Dandoy, J. Putz, J. Bayart.

John Britto Chethimattam, CMI (1922-2006)

From Joseph Varghese at http://johnbrittocmi.blogspot.com/2007_02_01_archive.html, as of 12 January 2010. (For information about the life see the above blog.)

I. Books in English

1. Consciousness and Reality: An Indian Approach to Metaphysics, Bangalore: Dharamaram Publications, 1967; London and New York, 1971.
2. Dialogue in Indian Tradition, Bangalore: Dharmaram Publications, 1969; Reedited as Patterns of Indian Thought, London: G. Chapman & Maryknoll: Orbis, 1971.
3. A Philosophy in Song Poems (co-authored with A. de Nicholas), Bangalore: Dharmaram Publications, 1971.
4. Unique and Universal: An Introduction to Indian Theology, (Ed), Bangalore: Dharmaram Publications, 1972. (It contains 3 articles of JBC).
5. Images of Man (co-authored with T. M. Thomas), Bangalore: Dharmaram Publications, 1974.
6. Glimpses of Reality: A First Book f Metaphysics, East Orange: Dharmanivas, 1980.
7. Experience and Reality, Bangalore: Dharmaram Publications, 1996.
8. We, Christians: A Christian Self-Introduction, (Ed.), Trivandrum: CMI Publications, 1996. (It contains 4 articles of JBC).
9. Towards a Theology of Intercommunion, Rome: CIIS & Bangalore: Dharmaram Publications, 2001.

II. Books in Malayalam

1. Visuddha Yohannan Berchmans (Life of St. John Bechmans), Thevara, Kerala: 1948.
2. Snehaswarupan (The Image of Love), Mannanam, Kerala: 1950.
3. Oru Vidushakan (The Life of Maxmilian Kolbe), Mannanam, Kerala: 1951.
4. Katholikapravarthanathinoru Mathruka (A Model for Catholic Action), Mannanam, Kerala: 1951.
5. Deivasthitvam (The Existence of God), Mannanam, Kerala: 1957.

III. Chapters or Articles in Books

1. “Theology as Human Interiority: Search for the One Teacher”, in Unique and Universal: Fundamental problems of an Indian Theology, edited by J B Chethimattam, Bangalore: CSWR, 1972, pp. 183-196.
2. “Sankaracharya’s Theological Method” in Unique and Universal: Fundamental problems of an Indian Theology, edited by J B Chethimattam, Bangalore: CSWR 1972, pp. 90-113.
3. “Scope and Function of Theology Today” in Unique and Universal: Fundamental problems of an Indian Theology, edited by J B Chethimattam, Bangalore: CSWR, 1972, pp. 3-12.
4. “Atman and Vishnu: Hindu insights for Inter-faith Dialogue”, in Meeting of Religions: New Orientations and Perspectives, edited by Thomas A. Aykara, Bangalore: Dharmaram Publications, 1978, pp. 135-155.
5. “Self and Consciousness in Ramanuja’s Perspective” in Self and Consciousness: Indian Interpretations, edited by Augustine Thottakara, Bangalore: Dharmaram Publications, pp. 44-60.
6. “The Pre-Aryan Roots of Sankara’s Advaita” in Religious Experience: Its unity and Diversity, edited by Thomas Mampra, Bangalore: Dharmaram Publications, 1981, pp. 62-82.
7. “Problems of an Indian Christian Theology: A Critique of Indian Theologizing” in Theologizing in India, edited by M Amaladoss, Bangalore: TPI, 1981, pp. 195-207.
8. “The Sacred Assembly in the Indian Religious Traditions: Society or Community?” in Searching for an Indian Ecclesiology, edited by Gerwin van Leeuwen, Bangalore: ATC, 1984 pp. 60-74.
9. “Towards a World Theology: An Interreligious Approach to Theological Issues” in Religions in Dialogue: East and West Meet, edited by Zacharias P Thundy, Kuncheria Pathil and Frank Podgorski, Lanham, New York, London: University Press of America Inc., 1985, pp. 295-314.
10. “The Universal Sacrificial Ethos and Communicatio in Sacris” in Sharing Worship, edited by Paul Puthanangady, Bangalore: NBCLC, 1988 pp. 173-191.
11. “Theology of Liberation and Liberation of Theology” in Bread and Breath, edited by T K John, Gujarath Sahithya Prakash, 1990, pp. 168-182.
12. “The Biblical world of God and the Signs of the Times” in Emerging India and Word of God, edited by Paul Puthanangady, Bangalore: NBCLC, 1991,pp. 43-60.
13. “Postmodern, Post Scientific Evangelism: The Future of the Christian Mission” in A Missiology for Third Millennium: A Contextualised Mission Theology, edited by Thomas Aykara, Bangalore: Dharmaram Publications, pp. 84-105.
14. “Indian Spirituality and Liberative Action”, in Towards an Indian Christian Spirituality in a Pluralistic Context edited by Dominic Veliath, Dharmaram Publications, Bangalore 1993 pages 57-89.
15. “My Encounter with Indian Philosophy” in Christian Contribution to Indian Philosophy, edited by Anand Amaladass, Madras: CLS, 1995, pp. 17-37.
16. “Indian Culture and the Christian Civilization” in Church in Context, by edited by Francis Kanichikattil, Bangalore: Dharmaram Publications, 1996, pp. 139-152.
17. “The Multi-Culturality of Indian Philosophy”, in Interculturality of Philosophy and Religion, edited by Gregory D’Souza, Bangalore: NBCLC, 1996, pp. 163-181.
18. “Response to Church Journeying with Other Religious Groups”, in The Church in India in Search of a New Identity, edited by Kurian Kunnumpuram and others, Bangalore: NBCLC, 1997, pp. 327 – 329.
19. “Christian Leadership and Inter-religious Apostolate” in Christian Leadership, edited by Antony Kalliath Dharmaram Publications, Bangalore 2001, pages 221-238.
20. “The Postmodern Responses to the Death of Modernity” in Western Encounter with Indian Philosophy, edited by Augustine Thottakara, Bangalore: Dharmaram Publications, 2002, pp. 257-281.
21. “Philosophical Education in the Seminary Curriculum” in Philosophical Education in Indian Seminaries, edited by Augustine Thottakara, Bangalore: Dharmaram Publications, 2003, pp. 11-18.

22. “Change and Continuity in the Renewal of CMI Congregation” in In Search of CMI Charism and Identity. Vol. 1, Bangalore: Dharmaram Publications, 2003, pp. 169-183.
23. “The pastoral and priestly mission of Religious” in CMI Charism on the Path of Growth. Vol 2, published by the Vicar General, Kochi: CMI Generalate, 2006, pp. 123-133.
24. “Articulation of our identity in the constitution of 1984 and its impact on the formation programme” in CMI Charism on the Path of Growth. Vol 2, published by The Vicar General, Kochi: CMI Generalate, 2006, pp.303-319.
25. “Mary and the Meaning of Matter”, in India and the Fullness of Christ, Madras: 1957.
26. “Faith and Life”, in The Art of Living, edited by Prem Nath, Jullundur, 1963.
27. “Place and Role of the Aged in the Hindu Perspective” in Aging, Spiritual Perspective, ed. Ettore DiFilippo, Lakeworth, FL: Sunday Publications, 1982, pp 63- 83.
28.“Liberty of the Person in society”, in The Human Person and Philosophy
in the Contemporary World, Proceedings of the World Union of the Catholic
Philosophical Societies, Cracow, August 1978, ed. J. M. Zycinsdi, Krakow,

IV. Articles in Journals

1. ‘The Vine and the Branches”, Unitas, Mangalore, 1950.
2. “Mystical Experience, the Meeting Point between East and West”, Indian Philosophical Quarterly, (hereafter IPQ) (1959).
3. “The Indian Mind”, Clergy Monthly, 1961.
4. ‘Theology for the Laity”, Clergy Monthly, 1961.
5. “Christian and Vedantic Experience”, Indian Ecclesiastical Studies (hereafter as IES) 1/3 (1962) 221-39 and 2 (1963) 277-89.
6. “Indian Approach to Metaphysics”, IES 2 (1963) 236-54.
7. “The Priestly Life,” Unitas, Mangalore, 1963.
8. “Third Christian Colloquy on Hinduism”, IES, 3, 1964.
9. “Concept of Love in the Christian Tradition,” Bulletin for the Study of Religion and Society, Bangalore, 13, 1964.
10. “St. Teresa and Indian Spirituality,” Eucharist and Priest, Alwaye, 1964.
11. “Scope and Condition of Hindu Christian Dialogue,” Concilium, 3, March 1965, IES, 4,1965; summarized in Catholic Digest, Oct. 1965.
12. “Ananyatva, Hindu and Christian Concept of Incarnation”, The Guardian, Bangalore, March 1965, trans. into German in Stimmen auf Asien, Stuttgart, 1968.
13. “Religious Vocation” In Christo, 1965.
14. “Recent Christian Studies on Hinduism” Examiner, Bombay, Oct. 1967.
15. “Psychology and Personality, the Samkhya View of Philosophy,” IES, 7,1968.
16. “The Church in Ceylon; Impressions from a Short Visit” Examiner, Bombay, Dec. 1968.
17. “An Epistemological Critique of the Knowledge of Christ”, Indian Theological Quarterly, March 1969.
18. “Vatican II and the Church in India,” Logos, Ceylon. March 1969.
19. “Secular Values in the Religion of Guru Nanak”, Wardha Medical College Magazine, 1970.
20. “Indian Interiority and Christian Theology”, Report of the First Christian Colloquy on Hinduism, Bangalore, 1961.
21. “Religious Experience, Christian and Hindu, Report of the Second Christian Colloquy on Hinduism, Bangalore, 1962.
22. “Rasa, the Soul of Indian art”, International Philosophical Quarterly 10, 1970, 44-62.
23. “The Spirit and Orientation of an Indian Theology,” Jeevadhara, 1, (1971), 452-462.
24. “The Problems of Population Exploitation and Traditional Religions” Religion and Society, 19, (1972), 29-34.
25. “Human Suffering and World Regions” Jeevadhara, 2 (1972), 377-86.
26. “Faith and Belief an World Religions”, Jeevadhara, 3 (1973), 412-21.
27. “Image of Man in Religion and Philosophy,” Jeevadhara, 4 (1974), 353-63.
28. “Problems of Formation for Evangelization, A Theological Perspective,” The Living Word, 81 (1975), 76-89.
29. “Symbolism and Cult in World Religions Today” Jeevadhara, 5 (1975), 329-44.
30. “Man’s Dialogical Nature and the Dialogue of Religions,” Journal of Dharma, 1 (1975), 76-89.
31. “Authority in the Hindu Scriptures,” Jeevadhara, 34 (1976), 380-87.
32. “The Process of Decentralization in the Church,” Jeevadhara, 28 (1975), 291-310.
33. “Ecumenism Today”, Jeevadhara, 1 (1971), 463-473.
34. “The Local Church is the Catholic Church”, Jeevadhara, 1 (1971), 333-40.
35. “Intuition and Reason, an Indian Approach”, Journal of Dharma, 1 (1976), 391-402.
36. “Meditation, a Discriminating Realization”, Journal of Dharma, 2 (1977), 164-172.
37. “Man and Feast”, Jeevadhara, 35 (1976), 405-417.
38. The Church as the Communion of Churches, according to the Oriental Fathers”, Jeevadhara, 40 (1977), 358-367.
39. “Theology and Evangelization, Theology for Dialogue and Theology of Dialogue”, Jeevadhara, 41 (1977), 379-396.
40. “Ministries in the Church in the Context of Interreligious Dialogue” (Research and Background Paper presented to the Federation of the Bishops’ Conferences of Asia), Hong Kong, III, 8, 1-11.
41. “Morality Beside and Beyond Religion: An Indian Approach to Morality”, in Ethical Wisdom East and/Or West, Proceedings of ACPA LI, Washington, 1977, pp.87-104.
42. “The Christian Art of India Today” Catholic Near East Magazine, Summer 1978 pp. 8-11.
43. “Religions and Law” Journal of Dharma, 4 (1979), 373-387.
44. “Towards Renewal in Religious Life: Problems and Orientations”, Jeevadhara (1979), pp. 274-284.
45. “Fourteen Years after Vatican II: What Have We Achieved? Jeevadhara (1979) pp. 319-327.
46. “Philosophical Hermeneutics,” Journal of Dharma, 1 (1980), pp. 64-79.
47. “Pneumatology: Oriental v. Western, Horizontal v. Vertical”, Jeevadhara, 58 (1980), 255-268.
48. “Missionary Dimensions of an Indian Theology”, Jeevadhara, (1980), pp 270-282
49.“Four Pattern of Theological Experience”, Jeevadhara, 9 (1979), pp. 277-288.
50.“Meeting and Scope of an Inter-religious Dialogue”, Jeevadhara, 11 (1981),
51.“Religion and Politics: Contrast and Complementarities”, Journal of Dharma, 7
(1982), pp. 5-25.
52. “Yoga and Immortality in Samkhaya – Yoga”, Proceedings of the IASWR Conference 1981, ed. Christopher Chapple, Stony Brook, IASWR 1983, pp. 79-102.
53.“Religious and Pilgrimages”, Jeeevadhara, 12 (1982), pp. 63-83.
54. “Ecclesiology in the Socio Political Context of India”, Jeevadhara, 12 (1982) pp. 278-296.
55. “Reflections on Resurrection, Life and Renewal: Review Article on the book of Varghese Pathikulangara,” Jeevadhara, 12 (1982), pp. 322-332.
56. “Impact of Science on Religion and Theology”, Journal of Dharma, 8 (1983), pp. 5-26.
57. “Towards a World Theology: An Interreligious Approach to Theological Issues,” Jeevadhara, 13(1983), pp.313-335.
58. “Varieties of Orientalism”, Jeevadhara, 13 (1983), 355-362.
59. “The Geek Religious Apophatism”, Journal of Dharma, 6 (1981), 69-82.
60. “Religious and Social Change, Some Basic Patterns”, Journal of Dharma, 9 (1984), pp. 7-23.
61. “Religious Monograms and Mantras”, Journal of Dharma, 9 (1984), pp. 142-149.
62. “World Problems and Emergence of New Inter-Religious Perspective,”
Journal of Dharma, (1985) pp. 90-101.
63. “Context of Theologizing, Indian and Oriental Christian,” Jeevadhara, 89 (1987), pp. 355-383.
64. “The Adventure of Theology today,” Jeevadhara, 101 (1987, pp. 351-376.
65. “Sri Ramakrishna and Holiness,” Prabhudha Bharatha (1986), pp.543-545.
66. “Grace in Christian Religious Tradition,” Journal of Dharma (1987) 330-353.
67. “Theology of Mission today,” Jeevadhara 107 (1988), pp 350-361.
68. “Christian Moral Theology”, Jeevadhara 113 (1989), pp317-332.
69. “Meaning of the Personal,” Jeevadhara 113 (1989), pp341-343.
70. “New Religious Movement and Popular Religiosity,” Jeevadhara, 119 (1990) pp340-364.
71. “Church of St. Thomas in India,” Journal of Dharma (1989), pp. 62-73.
72. “The Christian Hermeneusis and Other Religions,” Jeevadhara 125 (1991) pp339-364.
73. “Towards World Morality,” Journal of Dharma (1991) pp 317-336.
74. “Nature and Scope of Inter-Religious Dialogue Today,” Jeevadhara, 113 (1992) pp 331-355.
75. “The Task of Theological Colleges and Faculties,” Jeevadhara, 136 (1992) pp. 301-308.
76. “Religious Dynamics of Social Harmony in South Asia,” Jeevadhara, 137 (1993), pp 364-378.
77. “Where Does Our Dialogue Go From Here,” Journal of Dharma (1994), pp84-92.
78. “An Inter Religious Approach to Human Salvation,” Jeevadhara, 143 (1994) pp. 345-359.
79. “Philosophical Approach to Ecological Crisis,” Journal of Dharma (1995), pp. 17-25.
80. “Secular Humanism in Catholic Theology,” Journal of Dharma (1995), pp. 380- 393.
81. “Dynamics of Moral Decision Making,” Jeevadhara, 149 (1995), pp. 401-413.
82. “Hundred Years of Hindu-Christian Dialogue,” Prabuddha Bharata, (1995) pp. 393 – 404.
83. “Asian Jesus: The Relevance of Jesus Christ in the Asian World of Religious Pluralism,” Jeevadhara, 160 (1997) pp.299-310.
84. “The Dynamic Task of Theologians Today,” Jeevadhara, 161 (1997), pp. 322-329.
85. “The Christian Approach to Religious Pluralism,” Jeevadhara, 167 (1998) pp.385-403.
86. “Man’s Dialogical Nature and Dialogue of Religions,” Journal of Dharma (1999) pp.358-377.
87. “The Second Millennium of Christianity- its Positive Contribution,” Jeevadhara, 173 (1999) pp. 358-377.
88. “Ethical Challenges to Business Praxis Today,” Jeevadhara, 174 (1999) pp. 454-459.
89. “From Roman Church to Universal Christianity,” Pradhuddha Bharata (2000) pp. 75-82.
90. “Inculturating our Theological Thinking,” Jeevadhara, 179 (2000) pp. 419-443.
91. “Theologizing in a Multi- Religious Context,” Third Millennium 4, Oct- Dec
(2000), pp. 34-47
92. “Religion and Nationalism,” Jeevadhara, 184&185 (2001), pp.279-290.
93. “Religion the Cutting Edge of Culture,” Jeevadhara, 184&185 (2001), pp. 349-365.
94. “Constructing an Indian Ecclesiology,” Third Millennium, 5 Jan-Mar (2002)
95. “Christian Leadership and Inter-Religious Apostolate,” Journal of Dharma (2002) pp. 52-67.
96. “History and Religion,” Jeevadhara, 191 (2002), pp. 349-362.
97. “One-Faith; Many Religions: Implications of Religious Pluralism,” Jeevadhara, 197 (2003) pp.341-355.
98. “A concert of Charisms: The CMI Contribution to the Syro Malabar Tradition
and Indian Church,” Journal of St. Thomas Christians 2 (2003) pp.4-25.
99. “The Old Way of Facing the New Age,” Jeevadhara, 201 (2004), pp. 199- 206.
100.“Social Implications of Religion,” Jeevadhara, 23 (2004), pp.375-387.
101.“The Missionary Approach of St. Thomas Christians; Historical
Background,” Journal of St. Thomas Christians, 1 (2004) 7-25.
102.“John Henry Newman’s Idea of a University”, Jeevadhara, 209 (2005), pp.
452- 462.
103.“Relationships, The Focus of Modern Scientific Research and the World of
Moral Values,” Jeevadhara, 209 (2005), pp. 492-502.

V. Articles or Chapters on John Britto Chethimattam

1. Kadankavil, Thomas, “John Chethimattam CMI”, in Religions in Dialogue, East and West Meet, edited by Zacharias P. Thundy, Kuncheria Pathil, Frank Podgorski, Linham-New York-London: University Press America, 1985, pp. 1 – 21.
2. Wilfred, Felix, “John Britto Chethimattam”, in Beyond Settled Boundaries, Madras: University of Madras, Department of Christian Studies, 1993, pp. 121 – 128.
3. Mundadan, Mathias, “John Britto Chethimattam”, in Paths in Indian Theology, Bangalore: Dharmaram Publications, 1998, pp. 67 – 89.
4. Aykara, Thomas, “In Grateful Memory of Fr. John Britto Chethimattam CMI”, Jeevadhara, 213 (2006), 240 – 248.
5. Vallavanthara, Antony, “On Fr. Britto” (in Malayalam), Jeevadhara, 212 (2006), 144 – 151.

Friday, 8 January 2010

P.D. Devanandan (1901-1962)

The Concept of Maya (Calcutta: YMCA, 1954)
The Gospel and the Hindu Intellectual (Bangalore, CISRS, 1959)
Our Task Today: Revision of Evangelistic Concern (Bangalore: CISRS, 1959)
The Gospel and Renascent Hinduism (London: SCM, 1959)
Christian Concern in Hinduism (Bangalore: CISRS, 1961)
Preparation for Dialogue (Bangalore: CISRS, 1964).]

J.F. Pessein, SJ

Vedānta Vindicated. Tiruchirapally: St. Joseph Press,1925. [Reference in R. De Smet, "Sankara's Non-Dualism (Advaita-Vada)," Religious Hinduism, ed. J. Neuner and R. De Smet(Mumbai: St Pauls, 1997).] [JDV S10/P44 009880. Acquired photocopy.]

Klaus K. Klostermaier

Kristvidya: A Sketch of an Indian Christology. Bangalore: Christian Institute for the Study of Religion and Society, 1967.

Manilal C. Parekh (1885-1967)

Dhanjibhai Fakirbhai (1895-1967)

Christopanishad. Indian Christian Thought Series no. 3. Bangalore: CISRS, 1965. 44 pp. UTC. [Baago 69.]
The Philosophy of Love. Delhi: ISPCK, 1966. 26 pp. GEN. [Baago 69.]
Hriday Gita. Surat, 1956. 127 pp. GUST. [Baago 79.]
Prematattva Darshan. Ahmedabad, 1963. 32 pp. GUST. [Baago 79.]
Prakatya 1966. Unpublished. 800 pp. Rev. R.H.S. Boyd, Ahmedabad. [Baago 80.]
Adhyatma Darshana. 1966. Unpublished. 70 pp. Rev. R.H.S. Boyd, Ahmedabad. [Baago 80.]
Shree Krist Geeta: Song of the Lord Christ. Delhi: ISPCK, 1969. Om Books.